I just finished reading your comment on someones post on this same topic and decided that i must check yours out
Wow, this was such a refreshing read! I love how you broke down what it really means to be ready for a relationship, so many people focus on material things, but it’s the inner qualities like honesty, communication, and self-awareness that truly matter.
The whole idea of ‘testing the waters’ with double dating has never sat right with me. If someone is serious about love, why not be intentional and fully invested in one person? Playing games with people’s hearts only leads to trust issues and emotional damage, and honestly, no one deserves that.
Your point about knowing your purpose and self-worth really stood out to me. When you’re focused and truly know what you want, there’s no room for unnecessary distractions.
I am definitely looking forward to reading more of your thoughts💯👏@leone001 Thank you for sharing this!
Thank you so much sir for the kind words, I'm honored you found this helpful. You've really said a lot, intentionality is key because relationship is not a bed of roses. Most individual's idea of a "Happily ever after" relationship is that it is void of challenges but it isn't true. Both parties must invest time and make genuine efforts to make it work.
Both parties must invest time in order to make it work
Thank you once again for such amazing write up