Shooping Center Colonial 🏢 Centro Comerci Colonial

in Architecture+Design2 years ago (edited)

Greetings dear friends of this wonderful community that loves architecture and design, I hope you are very well and that God guides you wherever you go, today I will share with you an outing that I had with my wife @mariieyc and my son Christian to a shopping center in our town, San Juan de los Morros, capital of the Guarico state, which is called a colonial shopping center that I share with you below.




Saludos apreciados amigos de esta maravillosa comunidad amante de la arquitectura y el diseño, espero se encuentren muy bien y que Dios los guie por donde quiera que vayan, el dia de hoy compartiré con ustedes una salida que tuve con mi esposa @mariieyc y mi hijo Christian a un centro comercial de nuestra localidad, san juan de los morros capital del estado Guarico que lleva por nombre centro comercial colonial que comparte con ustedes una continuación.

Taking advantage of the academic breaks and work commitments, we decided to clear our minds with a recreational walk in the company of our son Christian. Because we had a very short time, we preferred to choose a place right here in the capital, which is called the colonial shopping center. ,. which is a large building, in which there are multiple stores dedicated to different economic areas, but the truth of the matter is that this architecture has a remarkable singularity, since it has a partially slab finish.


aprovechando un poco las pausas academicas y los compromisos laborales decidimos despejar la mente con un paseo recreativo en compañía de nuestro hijo Christian, por disponer de un tiempo muy corto preferimos elegir un lugar aqui mismo en la capital, el cual lleva por nombre centro comercial colonial,. cual es un gran edificio, en el cual existen multiples tiendas dedicadas a diferentes areas economicas, pero lo cierto del caso es que esta arquitectura posee una singularidad notables, pues posee un acabado parcialmente en lajas.

In our jurisdiction there are many deposits of this type of material, which is a factor that lowers costs and gives a particular touch to the finishes, because with cement and this material it will be enough for it to be completely ready with a final touch called healing, which consists of applying a technique applied to water and hitting the surface with a brush, these slabs do not come with a specific mold because it is in the hands of the master builder to use his ingenuity to place them and give them the desired shape, I have seen slabs also in black, ideal for fronts, in general, these natural ceramics, so to speak, are an accessible option for finishes here in our territory, we can get them at gift prices or in the same way we can extract them ourselves if we so wish.


en nuestra jurisdicción existen muchisimos yacimientos de este tipo de material, el cual es un factor que abarata los costos y le da un toque particular a los acabados, pues con cemento y este material bastará para que este totalmente listo con un toque final que se llama curacion, el cual consiste en aplicar una tecnica aplicado agua y darle con un cepillo a la superficie, estas lajas no vienen con un molde especifico pues esta en manos del maestro de obra utilizar su ingenio para colocarlas y darle la forma deseada, he visto lajas tambien de color negro ideal para frentes, por lo general estas ceramicas naturales por decirlo asi de alguna manera, es una opcion accesible para acabados aqui en nuestro territorio, podemos conseguirlo a precios de regalo o de igual forma podemos extraerlas nosotros mismos si asi lo deseamos.

the upper part of the external area if it is made with another type of finish such as unpolished granite that gives a rough touch to the finish, these two types of finishes are very good and unlike other types of finishes such as ceramics, they do not need a type of maintenance in particular and its permanence over time is guaranteed.


la parte superior del area externa si esta realizada con otro tipo de acabado tipo granito sin pulir que le da un toque aspero al acabado, estos dos tipos de acabados son muy buenos y a diferencia de otros tipos de acabados como ceramicas, no necesitan un tipo de mantenimiento en particular y su permanencia en el tiempo es garantizada.

In the internal part, it has a typical design of shopping centers, a granite floor, multiple stores, in which I will show you the most relevant in the design area, since it has certain showy and appreciable elements in architecture and design. This building has three levels each with multiple stores.





en la parte interna posee un diseño tipico de los centros comerciales, un piso de granito, multiples tiendas, en el cual les mostrare la de mayor relevancia en el area de diseño pues posee ciertos elementos vistosos y apreciables en arquitectura y diseño. esta edificacion posee tres niveles cada uno con múltiples tiendas.

