Elevated Grand Marshal of Ayacucho; important road point of the city (Eng - Esp)

in Architecture+Design4 months ago (edited)

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Hello, hello friends who love architecture and design, I hope you are enjoying good health and have a blessed day with your loved ones, it is a pleasure to share a new architectural landmark of the city of Cumaná, capital of the state of Sucre, located in the eastern region of the country and which in addition to its coastal area with beautiful beaches stands out for various constructions of colonial origin, modern and road structures that facilitate vehicular movement in the city, it is the elevated Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho located at the intersection of Universidad, Perimetral, Arismendi and Nueva Toledo avenues; doing a little history, where the elevated is located, previously the Redoma el Indio was located, and in the center of this a sculpture to pay tribute to the Cumanagotos Indians, descendants of the Caribs who inhabited the city of Cumaná and were conquered by the Spanish, these Indians were brave, brave and confronted the colonizers several times, according to information from a resident and historian, on several occasions they burned the city due to disagreements with the rules and spatial structures imposed by the Europeans in the territory. that have inhabited since ancient times.

With the idea of ​​streamlining the transport flow, the aforementioned elevated was built and the sculpture of the Indian was taken and relocated to the Cumaná - Puerto la Cruz national highway, Los Bordones sector. The name of the elevated is a tribute to the outstanding Antonio José de Sucre. hero and soldier born in Cumaná, for his outstanding participation in the battle of Ayacucho (Peru), where he obtained the rank of Marshal, the elevated is approximately twelve (12) years old and during his inauguration a famous ceremony was held attended by prominent personalities from the city and the country, with the inauguration there were many expectations and excitement because the vehicular traffic in this area that has always been fluid would improve, distances would be shortened and it would move faster avoiding vehicle congestion, new stops were also created to mobilize transportation Public, the first days of its inauguration the families enjoyed going through the elevated and feeling a mixture of joy and adrenaline as the car or transport went up, with my friend I went up several times at low speed, at first we were scared, then it became It became customary to pass by there without any fear.


Hola, hola amigos amantes de la arquitectura y el diseño deseo se encuentren disfrutando de buena salud y tengan un bendecido día en unión de sus seres queridos, es un placer compartir un nuevo hito arquitectónico de la ciudad de Cumaná capital del estado Sucre, ubicado en la región oriental del país y que además de su zona costera con hermosas playas destaca por diversas construcciones de origen colonial, modernas y estructuras viales viales que facilitan el desplazamiento vehicular en la ciudad, se trata de el Elevado gran Mariscal de Ayacucho ubicado en la intersección de las avenidas Universidad, Perimetral, Arismendi y Nueva Toledo; haciendo un poco de historia, donde se encuentra el elevado, anteriormente se ubicaba la Redoma el Indio, y en el centro de esta una escultura para rendir rendía tributo a los indios Cumanagotos, descendientes de los Caribes que habitaron la ciudad de Cumaná y fueron conquistados por los españoles, estos indios eran aguerridos, valientes y enfrentaron varias veces a los colonizadores, de acuerdo a la información de un residente e historiador, en varias oportunidades incendiaron la ciudad por desacuerdos con las normas y estructuras espaciales impuestas por los europeos en el territorio que habitaban desde tiempos remotos.

Con la idea de agilizar el fluido del transporte se construyó el mencionado elevado y la escultura del indio fue llevada y reubicada en la carretera nacional Cumaná - Puerto la Cruz, sector los Bordones, el nombre del elevado es un tributo a Antonio José de Sucre destacado prócer y militar nacido en Cumaná, por su destacada participación en la batalla de Ayacucho (Perú), donde obtiene el rango de Mariscal, el elevado tiene aproximadamente doce (12) años y durante su inauguración se realizó una célebre ceremonia donde asistieron destacadas personalidades de la ciudad y del país, con la inauguración había muchas expectativas y emoción porque el tránsito vehicular en esta zona que siempre ha sido fluido mejoraría, se acortarían las distancias y avanzaría más rápido evitando congestiones de vehículos, se crearon también nuevas paradas para movilizar el transporte público, los primeros días de su inauguración las familias disfrutaban pasar por el elevado y sentir una mezcla alegría y la adrenalina a medida que el auto o transporte subía, con mi amiga subí varias veces a baja velocidad, al principio nos daba miedo, luego se volvió habitual pasar por allí sin temor alguno.

