Greetings Architecture and Design community, I wish you an excellent and blessed weekend, I share with you again part of my visit to the beautiful city of Maturin, this time I will talk about the Juana la Avanzadora traffic circle that is located on Bolivar Avenue near the Bolivarian University of Venezuela; This redoma pays tribute to Juana Ramirez called "La Avanzadora", a heroine who stood out for her very fast and successful performance in one of the battles of the independence process of Venezuela fought in the capital city of the state of Monagas, belonging to a peasant family of humble origin enlisted and was part of the Patriot army and commanded by heroes like Manuel Piar and Azcue participated in the clashes of royalists and patriots to free the country from Spanish rule; In addition to her tenacity and courage to face the enemies along with a group of women helped to heal the wounded soldiers in combat, according to information provided by a prominent university professor, this distinguished woman from a very young age showed her courage and character in the face of injustice.
Saludos comunidad Arquitectura y Diseño, les deseo un excelente y bendecido fin de semana, comparto nuevamente con ustedes parte de mi visita a la hermosa ciudad de Maturín en esta ocasión les hablaré de la redoma Juana la Avanzadora que se ubica en la avenida Bolívar cerca de la Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela; esta redoma rinde tributo a Juana Ramírez llamada "La Avanzadora", una heroína que se destacó por su actuación muy rápida y acertada en unas de las batallas del proceso de independencia de Venezuela librada en la ciudad capital del estado Monagas, perteneciente a una familia campesina de origen humilde se alistó y formó parte del ejército Patriota y al mando de próceres como Manuel Piar y Azcue participó en los enfrentamientos de realistas y patriotas para liberar al país del dominio español; además de su tenacidad y coraje para enfrentar a los enemigos junto a un grupo de mujeres ayudaba a curar los soldados heridos en combate, según la información suministrada por un destacado profesor universitario, esta insigne mujer desde muy pequeña mostró su valentía y carácter ante las injusticias.

In the state of Monagas a special tribute is paid to this distinguished and outstanding woman, several institutions bear her name, among these is the Juana Ramirez la Avanzadora Casa de la Mujer Foundation, located in the Las Brisas sector, where assistance is provided to women in the area of health through gynecology, pediatrics, pharmacy, psychology, mammography, among others, highlighting the importance of the great work carried out by the heroine during the process of emancipation of the nation.
It was very nice to see again this iconic redoma emblem of the city of Maturin and the state of Monagas, although I did not have the opportunity to see the fountain working, but it was still a nice and fun tour in the city, some things remain the same but definitely the promenade of Bolivar Avenue is a great work that allows visitors and residents to enjoy with family and perform different recreational activities.
En el estado Monagas se rinde especial tributo a esta insigne y destacada mujer, varias instituciones llevan su nombre entre estas destaca la Fundación Juana Ramírez la Avanzadora Casa de la Mujer, ubicada en el sector Las Brisas, donde se le brinda asistencia a la mujer en el área de salud mediante los servicios de ginecología pediatría, farmacia, psicología, mamografía entre otros, destacando la importancia de la gran labor llevada a cabo por la heroína durante el proceso de emancipación de la nación.
Fue muy agradable ver de nuevo esta icónica redoma emblema de la ciudad de Maturín y el estado Monagas, aunque no tuve la oportunidad de ver la fuente funcionando, pero igual fue un lindo y divertido recorrido en la ciudad, algunas cosas se mantienen igual pero definitivamente el paseo de la Avenida Bolívar es una gran obra que permite a los visitantes y residentes disfrutar en familia y realizar diferentes actividades recreativas.

