First of all what is image: image is the representation of external form a person or any objects which shows the real pictures about you for clear identification. Secondly what is the image of God: image of God is the relationship between God and humans... Thirdly what is grace: Grace is a freedom and love from God that is feely given and undeserved, it is also the freedom from sin. Fourthly God Grace in Hebrew bible is the gift of life and goodness rooted in enduring love for humanity. Only God knows how long I have stared at myself at the mirror.
Am i worth the description of been handsome.😏😏
Well...a thought in my mind all day that made me know the chance how I am to be human and not just any of God's creature.
The bible teaches us about God creation. God spoke to his creatures into being. "Let there be light.." And there was light and all the things he spoke. The fishes, the trees, the air, the animals as a whole and every other thing but what about man?
He did not to speak man.
He design man to His own image. He did that in the trinity. "And now 'we' will make human beings; They will be like us and resemble us...."
"In our image and and likeness".
What are your thoughts about this? Does it sound like a funny? Or is it another creation story you know?Hello everyone am @Renkre30 am here to talk about the image of God and how awesome God is also how lovely He is, how much Love He have for us, the mercy he shows toward us, He see our issues and He knows our weakness we have to thank him despite them . He is the one who give us grace. All am trying to say we should be proud we have a merciful God and His love toward us ...
Am the mirror that reflects God. When you see me, you see a picture of who God is and this is just by physique. How about when you include my life in it?
Man is not just any creation of God. Man is special. Man is a reflection of God! You are a reflection of God.I am gladly God image,I am God's own sheep! This is you too. Open your eyes and see it as it is. See thee as they maker made thee to be.stand on your feet and be who you are, be who you want to be and be proud you are truly the image of God. God I Thank you for the gift of grace in advance as I do not deserve it yet you see Faith to extend your Grace and mercy towards me
Thanks to you all for reading hope this reach you out and lastly always know how much love God have for you and be proud proud you have a awesome and lovely God.
Thank you remain bless
God is the greatest!
Our very own merciful Father