The Mistry behind every success.

in Hive Reachout5 months ago

To be unveiled , treasured, cherished and admired is the Mistry behind every success which is the perseverance. In every attempt is success or failure but if failure, these is still a glory if perseverance is involved. A journey of a thousand miles, is said, starts with a step and I always add ends well when persevered. I strongly believe and goes by these saying that what ever has a beginning has an end and there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. All these can only be archive through perceverance.
Perceverance is the act of embarking on a project or an act without minding the obstacles around or without being distracted. Perceverance most times is seen miss understood as a bad character especially when the result of an act embarked on is of failure. A person with this virtue is always independent and creative. He is a kind of person who people looks unto and admired. A persevered person is a goal archiver. The person can think beyond and can withstand any condition he or she gets into.

I easily remembers my most tough situation in life so far. That was when I was in school for my first degree. From the beginning of the program to the end was not easy to me at all. Apart from stress, lack of finance was another bitter experience I had because I nearly dropped out of school. Though there are other obstacles then but all of them was being channeled by lack of finance. Many people told me many things and enough instances to give up but I perseverd believing that I have made the right choice. It even came to a point that I only drink garri in the afternoon and same in the night so as not to go or sleep with an empty stomach. It was when I started sighting the light at the end of the tunnel from a far the issue of food started becoming better gradually. Also the matter of delayance, because we were delayed from getting graduated because of both tricks and delayance from the institution herself, after that some gave up from our department but many persevered.
Another instance that I adore so much is that of my husband. I remember when we were about getting married. We faced many challenges together. Many people were telling me not to go because of distance but I perseverd just for some time but later started giving up when he started facing financial crises. I just remembered all that I have gone through and became afraid. The only thing that pulled me out of that fear and discouragement was the perseverance I saw in him, that I tried my possible best to chase him away with all-sorts of manners and words but I saw the toughness, the role model and hero in him through his perseverance.
So perseverance brins out the hero or heroin, toughness, creativity, boldness, activeness and other qualities in a person. It's a big channel to greatness and success. So, in every genuine success was a failure and in that failure is found perseverance. It's a pillar of a genuine success. One with persistence always has a great experience and an interesting story to tell. Show me a wise man and I show you a man of experience and perseverance.
####Thanks for going through my post, your comment is most cherished.

Please note that the picture I used is mine.


Here this is very true. Thanks for sharing

You're welcome ma. Thanks for coming around, I really appreciate.