Good day, let's grow the Hive reach-out community.
I need you, you need me. Some else needs somebody, everyone needs everybody's, and it's called "gat each other's back."
Your opinion, my opinion, and our opinion for the betterment of the Hive reach-out community.
Community set to natured and onboarded newbies, a creative community set in place to grow and promote individuals and societies.
A community set to explore and thrive the newbie.
Growth is necessary. It makes one realises his or her errors, then you adjust.
I grew up and I saw people living the life that inspired me, life that pleased me, life I want to live. But then I realised those people work so hard to become what they are and got. Life begins with processes. it doesn't just happen.
Hive reach-out communities have set a standards, a path where the newbie can thrive through, without all this put in place it wouldn't have been easy for the newbie.
The newbie followed the footprint which emerged from their journey.
So far so good the community is doing great for the little time I've been here!
Creating new topics ideas to encourage especially the newbie.
My kindle suggestion is that. If the community can create more room for. Such as duplet or triple topics per week, availability of more contests for part take in.
In every organisation I guess they have targets. I believe rooms for more contests will aid the community targets also for the benefit of its members.
Curiosity made me ask! If the Hive reach-out community has done any projects?
If yes there could be room for more, and if there's none I want to suggest this to the Hive reach-out community.
Atleast one project with her name on it! to actually believe the community is growing.
The community has explored us in several ways, such as creating more content.
Content like written, music and different skills in our ways of life.
I'm hoping for more progress and success to come. We got a lot of people here with different skills and ideas.
Creating more interesting and attractive content is what I wish for everyone in this community
"Engagement and commitment will aid to grow the Hive reach-out community". We have “pro” writers, song writers, artists and the rest in the Hive reach-out community.
Engaging in content, especially the newbie, to know our lapses, it will also help to grow and create good content which can attract readers and listeners.
With the few I met here so far I can see changes, I've been able to realise and adjust my lapses.
Engagement is good; it helps one to explore, to discover and create new ideas.
I bet you don't know enough until you come out.
"A wise man once said! A wise man knows he knows nothing but only a fool does!"
Try to be a good reader and a listener, its wide your sense of reasoning, you got to explore more and have creative ideas!
Last but not the least I want to suggest a “chat blog” to the Hive reach-out community, where questions can be asked to create awareness.
That's awesome that's good. I concord with you on the project, if probably no they don't have any then it should be taken into consideration
Actually it is, I'm glad you're buying the idea.
Thanks for stopping by! @kastropaul398
This is great and amazing. A project indeed to reckon with.
A project indeed is good, I'm glad you're buying the idea!
I really appreciate you stopped by! @ayakaliman
The Hive Reach-Out Community is really doing a great job! It’s amazing to see a space where new members feel welcome and supported. I love the idea of adding more contests, projects, and even a chat blog it would make things more fun and engaging. Growth happens when we support and learn from each other. Let’s keep pushing forward and making this community even better. Wishing Hive Reach-Out more success ahead!
Thank you sharing @xeeon
Actually it is! I'm glad you picked point on that.
Project and more contests will actually aid the growth of Hive reach-out community!
I really appreciate you stopped by! @jude101
Your tips are helpful..!Thank you for sharing this with us @xeeon
Thanks boss!
I'm glad you chip-in!
I really appreciate you stopped by @ovey10