Let's stop double dating

in Hive Reachout3 days ago


Double dating has become a norm in our society today, just like other negative human habits that are widely condemned. We know that double dating is not good; it is not something that should be practiced. However, in this modern era, it has become so normalized that it is no longer considered an offense. In fact, many now see it as a smart move.

For me, I am completely against double dating because I do not engage in it, and I would never want my fiancée to do that to me. I cannot imagine taking a lady—my fiancée—very seriously while she is busy having an alternative with another guy. I know that many people, especially in this modern age, will justify it and argue that it is a smart way to avoid heartbreak in case the real relationship does not work out in the end. Their logic is that having an alternative partner helps a person move on faster, whereas the one without an alternative (the one who remained faithful) will feel the pain much more severely.

While there may be some truth in that, no justification makes double dating right. If a relationship is no longer working, it is better to call it off rather than stay in it and deceive one another.

I understand that I am speaking from a male perspective because I am a man. However, it is not only women who double date—men do it a lot too, and mostly for the same reason: having a backup plan in case the first relationship fails. Unfortunately, this has become a lifestyle that we all need to desist from, even though eradicating it from society seems almost impossible. I wish it were possible to remove the mentality entirely from my mind.

The fear of insecurity in relationships is becoming overwhelming, and it is very bad. These days, one has to think deeply before deciding to enter into a relationship because the chances of the other partner having a "Plan B" are very high. Worse still, if the partner is smart about it, no one will suspect anything.


I have personally experienced this in a relationship I was in some years ago. I was very serious and deeply committed to the relationship, providing for my girlfriend to the best of my ability. Little did I know that she had someone else. When I found out, I confronted her, but she could not give me any reasonable explanation for why she was keeping another guy. To be sincere, the guy was not even supporting her financially—I was the one footing her bills. Yet, despite being satisfied (to an extent), she still chose to engage in double dating.

I have often wondered why some ladies cannot be content with one person, and to be fair, this also applies to some men.
However, I could not bear it—I could not stand the thought of having a girlfriend who was cheating on me with another person. So, I had no choice but to end the relationship.

Thank You!

I wrote this in response to Hive Reachout contest

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 3 days ago  

I don't think there is any reason whatever to double date. It's so pathetic that our generation is embracing it.

Thanks for sharing bro.

Kindly, check the link of your first image and correct it.

This kind discovery hurts especially when you left no stone unturned in the relationship. Sometimes I wonder if double dating is actually carved into the DNA of some people because no matter how you look at it, there is no true justification for such act