The One Thing I Wish To Change About Myself

in Hive Reachout12 days ago

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich

There are many things I wish to do away with in my life, funny enough some of them are generally considered harmless but to me they are some form of setbacks.

When we talk about change, most people think we only need to change from doing bad things, well that's very right but change is broad.

Change is an endless matter, it's something that ought to be in action till the day we depart from this world. This is why it is generally said that "change is a continuous process."

Getting one level of change is never enough, just after crossing one level, you will realize that there are other bigger levels of that very thing you have achieved that will demand an upgrade and if we don't do it, we might become limited.

There is no end to how perfect we can become through change, it is never going to be enough until the day we leave this world.

As humans, each of our traits has the potency to either become better or even worse depending on how we prune them. The more we do something consistently, whether deliberately or not. Whether it is good or bad it will gradually become a trait and if we continue in the act, we will become addicted and either become a blessing or a curse.

It all started like a joke when I began to postpone some of my activities. Whenever a task comes for me to do, I often feel like I have done so much already, I can reserve them for later since there is time.

Whenever the thought crosses my mind again, I will still kick it away and tell myself that it's something I can do later. That is how I will carelessly keep the work aside until I will end up not doing it or do it but without excellence.

I have missed many opportunities as a result of procrastination. Just last year, in December, my friend sent a link for Nigerian Customer Recruitment for me to register. Just when I wanted to do it, a thought came to me that I could do it later.

So, Instead of doing it right away, I left it there and went to attend to other things. The next day, the thought still came to my mind but I said I'll do it later. That was how I kept postponing until the portal closed.

Weeks later my elder sister called me and asked if I applied for Custom, that she got a slot and immediately the thought came into my mind. I rushed to check the portal and it was closed.

I can continue to cite other examples of how I missed opportunities and remained in one place because of procrastination and not finish.

This is how many people missed opportunities too, it's also how some students failed examinations. Procrastination is the enemy of our destinies. It is against our goals and distracts us with other things until we no longer have time to do them.

One thing I want to change about myself is procrastination. The annoying thing is we all are aware of the bad side of it but we sometimes still give it the opportunity to harm us willingly.

Well, I want to take a bold step this time around and war against this enemy. I read in a book that one of the best ways to conquer procrastination is to act now. Actually whenever we heat the iron whenever it is hot, we will be able to work on it with ease.

I have already started working on it and I am seeing good results, I just hope I continue that way.

Thanks For Reading

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PROCRASTINATION is a thief of time. It always leaves one with regret and unactualized dreams.
Thank you for sharing this

 10 days ago  

Honestly sir, this is why we must all stand our grounds and fight it like a physical enemy that wants to claim our lives.

So, sorry for late reply 🙏

Procrastination have also make me to miss alot of opportunity and have make to neglect some important things in my life,I pray that God will help us to be able to do away with procrastination and always act to things immediately

Lol are we not all suffering from procrastination mostly? 😂. I really do hope you overcome yours because I'm seriously battling with mine.