**Educated Farmer**

in Hive Reachout3 days ago



Even Farming Is a Skill Listen To Me;
when I thought of going into farming, I learned it from my dad. He had purchased some pieces of landing property with the sole purpose of farming production, so as you can see via the image's.

At first, I dont like the idea of farming. It all began when I came across a friend post about farming and the advantages, so i decided to start with my dad's plots of land, he purchase those land few year's back...

I needed some money urgently, so I can cleared up and to get some necessary chemicals, the idea seemed like a quick solution. the support my dad showed me is felt.


I was surprised. But hey, that's life.
At the time, I had a bit of money saved up and was in desperate need of a chemicals. So I quickly paid for it.

Looking back, it’s almost the season: two different plots are waiting for me to cultivate, I imputed each farm with the desire crops, though, it was hectic. but I was desperate to start a journey, and desperate to reach the end.


This isn’t to justify my curiosity, But here’s what I want you to understand: I nurture my passion with perseverance and I refuse to give up.

Life is always in two directions. As one person gives up on a dream, someone else is waiting to seize that exact opportunity. Every time you let go of a journey, there’s someone else waiting to start theirs.

Whether it’s learning the guitar, fashion designing, cake-making, creative writing, or any other skill, the journey can feel challenging, tedious, and even discouraging at times.

Trust me, I know. I can’t begin to describe all the challenges I faced while learning fashion design. There were so many moments I could have quit halfway.

But I persevered. And today I’m reaping the rewards of perseverance and I'm grateful I didn't give up.

I’m not only closing deals, both local and international, but also earning loyal customers who trust my work. I’ve built a brand that impacts others through my designs and my story.

I decided to learn crypto early last year,
crypto has given me a platform to inspire and train others, helping them thrive in the crypto market.

Through hard work, I’ve gained financial stability, a sense of purpose, and a network of clients and friends. None of these would have been possible if I hadn’t stayed the course.

So remember this before you give up:

If you truly want to succeed, you must stop listening to your feelings and push through the painful times.


At first, everyone has a lot of motivation and does a lot, but then, halfway through, most people give up because they no longer feel like it.

Don't be one of those who act according to their desires; be one of those who do things even when they don't feel like it.

This way, you'll achieve real success. If you only pay attention to your mood and feelings, you'll start a hundred things but finish none. However, if you persevere with one thing even on tough days, you will have something perfect.

And that's how success is achieved; with a vision, a bit of motivation, but fundamentally, it consists of discipline and perseverance.

Stick with it, and let your journey bring you the joy and rewards you deserve.

This is one of the sacrifice I make, to ensure that all of the hard work to flourish in integrated farms survived.


The price I am paying now is worth it cus those who know the cost of farming chemical and fertilizer will understand better 😁
Once you start making money in farming,

₦3M won’t seem like a lot of money to you anymore.

But the real problem will be the neysayers around you.

They’ll say that if you’re really earning that much,

you wouldn’t be like this or like that.

That’s their reality—don’t argue with such people,

just keep grinding.

Don't use You walking time to sleep, you can sleep later but work now 😀
Your breakthrough might be just a step away.
We Make Impact One Life At a Time

The Idea Or Mindset That Makes You To Give Up Has To Die in Other For You To Change The World, Giving Up And Laziness Has Deceived Many People To The Extend That They've Not Change Themselves

You Change The World By Changing One Yourself At a Time


All this happened because of my dad's support and push.
Never say that your dad didn't do anything for you, love your father and respect him whether he is poor or rich.
Be blessed dear Dads

I Remain Your Educated Farmers, An Entrepreneur, a Crypto Lover, And Your Clarity Coach...


Damn I really needed to read this for reals. I can't count how many times I have felt like quitting and even going as far as falling through with it only to regret it later. The cowards way out always seems like the best option until reality smacks you upside the head. Make me sef go learn crypto I don too proscratinate

Thank You Very Much For Finding This Helpful... Give No Room For Procrastination, You Can Start Small And From Where You Are... Life Doesn't Favour The Weak, Keep Grinding And Win More Sir...

Hustling or having an hand work and you doing it consistently with the commitment it's a good thought of every human being with disciplines in life we are today, so never see procrastination in your hand work or in your hustle for that makes you regret so I believed this post you shared will go along way sir. Thanks for sharing this content as well sir.

Yes Sir
Procrastination Has Contribute To Many Stagnation, Thank You For Finding This Content Helpful To You Sir... We Will Keep Pushing To The Highest Peak

Yes sir sure, and you are welcome and also hoping to keep seeing excellent performance in the PEAKD as well sir @shedxy01

 2 days ago  

Didn't know you're into fashion designing also, you've shared very helpful tips with us on how to manage and cross to the line of success.
I will be suggesting few communities for you that I think you'll like since you love farming and you're into fashion designing..
This is community Homesteading and NeedleworkMonday
Checkout these communities, read their pin posts and get yourself familiar with their rules and regulations for making a valid post in them. Don't forget to reachout to me whenever you're in doubt of anything on the system..

Thank You So Much For Acknowledging My Efforts And Finding This Impactful, Thank You For Recommending Me To Homesteading And Needleworkmonday, Most Grateful @ovey10