Beautiful Architecture and Design of Nurul Huda Mosque

Hello everyone in Architecture+Design Community! Long time no see 🤗
Today i want to share about Beautiful Architecture and Design of Nurul Huda Mosque in my town Metro City guys.


Nurul Huda Mosque is a mosque located in the corner of Metro City, precisely on Jln. Raya Kowi Metro Lampung so that this mosque is often called the Kowi Mosque because it is located on the name of the street where this mosque was built.


(The view of the gate from the outside mosque)

For the first time, here i will show you the main gate into the mosque area which has 2 different sides that make it very unique. The photo above is a gate seen from outside the mosque area, here we can see that the gate has good architecture and looks like 2 pillars on the left and right and with a wall arch in the middle bearing the name of the Nurul Huda mosque. In addition, if we look at the left and right sides there is a miniature small dome and in the middle of the gate there is an architecture like a large lotus flower.


(The view of the gate from the inside mosque)

When viewed from inside the mosque area we can see the writing in the middle of the gate with the Arabic alphabet which means the same as the writing in front of the Nurul Huda Mosque which is different only in Arabic, besides that from here we can clearly see the details of each architecture on the other side gate. The gate itself has several color combinations, namely white, green and yellow gold which makes it very aesthetic, besides that the fence on the gate is made of stainless steel.


This is the architecture of the Nurul Huda Mosque where we can see there are 2 small green domes on the left and right sides of the building and in the middle there is a large gold dome (main dome) which makes it look striking and has aesthetic value.

On the left and right sides of the wall there are miniature Arabic script with a star frame, then on the middle wall it is designed to have several small squares on the wall and below it is the inscription of the Nurul Huda Mosque which looks made of stainless and the cream color which looks very calm is very suitable to be combined with several the colors in the mosque.

At the entrance, the wall is made to resemble a door which is characterized by an Arabic design and there are 2 large palm trees in front of the mosque which are very supportive like the atmosphere of a mosque in an Arab city.





Next is a photo of me in front of the Nurul Huda mosque where beside me there is a small monument in which there is an inscription that the Nurul Huda mosque was first built and approved by the head of the local government, besides that what is interesting is that there is a mini garden and ornamental fish pond beside the mosque. which makes it look cool and adds a plus to the environmental design.

The part that i think is interesting and aesthetic is the floor around the mosque which has different patterns such as square, striped and interestingly shaped like a shuriken like the picture above. this floor seems to be made using natural stone after being painted with various shapes and certain patterns so that it looks very unique




The inside of the mosque has a large area with a green carpet for prayer for Muslims, besides that there are several supporting pillars attached to fans as conditioning if the mosque is filled with many people and inside the mosque has 2 floors so that it can have a capacity of many people who can enter and pray in this mosque.

In addition, on the front we can see on the wall there are some Arabic writings and a prayer leader's place which is equipped with furniture made of wood for the leader of the sermon.



On the roof of the mosque, precisely in the middle of the large golden dome at the beginning, there was an amazing roof design where on the inside of the dome or the roof color was white with some golden yellow lists and there were several small vents on the dome. The interesting thing is that there is a chandelier that is very large and looks luxurious, so i wonder how bright it will be if the lamp is turned on at night.

Thankyou for those of you who have visited my article, i hope you will like my stories and experiences in the article. In addition, i will be very happy if you provide feedback on my articles and let's be friends with each other in this Hive Platform. See you in my next post guys 😄

Who is Cita Amanda?

Cita Amanda is a person who has a profession as a medical laboratory analyzer and works in a hospital in Lampung. I'm 24 years old, My hobbies are writing, blogging, cooking, culinary, traveling, photography and learning about cryptocurrencies. Having a high dedication to learn something new, share experiences and contribute to the community. I want to build relationships and have friends on the Hive Blockchain, so don't hesitate and let's be friends 😉

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woouw this is a shady mosque, although the climate in the city of Lampung looks hot, but the enviromental architecture and design of the pool can overcome the hot climate @citaamanda

Thank you very much mom @umirais for stopping by 🤗, of course i really agree that the weather in Lampung is very hot and even there is a lot of vehicle pollution considering that Lampung province is a transit point between Java and Sumatra and i'm very happy that there are many architectures that care about the environment in building a building like the Nurul Huda Mosque 😊

Saya harap suatu hari nanti dapat berkunjung ke kota Lampung, salam dari Binjai @citaamanda

Hi @citaamanda, the arched doorway is very striking, the colors of the mosque are beautiful, I am struck by the arrangement of the 3 domes and the interior design.


Hello miss @belkyscabrera thankyou for stopping by on my post 🤗
i glad to know you interested with Nurul Huda Mosque architecture and i really agree with you too miss 🤗

Great to have you back @citaamanda. Your featured mosque is truly eye-catching not only because of its color combinations but personally also due to its distinctive domes. These architectural elements are the defining characteristics of these sacred buildings and have always fascinated me about Islamic architecture. 😊

Are there any Indonesian tribal design influences implemented in that mosque?

Hello Mr. @storiesoferne how are you? 🤗
I have been very busy these days as i will be the head of the laboratory of the hospital where i worked. So that a lot of time was missed and even my vacation had to be given up for overtime because there were so many meetings and report files that had to be completed 😩

In the city where i live, there are many mosques that have architecture, even in remote areas that have interesting architectural designs. Most of the designs of mosques or religious buildings in my city are combined with the culture of Lampung and the characteristics of the city of Lampung. Unfortunately I have very little time off to take some photos of him and i will try to go around capturing them and sharing them with family in our beloved community 🤗

Oh that's interesting. The culture of Lampung has tremendous design influence then to their mosque architecture. What's the dominant Indonesian tribe in this city, any idea?

And congratulations @citaamanda on your new role as laboratory head in the hospital where you're currently working. It's a great pleasure to host a healthcare specialist in our beloved community! 😊

 2 years ago  

Congratulations @citaamanda! We're delighted to specially curate your awesome publication and award it RUNNER-UP in Architecture Anthology™ 1. More power!


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Thankyou @aplusd for choosing my post into runner up, it's really makes me happy and much appreciated 😍

 2 years ago  

You are most welcome dear @citaamanda. We look forward to experiencing more of your interesting architecture and design posts soon. Have fun! 😀

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