Dating - Love: Double Dating - Love Love
Why do people go into relationships?
As simple as this question sounds, there are people who don't know why they're in a relationship. This may or may not be the basis for double dating, but it is surely something to consider when you're looking for why people double date.
Your heart is safe with me, though.
There are people who get into a relationship because they want to get married. Their ultimate goal is to find their soulmate and settle down. Studies have shown that these are the type that stay committed in the relationship. There are others who are in a relationship simply because ‘it is what people do’. This kind of people don't even know what to do with themselves, not to talk of another person.
The group with whom this issue of double dating is tied fast to is the group of people who are afraid of being alone. They don't ever want to wake up to a day when they will be single. I don't know why, but they cannot stay single for five minutes. This kind of people keep strings of potential boyfriends or girlfriends, in most cases, because of their inability to sort out their emotional needs. This is the group that ‘double date’ a lot. And by a lot, I mean they constitute a majority of all cases that I know. The others, I cannot even tell why they do it.
I was thinking of you when I took this picture.
There's this scene between my friends that never leaves my head. “Why should something that makes me happy cause you pain?” She asked him. She was in a relationship with two other guys beside my friend (our friend; for we were all friends before they dated), he found out and confronted her. Her justification was that she saw him in those other guys and she wanted to replicate the happiness in several places so she never runs out of happiness.
I never made sense of her excuses, but that night I wrote on my WhatsApp status: no one deserves to go to bed wondering why they were not enough. That night I realised that ‘double dating' is a pandemic. The number of people who shared their stories with me broke me. It happens for a lot of reasons. Ladies who want someone higher, men who want someone more voluptuous. And I understand, really, but the problem is holding on to lovers at the same time. You've got to let one go and focus on the one you're in love with at the moment.
I'll make melodies for you too.
I have several experiences of my own on this matter. One of these stories is both pathetic and hilarious. Maybe I'll write about it tomorrow.
I think it's very necessary that you state clearly what you need in a relationship before going ahead with it in the first. It's like going to a shopping mall without having in my what exactly you desire to purchase. You'll just end up picking and returning certain items over and over because they all look good and you are confused with the one to go with. For me I think that is similar to double dating, in love with two personalities but indecisive of which one to go with because you don't know exactly what you want in the first place.
Peace ✌️✌️
Knowing what you want and staring it in clear terms will curb a lot of these nonsense, but it will surprise you then if I tell you that another person told me that he double dates because no one has it all. Meaning he had not seen the qualities he wants in a woman all in one person so he combines several relationships.
I think we need a total mindshift about love and relationship which should probably start early in life.
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Imagine her excuse, she wants to replicate the happiness in so many places, it clearly shows how ungrateful she will be even when he decides to keep her as a wife in his home tomorrow..
Thank you for sharing @tayo6