Mother Earth And Nature

in Hive Reachout3 days ago (edited)
Mother Earth And Nature

This week's hive-reachout community prompt talks about nature and mother Earth. I have allot to say when it comes to nature, I love everything it entails ranging from animals, trees, the rivers and ocean, seas and plains. We are all surviving because of what nature has to offer to us today, we own the responsibility to protect these free gift given to humanity.

A lot of natural disasters are occurring these days like the recent hurricane in Florida, that has left me with allot of questions to ask. Could it be as a result of human activities? Well, I'm that's not my area of specialization although I will appreciate your honest view about the question. I know about the greenhouse effect and it is very clear to me what is generating the menace. Talking about the depletion of the ozone layer, human activities day by day is increasing the greenhouse effect.
Mother earth is crying because what is provided for us to protect us we are using our hands to destroy them. People don't care about planting trees again, not even a replacement for the numerous ones they're putting down.

All the greenery around us supplies us with oxygen and a more conducive environment to live in. The science behind respiration is that; we breath in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide while plants exchanges carbon dioxide for oxygen, all these things put together makes living possible. The rivers, mountains and plants are all gift if nature. I am a believer and so I believe that God is the creator of the heavens and mother earth and everything in them.

Each of us can make the world better by planting trees more than we cut them.

When it comes to diet, natural foods like spinach and fruits amongst others are the best foods the body recognises as not harmful. Infact, science as provided us with the knowledge is best to eat natural foods then processed foods. Processed foods will always have one or two chemicals that grows to be a disaster for humans compared to chemical-free food. Nature was created by good to aid living possible. Imagine a world without rain and water, or without the natural oxygen, hills and plains, life would have definitely come to a full stop.

Mother earth is the best friend we all can ever have and if any one is responsible for protecting her, it should be our duty generally. Let's plant more trees and save our world.

All Images are mine


Read Post Here To participate in Week 16 of Hive Reachout Weekly initiative.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


We enjoy a lot of privileges from the earth and instead of us appreciating it by doing our all to ensure we preserve it, we rather frustrate and destroy it with our activities. I just hope that the signs of weakness that the earth is already giving us will spur us to begin to take responsibility to do all we can to save it from dying.

Thank you for sharing.I agree with you.It a good thing for everyone of us to play our own roles to continue to enjoy the free gift of nature just like how you said and I quote ,"Each of us can make the world better by planting trees more than we cut them."