Image Source–Atmar lens
"Red Flags In A Relationship"
Hello Hivians! I acknowledge all the contents–creators, who have been up and doing, going through sleepless nights to create amazing and impactful contemporary contents. I commend the ceaseless effort of those who not only create create posts, but also to read, comment and vote other people's posts. I appreciate in a very special way the Hive Reachout Community for the creative weekly prompt, to share our thoughts and experiences.
"Red Flags In A Relationship" is the theme for this week. It's a pleasure for to share my thoughts again on this current issue, which has left many with emotional wounds. As I share my views on this, I trust that you will find wisdom to help you identify and deal with "Redflags in a Relationship".
Before I go on, let me quickly set my objectives.
1. Understanding the concepts of Red flags in a Relationship.
2. Common Red flags in a Relationship.
3. Causes of Red flags in a Relationship.
4. How to deal with Red flags in a Relationship.
5. Conclusion
Let's dive into our discussion!
Red commonly signifies dangers. In traffic light systm, red represents "Stop". The traffic light is usually positioned at the cross road to control the movement of vehicles, to ensure safety. Red flags may be seen as warning signals about a looming danger. The essence of redlight in a traffic system is to ensure safety in every journey.
Relationship is that purpose for which two or more people interact together, and/or how they deal with each other or one another. Every relationship, be it family, friendship or romantic, must has a basis.
Therefore, Redflags in terms of romantic relationship are warning signals about looming dangers in a relationship. Red flags in a relationship are also referred to as those displayed characters that pose threats to a partner in a relationship. This theme is aimed at providing useful tips for those who are dating or courting, trusting God to settle as couples for a lifetime. This as well is meant to provide a safe landing for single brothers and sisters, so as not end up in a perpetual bondage in the name of love. A lot of people are regretting today about a mess they have gotten themselves into in the name of relationship or love. Others are deceived to join one association or the other that has done more harm than good on their destinies. I urge you to follow me with keen interest, so you may be able to catch wisdom for excelling in any form of relationship.
A Case Study
A sister and a brother have been in a courtship relationship for over 5years, planning to get married. The guy has a secret questionable character, which the the lady didn't know about, despite their closeness. The lady used sell food items. And after she made her profit, she would save in a constructed sizable box known as "Asusu" in Hausa.
One day, the guy visited her while she was to travel. Out of trust she gave him access to her room, by leaving him with her door key.
And it came to pass, that while away, a call reached her that a thief broke into her room and went away with all the savings she made from her business. The lady vowed she must trace the person responsible for stealing her. Started consulting seers to reveal the person. A Mallam told her that the person who did this is very close to her. One day, it was exposed that it was her fiance who broke into her room and stole her money. How did it happen? The rest of guys who followed the fiance for that criminal operation were not properly settled, so they have decided to expose him to his fiancee. That was how the lady got to know that the thief was her man.
My Hive friends, before I go on, I may like to engage you at this point. I want to take your comments, as in what redflag have you identified from the above case study? What do you advice the lady should do in this kind of situation?
There are may be several redflags in a relationship, but I'm going to mention a few ones which I feel are more serious in our contemporary. Below are red flags in a relationship:
a. Bullying/Anger
b. Cheating
c. Money-driven
d. Substance Addictive
e. Sexual Enticement
If you are in a relationship, and you discover your that your partner is very cruel; easily angered, always insulting, threatening, not forgiving, you should know that a redflag of warning has been erected. If you have a bullying friend or marry abusive man or woman, you are going to experience hell in that relationship, because you'll hardly have a conducive atmosphere when you're together.
b) Cheating
Cheating is also another serious redflag to watch out in every form of relationship. Any relationship that is built on the foundation of falsehood and unfaithfulness cannot stand the test of time. It is the same reason why many associations, marriages and friendship have failed.
Image Source–Ron Lach
A woman carrying a wooden crate while holding condom.
c) Money–Driven
In a relationship, it's okay to give not only your money but also your time, strength, skills and attention. The essence of a good relationship is to build trust and support each other. But when money becomes a central-daily-demand for connection, then it is tagged a redflag.
d) Substance Addictive
I'm very sure that no reasonable person person will want to have anything to do with anyone who is addicted to to unhealthy substances like cigarettes, alcohols, cocaines, etc. If that's true about you, then we're on this same page. The Holy Bible says, "Bad company corrupts good manners".
e) Sexual Enticement
God has created sex to be enjoyed only in marriage. When sex is done outside marriage, it is termed sexual immorality. I would like to advise the young people who desire to go far in life to watch against this redflag. Sex is never a proof of love, as many think. Whenever your fiance, fiancee or boss in the office is demanding for sex out of wedlock, you don't need anyone to tell you that this is a warning signal.
Reasons I think are responsible for Red flags In Relationship include:
I. Impatience
II. Indiscipline
III. Sinful nature/unconverted heart
IV. Unfaithfulness
V. Pride And Arrogance.
The following are tips I feel will help us identify & deal with the Red flags in Relations:
1) Regeneration of the heart.
2) Prayers.
3) Abstinence from sex outside marriage.
4) Be faithful to your faithful to your partner.
5) Do not join bad company.
6) Quit any relationship that doesn't make your life better.
7) Every relationship must be well defined from the onset, to avoid assumption & confusion.
8) Read good books on relationship.
9) Build and develop positive virtues.
Every good relationship is an asset I must say. Relationship, in general has a great impact on our lives. A saying goes, "Birds of the same feathers flock together". This implies that your personality determines your environment & association. Choose your friends; do not allow them choose. Develop yourself; read books about how to excel in a relationship.
Thank you for reading, voting and commenting.🙏
It's me,
Israel O. Inarigu.