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RE: [ENG] Miraculous Virgin Parish 🛫 🇵🇪 ⛪️ / [ESP] Parroquia La Virgen Milagrosa 🛫 🇵🇪 ⛪️

in Architecture+Design3 years ago

Architecture Brew #64. More power!Congratulations @marcosmilano71! We're delighted to specially curate your awesome publication and award it RUNNER-UP in


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NOTE: Congratulations for the excellent work you do.Hello @aplusd Greetings from Venezuela. Thank you very much for the courtesy. Receive a strong and warm spiritual hug full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.

NOTA: Felicitaciones por el excelente trabajo que haces.Hola @aplusd Saludos desde Venezuela. Muchas gracias por la deferencia. Recibe un fuerte y caluroso abrazo espiritual cargado de bendiciones, energía positiva y mucha luz.

 3 years ago  

Hello, dear friend @marcosmilano71. Thank you for your tremendous appreciation, support, and contributions. Stay awesome always. More blessings! 😀🙏