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When located in the upper part, you can see a great view of the city, especially the mountainous area and San Juan parish, when you advance from Perimetral Avenue towards Nueva Toledo; In addition to facilitating the fluidity of transportation, the elevated also has beautiful paintings, with vibrant colors that adorn it. From Universidad Avenue (entrance from Puerto la Cruz and neighboring areas) it reads "Welcome to Cumaná!", in the central front part of the elevated, the traffic lights are also located there, on the left side of the avenue there is a small walkway with caico and terracotta floor, in addition to a yellow iron sculpture and palm trees, in the lower part there are different murals about the Mariscal of Ayacucho, on both sides of the elevated there are geometric figures of different colors that give it a great view of the elevation, these murals are periodically touched up to keep the color vibrant, during work days it is a very busy area with constant vehicle traffic.

Al ubicarse en la parte alta se aprecia una gran vista de la ciudad especialmente de la zona montañosa y parroquia san Juan, cuando se avanza desde la avenida Perimetral hacia la Nueva Toledo; además de facilitar la fluidez del transporte el elevado cuenta también con hermosas pinturas, de vibrantes colores que lo adornan. Desde la avenida Universidad (entrada proveniente de Puerto la Cruz y zonas vecinas) se lee "¡Bienvenidos a Cumaná!", en la parte central frontal del elevado, también allí se ubican los semáforos, en el lado izquierdo de la avenida se ubica una pequeña caminería con piso de caico y terracota, además de una escultura de hierro en color amarillo y palmeras, en la parte inferior se encuentran diferentes murales sobre el Mariscal de Ayacucho, a ambos lados del elevado se encuentran figuras geométricas de diferentes colores que le dan una gran vista al elevado, estos murales son retocados periódicamente para mantener el color vibrante, durante los días laborales es una zona muy concurrida y de constante tráfico de vehículos.

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When you enter through Arismendi Avenue you read the following: "With you we do more!" The elevated converges with important avenues such as Arismendi that leads to the city center, Universidad Avenue, which is the national highway to the Anzoátegui state, Perimetral Avenue that runs through important points of the city such as the market and the passenger terminal and Nueva Toledo Avenue that connects the city with Cancamure Avenue and prominent sectors and urbanizations of the city, the elevated is located in a strategic point and convergence of the main road arteries, every day numerous transport buses and private cars transit this prominent road point.

Cuando se entra por la Avenida Arismendi se lee lo siguiente: "¡Contigo hacemos más!" el elevado converge con importantes avenidas como la Arismendi que lleva al centro de la ciudad, la avenida Universidad, que es la carretera nacional hacia el estado Anzoátegui, la avenida Perimetral que recorre importantes puntos de la ciudad como el mercado y el terminal de pasajeros y la avenida Nueva Toledo que conecta a la ciudad con la avenida Cancamure y destacadas sectores y urbanizaciones de la ciudad, el elevado se encuentra en un punto estratégico y de convergencia de las principales arterias viales, cada día numerosos autobuses del transporte y autos particulares transitan este destacado punto vial.

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Translated with https://www.deepl.com/translator

          All images are my own. 
   Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría.

I wish with all my heart to know Cumana someday, and publications like this one rekindle that feeling. My choral group performed there when it was the 500th anniversary of Cumaná, I think it was with Gustavo Dudamel. My wife was there, but I had not yet joined. We are still waiting for that promised tour to the east of the country hahaha. Thanks for sharing Blekys, it's a great post.

Greetings @jesuslnrs, Cumaná has beautiful tourist attractions ranging from beaches mountains to outstanding buildings of colonial origin; ah yes the commemoration of the 500 years of its founding was a great event that brought together people from different regions of the country. I hope that in the near future this tour will take place and you can finally visit and get to know Cumana.

Happy Tuesday!

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This bridge has very striking colors and it looks like a strong structure, thanks for showing part of your city Cumana. Greetings!

Greetings @sorprendente, it is true the vibrant colors make the elevated a striking structure, the patterns and figures create a beautiful harmony of colors.

Happy Tuesday!