Hello friends who love architecture and design, I hope you are enjoying good health and have an excellent day with your loved ones. We are in the month of December where we celebrate Christmas, share with family and have the opportunity to visit the cities the squares, museums, shopping centers and observe the beautiful decorations that adorn these spaces, on this occasion I share my visit to an important institution in the city called fundacultura, which is responsible for promoting and preserving culture in the state, emphasizing dance, theater and the elements that identify as a country and are part of our culture, speaking a little about history in the 1930s the place where fundacultura operates today was a well-known cinema in the city called Pichincha cinema that stood out at this time for its Deco art, many people from The city attended its theaters with comfortable seats and a pleasant atmosphere to watch the movies that were on the billboard.
Hola amigos amantes de la arquitectura y el diseño, deseo se encuentren disfrutando de buena salud y tengan un excelente día en unión de sus seres queridos, estamos en el mes de diciembre donde celebramos la Navidad compartimos en familia y tenemos la oportunidad de visitar en las ciudades las plazas, museos, centros comerciales y observar las hermosas decoraciones que adornan estos espacios, en esta ocasión comparto mi visita a una importante institución de la ciudad llamada fundacultura, que se encarga de promover y preservar la cultura en el estado, haciendo énfasis en la danza, el teatro y los elementos que nos identifican como país y forman parte de nuestra cultura, hablando un poco de historia en la década de 1930 el local donde hoy funciona fundacultura, era un conocido cine de la ciudad llamado cine Pichincha que destacaba para esta época por su arte Deco, muchas personas de la ciudad asistían a sus salas con cómodas butacas y agradable ambiente para ver las películas que estaban en cartelera.
In conversation with a resident he explained to me that the cinema had a great boom in the city, in fact to enter there were long lines especially when it came to the movies in premiere, this kind resident told me that he often attended with his father to watch several movies and the cinema had all the comforts for the family to enjoy, such as seats, good lighting, enough space to move around and excellent audio which allowed each attendee to enjoy the movie in total comfort, with the boom of technology, the internet and the choice of cable channels, with which you can watch movies from the comfort of home, the emblematic cinema was losing popularity, since its previously full rooms were generally empty or with little audience, it progressively declined, since very few people attended the movie screenings and the income for its operation and maintenance was not profitable, the screenings per week were gradually reduced until the cinema closed its doors.
En conversación con un residente me explicó que el cine tuvo un gran auge en la ciudad, de hecho para entrar se hacían largas colas especialmente cuando se trataba de las películas en estreno, este amable residente me comentó que él en muchas ocasiones asistió con su papá a ver varias películas y el cine tenía todas las comodidades para el disfrute de la familia, como las butacas, buena iluminación, suficiente espacio para movilizarse y excelente audio lo cual permitía que cada asistente disfrutara de la película con total comodidad, con el auge de la tecnología, el internet y la opción de los canales por cable, con los cuales puedes ver las películas desde la comodidad del hogar, el emblemático cine fue perdiendo popularidad, ya sus salas antes llenas estaban generalmente vacías o con poco público, progresivamente fue decayendo, pues muy pocas personas asistían a las proyecciones de películas y no eran rentables los ingresos para su funcionamiento y mantenimiento, paulatinamente se redujeron las proyecciones por semana hasta que el cine cerró sus puertas.
The place was abandoned for a long time and was later rescued. It currently serves as a platform for the fundaculture institution. This Christmas, as in every year, the building was decorated with lights, trees and various decorations typical of this time; The façade consists of a large central door, decorated with a blue curtain and nutcrackers located on the sides. You can also see a beautiful structure with three cornices, at the top, in the center and another cornice specifically at the height of the door. main, these have several lines and are black, the upper wall has several squares adorned with horizontal lines, these are white and gray, on the second cornice there are two small white trees, throughout the structure white lights that form a bright curtain visible at night.