The redoma in her honor reflects the historic event with which she earned the nickname of "La Avanzadora" when she crossed a hail of bullets during a battle with sword in hand to face the enemies, she moved so fast that she was given such a nickname for her brave and outstanding performance, the redoma is blue and consists of three circles located in order of size, in the smallest circle is the sculpture (made in bronze) of Juana Ramirez mounted on a golden sphere raising the sword as a symbol of victory.
This redoma has been repaired several times and in the last remodeling new elements were added; Sculptures of heroes seated with horses in the largest circle, a fence with silver tubes that protects the redoma, benches to rest and observe the redoma and its incredible fountain, lights and plants that embellish the place. The birthday of this outstanding woman is celebrated on January 12th and in her honor and gratitude, wreaths are placed in the redoma and cultural and educational events are held to publicize and highlight the actions of Juana Ramirez in the struggle for the independence of Venezuela.
La redoma en su honor refleja el histórico suceso con el cual se ganó el apodo de "La Avanzadora" al cruzar una lluvia de balas durante una batalla con espada en mano para hacer frente a los enemigos, se desplazó tan rápido que le otorgaron tal apodo por su valiente y destacada actuación, la redoma es de color azul y consta de tres círculos ubicados por orden de tamaño, en el círculo más pequeño está la escultura (hecha en bronce) de Juana Ramírez montada en una esfera dorada levantando la espada como símbolo de victoria.
Esta redoma ha sido reparada varias veces y en la última remodelación se agregaron nuevos elementos; esculturas de próceres sentados con caballos en el círculo más grande, una cerca con tubos plateados que resguarda la redoma bancos para descansar y observar la redoma y su increíble fuente, luminarias y plantas que embellecen el lugar, el cumpleaños de esta destacada mujer se celebra el doce de enero y en su honor y agradecimiento colocan coronas en la redoma y realizan actos culturales y educativos que tienen como objetivo dar a conocer y resaltar la actuación de Juana Ramírez en la lucha por la independencia de Venezuela.

All images are my own, captured by a Síragon LC-3000 camera.
Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas por una cámara Síragon LC-3000.
Translated with
Que bonita rotonda ( así le decimos los cubano) y que bonita sus escultura , un abrazo 🤗
Greetings friend, it is a curious name, the sculpture of Juana la Avanzadora, is a very important landmark in the state of Monagas.
Have a great weekend!
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Truly "La Avanzadora" was a great woman, she deserves the tribute that represents such beautiful sculptures.
Greetings @indipnash91, she was a brave woman who inspired many others to fight for the liberation of the country; she is a great reference for the women of Monaguense and the country in general.
Happy weekend!
Oh the statue of Juana is epic really, and the color fascinating! It is an original set because the other statue is placed in a peculiar way, it makes everything together look more attractive and certainly attracts attention. 🤩Hello dear @belkyscabrera
Greetings friend, the location of the traffic circle allows a wide view of the sculptures, in fact with the remodeling new elements were added that make it more attractive, it is impossible to pass and not stop to observe this great work of art that is an emblem for the city and the state.
Happy and blessed weekend!
Yeah a very good location indeed, and it's bright with the sunlight! Have a blessed weekend too!
And it looks so much better with the fountain on, thank you dear @duvinca.
I leave you two links where you can see how it was before and its recent remodeling.
Oh wow thanks! It's good when remodeling works are done and there is a very good result!👌
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.Hi @aplusd, thank you so much for selecting my post, happy with my award.
Greetings and blessings!
Greetings dear @belkyscabrera. We are always grateful for your marvelous A+D contributions here. More success and blessings! 😀
What a great woman she was, earning that noble spot in the city.
Hi @arrliinn, she was a brave woman and example to follow, the redoma in her honor is an important landmark for the city and the state.
Happy weekend!
A nice redo.a...I really like the sculptures and am amazed that the fountain still has water in it as it is customary to let them dry out. Thank you for taking us for a walk. An infinite hug 😘💜
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Thank you very much.
Greetings friend the remodeling was spectacular, in addition to adding new elements give it more colorful, the color looks great, the fountain was closed for some time, with the remodeling was activated again and incorporated the colored bulbs.
Happy beginning of the week!
In my eyes... the statues are beautiful works of art @belkyscabrera
Greetings @maytom, it is true the sculptures are incredible works of art, it is impressive how they highlight the factions and features of the characters, they look real.
Happy day!
Hola. Te felicito por tu trabajo en esta publicación. Bellas imágenes.
Saludos @rodcrea, la redoma Juana la Avanzadora además de ser una hermosa obra de arte constituye un icono referencial del pueblo Monaguense por la destacada participación que tuvo esta valiente mujer en el proceso de emancipación del país.
Feliz inicio de semana!
Greetings @rodcrea, the Juana la Avanzadora traffic circle besides being a beautiful work of art is a reference icon of the Monaguense people for the outstanding participation that this brave woman had in the process of emancipation of the country.
Happy beginning of the week!
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Thanks for the pizza yuuumii.