Glorias Patrias Park and its twin squares. Mérida - Venezuela ENG-ESP

Glorias Patrias Park (1).png


!Hola amigos de HIVE!

Have you ever thought about how important natural parks and squares are in a city? Having these small spaces to enjoy a bit of fresh air and the shade that trees offer us in the midst of a hectic and hectic day to day life is wonderful to me.

Parks and squares not only tell us about history, they beautify cities, make them more environmentally friendly and boost tourism, and all this influences the economic and social development of cities or towns. Therefore, preventive, periodic and constant maintenance is necessary and important.

Has pensado, alguna vez, cuán importante son las plazas y parques naturales, dentro de una ciudad. Tener estos pequeños espacios, para disfrutar de un poco del aire fresco y de la sombra que los árboles nos ofrece, en medio del apresurado y agitado día a día, me resulta maravilloso.

Los parques y plazas no solo nos habla de historia, embellece las ciudades, las hace más amigable con el medio ambiente e impulsa el turismo y todo esto influye en el desarrollo económico y social de las ciudades o pueblos. Por eso, el mantenimiento preventivo, periódico y constante, es necesario e importante.

Dear friends of Hive, I hope you are wonderful, enjoying the blessings of life, today, I wanted to start my post with this little reflection, because in recent years, I have seen with pain, as many beautiful places have been forgotten and therefore have been progressively deteriorating, being abandoned and in some cases becoming cradles of insecurity.

That said, I want to share with you a very special park for me. It is called Glorias Patrias and is located in a sector of the city of Merida, Venezuela, called with the same name.

In the midst of large trees, with mysterious stick beards, hanging between their branches, is the Glorias Patrias park, which is formed by two twin squares in homage to two independence heroes, located between Av. 2 Lora and Av. 3 Urdaneta, we have the square José Antonio Páez and just in front between Av. 3 and Av. 4 we find its twin square called Vicente Campo Elías.

Queridos amigos de Hive, espero están de maravilla, disfrutando de las bendiciones de la vida, el día de hoy, quise comenzar mi post con esta pequeña reflexión, porque en los últimos años, he visto con dolor, como muchos sitios hermosos han sido olvidados y por ende se han venido deteriorando progresivamente, quedando abandonados y en algunos casos convirtiéndose en cunas de inseguridad.

Dicho esto, quiero compartir con ustedes un Parque muy especial para mí, Se llama Glorias Patrias y está ubicado en un Sector de la Ciudad de Mérida, Venezuela, llamado con el mismo nombre.

En medio de grandes árboles, con misteriosas barbas de palo, colgando entre sus ramas, se encuentra el parque Glorias Patrias, el cual está formado por dos plazas gemelas en homenaje a dos proceres de la independencia, ubicada en entre la Av. 2 Lora y la Av. 3 Urdaneta, tenemos a la Plaza José Antonio Páez y justo al frente entre la Av. 3 y Av. 4 encontramos su plaza gemela llamada Vicente Campo Elías.

One day of errands and exhausting paperwork, I was walking through this sector, in some parts of the city there were protests and this caused that public transport was quite scarce, the day was beautiful, but the sun was relentless, as I approached the park, I could not be happier that it existed and see that they are trying to recover it again.

While I was resting, many memories came to my mind in this place with my sister, she lived some time in this area and we liked to spend the afternoon here, at that time the fountains of the square remained lit much of the day and at night it was a nice show, thanks to the lighting of the fountains.

In the site we can find enough information about its history, thanks to its bronze plaques, we can know that the park was remodeled and reopened by the Merida Tourism Corporation in 2004 (Plaza Vicente Campo Elías) and in 2005 (Plaza José Antonio Páez).

Un día cualquiera de diligencias y trámites agotadores, me encontraba caminando por este Sector, en algunos puntos de la ciudad había protestas y esto ocasiono que el transporte público, fuese bastante escaso, el día estaba precioso, pero el sol era implacable, mientras me acercaba al parque, no podía estar más feliz, de que existiera y ver que están tratando de recuperarlo nuevamente.

Mientras descansaba, llegaban a mi mente muchos recuerdos en este lugar junto a mi hermana, ella vivió algún tiempo en esta zona y nos gustaba pasar la tarde aquí, en ese momento las fuentes de la plaza permanecían encendidas gran parte del día y en la noche era un bonito espectáculo, gracias a la iluminación de las fuentes.

En el sitio podemos encontrar bastante información, acerca de su historia, gracias a sus placas de bronce, podemos conocer que el parque fue remodelado y reinaugurado por la corporación merideña de turismo en el año 2004 (Plaza Vicente Campo Elías) y en el año 2005 (Plaza José Antonio Páez).

I remember, it became a great meeting point, it was visually attractive and the presence of the trees make you feel in contact with nature, at that time, no one imagined that years later it would be in a state of abandonment, full of weeds and without any maintenance, that is why I am so glad to see it more cared for, with some areas restored and the fountain works again, I know because they turned them on for a few seconds, I did not have time to take a picture, but I imagine that as in other places they turn it on in the afternoon or evening.

Recuerdo, que se convirtió en un gran punto de encuentro, era atractivo visualmente y la presencia de los árboles hacen que te sientas en contacto con la naturaleza, en ese momento, nadie se imaginaba que años después estaría en estado de abandono, lleno de maleza y sin ningún tipo de mantenimiento, por eso me alegro tanto de verla más cuidada, con algunas áreas restauradas y la fuente funciona de nuevo, lo sé porque las encendieron por unos segundos, no me dio tiempo de tomarle una foto, pero me imagino que al igual que en otros lugares la encienden por la tarde o la noche.