During my visit there was a group of young people practicing dancing, as they had a presentation in the square, the floor at the entrance is shaped like a chess board with white and gray rectangles, the decoration next to the central door are windows in the shape of semi arch made with Christmas lights and next to them are the curious nutcrackers watching and guarding the entrance, this building is located in front of the Plaza Bolívar and next to the house of the poet Andrés Eloy Blanco, during The year the foundation promotes various cultural activities for children and adults; dance, music, theater, painting, among others, generally during the school vacation period, they make vacation plans whose objective is to provide children with a space for recreation with art and to make known the culture of the country and the state, learn about the The story of this building was interesting and at the same time sad, through the words of the kind man, with great nostalgia, he told me part of his youthful experiences in this cinema and how it hurt him to see it close its doors, but the story is like that, there are moments of glory and not so glorious, The important thing is that it is transmitted from generation to generation and remains in the inhabitants of the town.
El local estuvo por mucho tiempo abandonado y posteriormente fue rescatado, actualmente sirve de tarima para la institución fundacultura, en esta Navidad como en todos los años la edificación fue decorada con luces, arbolitos y diversos adornos propios de esta época; la fachada consta de una amplia puerta central, decorada con una cortina azul y cascanueces ubicados en los laterales, también se puede observar una hermosa estructura con tres cornisas, en la parte superior, en el centro y otra cornisa específicamente a la altura de la puerta principal, estas tienen varias líneas y son de color negro, la pared superior tiene varios cuadrados adornados con líneas horizontales estos son de color blanco y gris, en la segunda cornisa se ubican dos arbolitos blancos, en toda la estructura luces blancas que forman una brillante cortina visible en horas nocturnas.
Durante mi visita estaba un grupo de jóvenes practicando baile, pues tenían presentación en la plaza, el piso en la entrada tiene forma de tablero de ajedrez con rectángulos de color blanco y gris,la decoración al lado de la puerta central son ventanas en forma de semi arco hechas con luces navideñas y al lado de ellas están los curiosos cascanueces vigilantes y resguardando la entrada, este edificio se ubica frente se ubica a un costado de la plaza Bolívar y al lado de la casa del poeta Andrés Eloy Blanco, durante el año la fundación promueve diversas actividades culturales para niños y adultos; danza, música, teatro, pintura, entre otros, generalmente en el período de vacación escolar, realizan planes vacacionales cuyo objetivo es brindarle a los niños un espacio de esparcimiento con el arte y dar a conocer la cultura del país y el estado, conocer la historia de este edificio fue interesante y a la vez triste, por las palabras del amable señor con mucha nostalgia me contaba parte de sus vivencias de juventud en este cine y como le dolió verlo cerrar sus puertas, pero la historia es así, hay momentos de gloria y no tan gloriosos, lo importante es que se va transmitiendo de generación en generación y permanece en los habitantes del pueblo.
All images are my own, captured by a Síragon LC-3000 camera.
Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas por una cámara Síragon LC-3000.
Translated with https://www.deepl.com/translator
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Hello @belkyscabrera. Like human beings, it's also interesting to witness buildings and structures embracing past lives. As a former movie house, the Fundacultura's eventual evolution into a cultural landmark keeps your local architectural heritage alive. I think the transformation was a great move due to the spaciousness of the place for public gatherings and other important events where people from all walks of life can connect with their homegrown roots. Have a marvelous weekend! ☺️
Thanks for Elevating Architecture and Design with Hive!
Hi @storiesoferne , despite the years the building is very well preserved, I imagine it must have great stories to tell, the design I like. especially the facade and its decorative paintings with horizontal and vertical lines that create a lovely visual effect, the Pichincha cinema must have been very beautiful in its time of splendor and an important meeting point for the people of the city, although its current use is different, it maintains the essence of congregating many people and promoting culture in the region through the realization and dissemination of various activities aimed at groups of the population; children,youth and adults, who find in these spaces a place to develop their talents and make known the cultural diversity of the state and the country.
Greetings and blessings!
Repurposing spaces happens all the time. And in the world of buildings, it all depends on the Architects and their team's creative powers to ensure a smooth shift from past to present functions. The Fundacultura is indeed a remarkable example of this architectural transformation. Amazing landmark @belkyscabrera! ☺️
Experience Your Built World™
Greetings @archmoments, over time the buildings change their use and are remodeled according to the requirements of the use to be given, the old cinema is now the headquarters of fundacultura and its spaces are very well used in the activities that take place there, the architects knew how to take advantage of the potential of the building without losing its essence.
Have a great week!
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Thank you very much @worldmapin. 🎄🎅
Happy weekend!