Recognizing The Relevance Of The Free Gifts Of Nature

in Hive Reachout3 days ago

Recognizing The Relevance Of The Free Gifts Of Nature

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Recently it has become a habit for me to take a walk in the woods and explore nature whenever I am free. You may never know the miracle that happens each day as we live until you probably go out and take your time to explore nature.

I often wonder about the kind of magic that leads to plants producing food. Of course, science has managed to come up with names to describe some of the processes but there is so much mystery in it.

Just imagine, you pick a seed and bury it in the soil, forget it and go your way, then come back after some time and see it alive and subsequently manufacture food for your consumption.

Nature is a mystery that we will never be able to demystify until we leave this world. Its gifts are free yet priceless. If at all there is a price to pay for them, I believe even the richest man on earth won't be able to afford them.

Take for instance the air we breathe, who can pay for that free oxygen? If God decided to say we should pay, I believe we would not last a day on this planet because none of us would be able to meet up. Those who have experience with oxygen in the hospital will understand what I am talking about vividly.

Our lives depend solely on the free gifts of nature, without them, I doubt if life would still be on earth. Everything we enjoy comes from nature. I don't think there is anything that doesn't generate itself from the free gifts of nature.

Soil, air, water, and others are basic for survival. Everything we manufacture comes from either of the above. Without them, there won't be production of any kind.

I love using the phrase "Free gift of nature," because those things were freely given to us by nature. We don't make them. We came into the world and met them here and we are enjoying their benefits.

Unfortunately, one disadvantage these gifts have is they also have the ability to wear out if not properly taken care of. Yes, they are natural and have limitless potential, yet if not managed well, they can degrade.

Today, it's so sad that we only focus on the benefits we can derive from the gifts of nature but we don't pay attention to ensuring we preserve it.

If you look around, you will see how fast the earth is degrading. Should we talk about global warming? The infertility of the soil, poor ventilation, and erosion?

People are carelessly using these resources as though they are eternal. In the name of development, we have almost destroyed all the trees around us without replacing them. That's not enough, we burn substances anyhow we want instead of recycling and it's gradually affecting the ozone layer. We channel deadly chemicals and waste into water bodies that end up destroying aquatic life.

Waters in many places are now toxic, gone are the days one can visit the nearest river to swim and appreciate nature and the creator, nowadays the rivers around are polluted.

I can go ahead talking about how we are killing nature and being ungrateful for it free gifts. The problem is we forget that our lives are linked with nature, the day these natural resources cease to be, we will be in trouble.

This is a call for us to make it right again, it's time we stop abusing nature and its free gifts. Let's take care of the gifts it gives us so that we can keep benefiting from them and not just us but the future generations as well.

Take responsibility, keep your environment clean, avoid polluting water bodies, and avoid bush burning and excessive exploration of mineral resources. The earth might be ancient and strong but it also has the ability to grow weak. The more pressure we channel to it, the weaker it becomes.

Another powerful free gift of nature is life, it's funny how you just opened your eyes one day and you discovered you are breathing and living. You didn't buy it from anywhere, you just got it.

Like other free gifts of nature, life also needs to be taken seriously and appreciated, whether it's yours or that of another or even of animals. We should do our best to ensure that we live right, avoiding things that will cut our lives short, that's one of the best ways to show that we are grateful.

Note : the last two images were captured with my phone.

Thanks For Reading

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you are right sir.No one can afford to pay for the free gifts of nature.I agree with this statement "Nature is a mystery that we will never be able to demystify until we leave this world. Its gifts are free yet priceless. If at all there is a price to pay for them, I believe even the richest man on earth won't be able to afford them."

Exactly sir.. we are lucky to be blessed by nature in that capacity.

Thanks for stopping by🥰