Hello everyone,in this content I will like to write on the topic financial stability.
There are some steps or principle everyone needs to know in other to maintain or have financial freedom.
The following are the outline of negative habit everyone needs to avoid in other to have financial freedom.
– GAMBLING: gambling its an addiction that can make someone to sell their property in other for them to gamble. I'm also a gambler before God help me to break the adiction,they was a time I am so addicted that I will start selling my property like phone, memory card and clothes then I will use the money for betting, but I thank God now for showing me mercy to break off the evil addiction from my life.
– AVOID HOTEL LIFE STYLE: if you want to have financial freedom or maintain your financial stability then you must avoid hotel life style, because I know some hotel they charge #200,000 (two hundred thousand naria per night, imagine spending some huge amount of money for one night,this is one of the things that cause Yahoo boy to broke easily because once the favor come to them, they don't apply wisdom and favor is maintain by wisdom, instead of them to invest the money on profitable business that will bring interest back, they will rather take their friends to luge apartment just like the prodigal son who asked his father to share his property and give him, his own portion and after his father share the property he took his own and travel to a far country and lavish the money and everything.
– AVOID WOMANIZING: in this generation some girl have turned relationship in to work or poverty alligator once you are dating them they believe all their expenses and bills is on the guy. I have a friend who is doing yahoo, just because he want to maintain the integrity of his girlfriend standard, some time he will borrow money from bank and give it to the girl.
AVOID SMOKING AND DRINKING: some people they are salary earner,and the money they earn in a month is not up to fithy thousand naria (#50,00) but they spend 2000 to 3000 a day for smoking and drinking imagine spending money unnecessary just because of pleasure, why not joining daily contribution to save the money for a year and use it to buy block, If they can manage to gather the money it can buy more than two thousand block in a year, most of the drinker that I know they are a ternat.
In this passage I will outline the things to do in other to maintain financial freedom or stability.
– INVESTMENT: it's very good to engage ourselves in a thing that will bring income, instead of saving your money in a bank invest it on something that you will generate income with time.
I bought four gallon of palm oil at the rete of #23,000 for each gallon, April last year and I sell each gallon #60,000 by November last year in abuja, I make more than 50% of the money I used to start the business,If I leave the money in my account it will not bring interest.
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