Old City Architecture in Medan City

in Architecture+Design2 years ago


Hello everyone,
When I was little, I was often taken for walks when my father was on vacation, especially on Saturday afternoons. This is the momentum where my father took me to the city park or to entertainment venues in the city of Medan. It doesn't have to cost a fortune, my father just took me to enjoy the beauty of the city park with lights or if there is little money, we can ride a wagon in the park. In the past, there was still a delman in this city, but now it's gone.

What I like the most, when my father brought me, Kesawan Square is an area that my father often passed to go to Merdeka Walk, so I have childhood memories that I remember with my father when passing Kesawan Square. Now, I reminisce about that trip by taking a small walk with my husband, because this afternoon I have to look for something near that area too.

Unintentionally, that afternoon we walked around, then passed the Kesawan road which was now starting to change. The mayor of the city of Medan is carrying out major renovations in this area, making some sidewalks and repairing the road which he said will be made as a pedestrian path. Kesawan Square is a commercial street where in every building there are merchants selling food, drinks and shopping centers.




Kesawan square is known as the old city in Medan City, that's why this district is very strategic as a commercial area, every building has a selling point and also this area is in the middle of Medan city, even just a few meters away from point 0 of this city. that's the city of Medan, very small so the area is just that-that's all.

Kesawan square is well known by the people of Medan, as a landmark and also a historical relic from decades ago. This area is full of old building that have Dutch colonial design and architecture, here it is very strong with quite large buildings with wide and much windows. It's not freaky for us to see building construction like this, I've always like it because it's so different from some modern building around, even the sturdiness of the building is one of its strengths, that's why it's very rare for people who own building to change the design and architecture of old buildings, only paint the color just to make it look so good and better.





It feels like it's been a long time since I've walking in this area, cause it's been almost a year since the construction of the road in Kesawan Square is close temporary to the public, you can only see a few people working day and night to build sidewalks and side streets. Until now there is still a lot of work that has not been complete, I see that it is 70% ready to be use and this road is already very busy being pass by several car drivers.

Several buildings that seem to have been renovated properly, such as one of the buildings around the Kesawan Square area. This building was used as a fairly well-known minimarket, namely YES248. There are also several buildings next to it that are still very empty, maybe there are no people interested in renting because they are still in the road renovation stage, because it will be very detrimental if the renovations are not completed.



Likewise, look at the building right next to it, which is an old building own by Bank Mandiri, one of the very large state own banks and is quite widely use by the people of Indonesia. Yas, this building has 2 levels and has lots of windows around it, so you don't need to use air conditioning because the air is cool enough with a building structure like that. Again, the building also seem to have been close, cause it was very late in the evening and the bank's operating hours were already closed. I really want to go in and know how the shape of the building. Aren't you curious, guys?

Leaving a little to the street opposite Kesawan Square, I saw an old building that looks very sturdy, owned by one of the state-owned insurance companies that are currently in big trouble. This insurance company is permanently closed due to a corruption case, namely the embezzlement of insurance funds by insurance policy holders of 10 trillion rupiah. So, there's no hope of me getting into the building. So I can only see it from the outside and also take pictures in front of the road which I think is very beautiful and aesthetic to be use as my social media feed lol.







There are also several other buildings which I will post below, see this beautiful area with its old buildings. One of the most favorite is the building owned by the Tjong A Fie family, a rich Chinese merchant who is famous for his generosity. I really wanted to go into that big house to see some of Tjong A Fie's relics which were used as a museum, not infrequently people also went in just to take pre-wedding photos or other commercial needs.





So, which building is your favorite in terms of architecture? Comment below!

See you the next time hive friends!

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About Author

Annyeong yorobun! Welcome to wita’s corner. Author is a full time housewife who loves to eat while writing. Enthusiasm to gardening and cooking. Like the exploration of new things and have many dream is unlimited. Always vote and give suggestions to advance this author.

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You have a very beautiful representation of the Medan City.
I would love visit your country once I save enough Hive to cover everything
Thank you

Wow you are interested in this small town? Seems like only a small part of it is as interesting as what I showed, a lot of traffic jams and other bad things but you may consider it :D, but I know for sure that the people are very friendly.

Thank you very much

Greetings @aswita, it is difficult to choose a favorite building among so many options each one has architectural elements that makes it unique and interesting, however the buildings of the sixth and ninth photo caught my attention, they stand out for their great design and abundant details, they have many windows and different geometric shapes very attractive, how interesting the history of this recognized economic sector of the city, thanks for sharing your incredible tour.

Happy day!

Yas. Many historic buildings have lots of windows and doors, that's why I prefer old architecture over modern, like knowing that the world will be very hot because of the scorching sun due to global warming. Structurally, the building has ventilation so that there is air flow in and out.

Hello @aswita. Wow! It's a true delight to meet Medan city's heritage landmark of Kesawan Square. With its historic Dutch architecture, it's like traveling back in time to Indonesia's colonial era. 😊👍

Is this ancient neighborhood similar to what other countries would call their Chinatown?

I don't think so, this is like a city center that is protected by the local government, more precisely a commercial area but not Chinatown, even more ethnic Malays live here.

There is only 1 different house, so like Chinatown, it is just a house owned by the Tjong A Fie family, and is now used as a museum.

I see, a highly commercialized district in Medan City that also holds historic roots. It's simply amazing how the Dutch architecture in that area has been well-preserved and maintained for many generations. Thank you for clarifying @aswita. 😊

The city of Medan is very small, if you get lost, you will quickly return to where you started. So, this small district is the center of the city, but it's interesting because it has a different architecture than the others. There's also a Chinatown in this city btw, sometime I'll review and post, but I rarely go to that place because it's too far from my home.

Oh now, that's even clearer. Kesawan Square is certainly a special place. On the other hand, we would also love to experience the Chinatown of Medan City, that is if you get the chance to explore that community in the future. Enjoy your adventures! 😊

My pleasure :)

I've always wondered how life was in the past

Me too, it seems more historic so that it brings out beautiful things, especially with architectural remains like this. Like never die :)

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Thanks for support, and i got bronze medal for this week😍

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