in Hive Reachout4 days ago

As a student, not just a student in secondary school, but I higher institution "university" many people still won't believe when ever I say I have never been In a relationship or engage in dating, for me I strongly believe it's a waste of time loving, dating or enter into any relationship when we are not ready to settle down, by the way that's just my own story though, back to the topic of the day 'relationship redflags' from my little understand and experience from close friends, I can say that I have gathered many redflags to detail down, one which is intentionally avoiding the other person, when a relationship is about to crash down, the person might try to pretend like he/ she still loves his partner, but deep down since the love is not truly there it will still definitely show, which can be through intentional avoidance.
Secondly, another redflag sign to observe in a relationship is they tend to have easy mood swings on you, in the sense that they are no longer patient's and enduring with you, they always look for places to hold you faulty, in another words telling you that they are no longer interested but telling you through attitude.
Lastly, the tend to have lack of respect towards you anymore, to the extent he/she will start imagining what really happened to the person he/she first meet.
This is where I will be ending my talk about relationship redflags, remember I don't have experience on it, I just have to gather out of experience from others,


Images was sourced from pixabay.


We need to understand relationship to do it very well.

Ya exactly