Historical Structures

Hello beautiful people, anyway this is my first time posting here and I don't know if there is a need of writing an introduction post about myself but notwithstanding, I am so glad I will be writing in this community after weeks of thinking of what to write in this community to be a part of its growth.

Traveling as I said, gives me so much joy and whenever I am opportune to travel, I also try as much as possible to A few weeks ago, I was opportune to find something different about those places and for December, I think I will be doing a lot of traveling because of the different occasions I will be having and I need to be there.

So a few weeks ago, I was privileged to travel to another village away from mine and I must say that village is still yet to receive or get a touch of the modern age beauty. It was not only full of old sculptures which I could only capture a few because I was busy and could not walk around with my phone but I guess the pictures I captured and will be sharing with us and the stories behind are worth it, it was also full of old wells and houses.

While I and my friends were on our way down to the village, since we did not know the place, we had to ask people for directions, and the first thing we were told is that once we get to a village filled with ancient sculptures, then we should know we are in the right place and indeed, the village was filled with different kinds of sculptures ranging from a king sculpture to a workers sculpture and this thing although old but beautiful.

So, I came across this ancient sculpture still standing erect and decided to take a shot of it from afar because I was afraid of getting closer.

From my perspective, I can say these sculptures were all caved out to describe their beliefs and also tell people a little about their customs and tradition. Well, that's what I was made to believe that sculptures represent people's beliefs, their customs, and their traditions.

Since I could not grasp the meaning behind the sculptured image, I decided to take a shot maybe I can get someone who can identify what the image looks like or represent.


Then, on my way down to get a few things for myself, I came across this old house and the mere sight of this building shows that the building is an old sculpture. I mean we rarely see buildings built like this anymore


Although it is a church building. I was intrigued by the outdoor speakers and the interior design of the building and I had to take a shot of it.

Not only is the building old, but even the door is also no longer in use in this modern age. The village still has its history not changed yet

I also came across an old well but I could not go closer or take out my phone to take a shot of anything again because of the bad eyes I was beginning to get from the villagers. I felt like I was going against their customs, so I had to do away with my phone before I get beaten for doing that.

These people still do have their ancient ways and go through every process without omitting anything, and it baffles me a lot.

It's been a while since I came across such old structures and sculptures. If anyone has an idea of what that sculpture looks like, I will be waiting to hear from us.

Thank you for reading through my blog.


I don't think there need for introductory post if you have done that at inception of joining hive

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Sculptures look interesting. I wonder what kind of religion it is for?

I have been thinking the same too. I think it is for their traditional religion, perhaps one of their numbers sculptures they worship.

Thank you for ur answer. Traditional belief is always interesting and mysterious.

Lols, you can say that again.