Questions: Were there dummies?
From primary school to secondary school to tertiary institution onward, you see the main purpose of going to school is not just to read and write, if not, after primary school, after the two-letter words, three-letter words, after making a sentence using nouns and pronouns, people would have stopped going to school, but that's not the main essence. The main essence of learning continuously is to know and apply it; that is why after primary school, you move to secondary school, you can discover that in your primary school, you were told that one minus two cannot, but in secondary school, you will hear that one minus two is minus one, yes, because number system is applied fully. That happens to our real life. There are things you think is impossible in your talent. I am not damning playing talent, but talent that is equipped with skill, it will have excellence. Talent equipped with skill will amount to excellence.
Don't just rely because you have the talent, go forth for learning, go and learn, develop that talent. Yes, you, I'm talking to you now, you can have a talent of operating any kind of gadget being brought to you, but have you backed it up? I will state some of the reasons why you need to learn it as a skill. The reason why you need to back it up in as a skill is one, after learning it as a skill, you will be certified. Yes, you might be sharp enough to just look at something and replicate that thing, but you need a certification.
Your talent only is not enough, you need a place that can give you room for experiments, where you can explore, when you can meet people with liked mine, when you can meet people that have more creativity in talent than yours, when you can meet other people that have prone their talent. Yes, that brings me to another point, talent needs to be prone. You may have a talent, a gift, yes, let me just say a gift of singing, but you will need attend a music school or take a musical course,you will find it easier and do better, because there are things you will be taught, you will not just do it because it's coming from a free flow, as a gift from the heart, but it's coming because, without you developing that talent in a skill way, you cannot relate it out, you find it out, you don't know the better word that fits to describe when you are teaching another person so you have to go and be schooled, so that you will know that these things you are teaching to somebody else, these are the names, it is being called. so and so
fine art or industrial art, don't need to go to the university, but because they can go elsewhere and get it on the street, well, if you can't afford the street, you can't afford education, it's not bad getting skills from the street, but if you get it from the street, why not equip it with the educational part, why not get a higher certification that one given to you by the person you learnt from by the roadside, or from an artist by the roadside, is not enough, you can go to an art school, you can go to a school of modeling, you can go to a school of theater art, you can go to a school of music, you can go to a school of medicine, you can go to a school of nursing, better that your craft, better that your talent, better that your skill, your talent with a skill to promote yourself, so that you will be well-equipped for the future, if not, we wouldn't have had professors today, but even professors still sit and are taught by others, learning is a continuous process.
Please, go today, go forth and develop that your talent, equip it more, so that the world can have things more from you, the world is waiting for you, cheers, see you at the blue side.
Yeah, meeting people of same mind and those that are greater than you would give you increase and excellent in your talent. To be skillful in what you do is very good but without experimental aspects you won't go along way. @ntul001 that first picture gladies my heart 💜... My crush 🥰 is right there by the right.