Well, what we mainly came for was a pizzeria that is located in this shopping center, we practically got to open it because we were the first customers of the day and in truth this place is very crowded, because it has a wonderful atmosphere with air conditioning with reserved included and different menu from breakfast lunch and dinner in the same way sold national and imported liquors, normally people visit this place to watch soccer games through multiple televisions that it has on all sides.


bueno a lo que vinimos principalmente, fue a una pizzeria que se encuentra en este centro comercial, prácticamente llegamos a abrirla pues éramos los primeros clientes del dia y en verdad este local es muy concurrido, pues posee una maravillosa ambientacion con aire acondicionado con reservado incluido y diferentes menú desde desayunó almuerzo y cena de igual forma expendido de licores nacionales e importados, normalmente las personas visitan este lugar para ver partidos de fútbol a traves de multiples televisores que posee en todos sus costados.

ideal to share with the family and spend a pleasant time in the same way you can hold any type of meeting in the premises, what did you think of the place? What part of the ride did you like the most? well, appreciated and dear friends, I hope you like it, thanks for coming this far and reading me, remember if you like it, thanks for your support and sharing, see you at the next opportunity God bless you always and give you plenty of health and prosperity.



ideal para compartir con la familia y pasar un rato agradable de igual forma se puede sostener cualquier tipo de reunion en el local, que les parecio el lugar? que parte les gusto mas del paseo? bueno apreciados y queridos amigos espero les guste, gracias por haber llegado hasta aqui y leerme recuerda si es de tu agrado gracias por tu apoyo y compatir nos vemos en la próxima oportunidad Dios los bendiga siempre y los sobreabunde de salud y prosperidad.

@armasdiazePhone Plum GatorGoogle Traslated

Guarico! Guárico!
Hola amigo! I have never visited your state. But through this wonderful post I got to know a small part of it. This mall looks a lot like the ones we have here in Monagas. Small, but cozy.

I am glad to see that it has escalators. You see very little of that in the ones here.

I hope your pizza was very good.

If you love freedom come to my pampas! greetings from the heart of Venezuela from the gates of the central plains very grateful for taking your time to appreciate my content, you are invited to taste these pizzas when you have the opportunity to come. Blessings!! @creacioneslelys

 2 years ago  

Congratulations @armasdiaze! We're delighted to specially curate your awesome publication and award it RUNNER-UP in Architecture Brew #64. More power!


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Great, thank you very much dear friend @aplusd for the mention greetings and blessings

 2 years ago  

You are most welcome dear friend @armasdiaze. Best wishes and blessings! 😀

Greetings @armasdiaze. What an interesting shopping center! The building's architectural features that immediately caught my attention were its windows. Are those metal grillworks that protect the glass window panels? Aside from being security elements, these metal frames add to the aesthetic quality of the exterior facade. This looks like an old mall, isn't it?

greetings and blessings dear friend @storiesoferne, that's right these metal structures provide apart from aesthetic protection to the design, and if this is an old building, one of the first to be built in the city and still remains one of the main the capital. Thank you very much for your appreciation!

Okay, I see dear friend @armasdiaze. And I'd probably think this shopping center must be located in one of the older districts of that city too. In fact, you have now become our beloved community's mall specialist because the majority of your previous publications were featuring these commercial establishments. 😁 I'm curious, what other peculiar works of architecture do you have in your city? 😊

hahaha an honor to have that distinction and more coming from you dear @storiesoferne, here there are multiple architectural elements, to name a few Hotels, Urbanization, Hospitals, Clinics, Monuments, churches among others dear friend @storiesoferne

Definitely dear @armasdiaze haha. 😁 I look forward to experiencing more of those architectural masterpieces from your locality in the future. More blessings! 😊🙏

so it will be appreciated friend @storiesoferne and multiply 100 by 1 each of your blessings 🙏

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