A Proof That You Haven't Lost Memories.

in Hive Reachout5 months ago (edited)

"Thanksgiving is a proof that a man has not lost his memory"

I've heard that sentence countless times from my Pastor, Rev. Wale Akinronbi. He is so big on gratitude, one would think he has a problem with it because of how much he teaches about gratitude.

The Potency of Herb; Some of Us Were Brought Up With Herbs (9).png

Gratitude is one of the attribute I look forward to see in people who I am considering to be friends with or become close to. Gratitude is being thankful, pleased and appreciative for what was done. It's showing appreciation for what someone did for you or gave to you. Growing up, whenever we were given stuffs, our parents urges us to say thank you immediately before and after receiving from whoever gave us. There were many scenarios where my mom or dad would see someone and say "Thank you for the other time or day" My parents were literally saying thank you again for what that person had done. Sometimes, when I get the chance to ask them for the detail; I found out that some of the things had happened days or weeks ago.

He who appreciates what was done yesterday will probably receive another

That is one proverb about gratitude in my tribe. It means there is a higher probability for a grateful person to receive another help or gift. And, that is one solid reason why gratitude is important, it can initiate continuity of good things coming your way. More than I can remember, I have enjoyed the benefits of gratitude in my life. An intentional and heartfelt "Thank you" can be so extraordinary that it finds you a place in someone's heart or life. Gratitude can help you secure a good spot in life.

Thanksgiving has really impacted my life since I knew and understood it's importance. I rarely say thanks to show appreiation of what I received or was done to me. I always say thank you because I most time feel just saying thanks is or doesn't sound appreciative enough. I also practice continuous gratitude especially when it is something big or important that was done to me; I do this a lot and I get more results because that proverb above is true, a grateful person can still get helped again because gratitude can secure a good spot for you

Another importance of gratitude is that it makes the doer or giver feel thay their effort is worth it. There is this feeling of comfort and joy when you help someone and you are appreciated for what you did. Few times, I have experienced my effort or help go unappreciated and I would not lie, it was painful especially when I did it with so much care and intention, it pained more. Ingratitude can kill the passion of someone who has been good or helpful. Appreaciating and showing how gratefulone is for what was received is an attribute and a character everyone should have. We should value and appreciate eniivery help and gift that comes our way, not feeling entitled or wanting more. The Bible always encouraged us especially in different chapters of Psalms to always give thanks to God. Thanksgiving, gratitude, appreciation, acknowledgment, etc are important, can be cultivated as a habit.

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It is always good to appreciate the past in other to receive another one but this generation lacks gratitude, we always believe it is easy to credit someone and this is caused by entitlement

Ingratitude stinks and annoys. Wrong entitlement is a form of theft or convesciousness, they only lie to themselves, it's obvious they don't deserve it most time.

I also have that feeling that “thanks” just doesn’t cut it. If I say thanks to you, I’m being very sarcastic and it means you earned my sarcasm not my gratitude. Gratitude is a big virtue and really needed in today’s world

Oh, I'm not the only one who feels thanks does not match. You can buy with genuine gratitude.