Is true communication is very important in relationship I met a lady that that problem is for me to be looking at her in her eyes if not it shows I don't love her I said wonderful and again if she call and you are not close to the phone and you did not pick talk will like start you see what am talking about he is with another lady although communication is important but also understanding and been totally surrender to our parent through the house chores going for am errand and so on in this life no matter how rich you are if you don't have love is in vain it has no mean to define about you I use to have a man in my area that does not help so one day thief came to his house no body from the neighborhood came for help he really face it that night so from that time he became a pure love man that he do sponsor children to school children that does not even belong to him he help them we should try by all means to love one another because is very important
Sure one bro