The beautiful twin squares

Las hermosas plazas gemelas

Both squares share the same characteristics, the same distribution, the same design of its plant and its central fountain, the only difference is the bust of its central sculpture. I could not take a good picture to give you an idea of how is its plant, so I have made this small reference drawing in macromedia fireworks 8 software.

Ambas plazas comparten las mismas características, la misma distribución, el mismo diseño de su planta y de su fuente central, lo único que las diferencia es el busto de su escultura central. No pude tomar una buena fotografía que les diera una idea de cómo es su planta, por eso he realizado este pequeño dibujo referencial en software macromedia fireworks 8.


On the left side we have the José Antonio Páez Square and on the right side the Vicente Campo Elías Square . /// Del lado izquierdo tenemos la Plaza José Antonio Páez y del Derecho la Plaza Vicente Campo Elías.

José Antonio Páez Square

Vicente Campo Elías Square


After the trees, what I like the most is the central part where we find the bust in homage to Vicente Campo Elías and José Antonio Páez, both sculptures are supported by a concrete structure covered in granite, with some simple but very beautiful architectural decorations.

Después de sus árboles, lo que más me gusta de ellas es su parte central donde encontramos el busto en homenaje a Vicente Campo Elías y José Antonio Páez, ambas esculturas están apoyadas en una estructura de concreto revestida en granito, con algunas decoraciones arquitectónicas sencillas, pero muy bonitas.

The pedestal resembles a truncated pyramid with a series of steps, which make a set of reliefs, at the foot of the same, protrudes and other smaller bronze sculptures of the historical personage, but this time riding a horse and different bronze plaques that speak a little of history.

El pedestal se asemeja a una pirámide truncada con una serie de escalones, que hacen un juego de relieves, al pie del mismo, sobresale y otras esculturas en bronce más pequeñas del personaje histórico, pero esta vez montando a caballo y distintas placas de bronce que habla un poco de historia.

All this culminates with a circular planter where a water fountain works, I do not know the current state of the illuminations, but previously it caused a very beautiful visual effect.

Todo esto culmina con una jardinera circular donde funciona una fuente de agua, no sé el estado actual de las iluminaciones, pero anteriormente provocaba un efecto visual muy hermoso.

From this fountain we have the walkways with some decorations in the concrete and in each one of them we find iron and wood benches, some in a state of deterioration. We also find iron lamp posts with beautiful lanterns.

As you can see in the images, the green stands out in the whole scene and the stick beard present in the trees, gives it a mysterious and interesting aspect.

A partir de esta fuente tenemos las caminerías con algunas decoraciones en el concreto y en cada una de ellas encontramos bancas de hierro y madera, algunas en estado de deterioro. También encontramos postes de luz en hierro con lindos faroles.

Como ven en las imágenes, el verde sobresale en toda la escena y la barba de palo presente en sus árboles, le da un aspecto misterioso e interesante.

José Antonio Páez Square

Vicente Campo Elías Square

Around the square there are some commercial and residential buildings, an exclusive hotel, the municipal police headquarters, an army barracks, the most popular gymnasium and the symphony music school.

En los alrededores de la plaza encontramos algunas edificaciones comerciales y residenciales, un exclusivo hotel, la sede de la policía municipal, un cuartel del ejército, el gimnasio más popular y la escuela sinfónica de música.

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Some observations

Algunas observaciones

I am glad for the radical change and I hope that every day they work towards its recovery, I noticed some cracks in the pedestal and some stains, I would love to see the planters completely recovered, since the flowers give life to places like this and recover all the seats, that would make a big difference, maybe, very soon it will be this nice again.

Me alegra el cambio radical y espero que cada día se trabaje en pro de su recuperación, observe algunas grietas en el pedestal y algunas manchas, me encantaría que se recuperara completamente las jardineras, ya que las flores le dan vida a sitios como este y recuperaran todos los asientos, eso haría una gran diferencia, tal vez, muy pronto este así de linda nuevamente.

I hope that my publication has been to your liking, I will be sharing buildings in my region that catch my attention.

Espero que mi publicación haya sido de su agrado, estaré compartiendo edificaciones de mi región que llamen mi atención.

My language is Spanish, therefore, I use the translator DeepL, in its free version, the images were taken by me, with my Yezz max phone, editing done in Canva, drawing done in Macromedia fireworks. 

Mi idioma es el español, por tanto, uso el traductor DeepL, en su versión gratuita, las imágenes fueron tomadas por mí, con mi teléfono Yezz max, edición realizada en Canva, dibujo realizado en Macromedia fireworks. 

Navy and Pink Floral Wedding Brunch Facebook Cover.jpg


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the blend of sunlight and trees around makes for an amazing color @doriangel

Yes I love it, the trees bring life to the square. Thank you very much.

Impressive park @doriangel! What I love the most is its radical layout of twin squares. There's a sense of symmetry, order, and balance with this architectural pattern, giving the entire landmark a harmonious spatial design. I'm truly glad that they have revived its former glory after years of neglect. Hopefully, the maintenance efforts will continue for many generations to enjoy. 👍😊

As usual, when we talk about parks and other related green environments, I'm always eager to know the names of the organic species of trees, shrubs, plants, and flowers in these spaces. Any idea for your beloved Glorias Patrias Park?

Yes, I also quite like this architectural design, I hope that little by little they will restore all the sites, which like this one need a little love.

I don't know the names of these trees, I will have it as homework, some time ago I made a post about the beard of stick that hangs from the trees, because in several areas of Merida, we find this spectacle a lot. Here is my post if you like to read it. I will try to investigate the species of these trees and I will comment you later.

Always grateful, greetings and blessings @storiesoferne .

No worries @doriangel, let's reveal the plant names one by one as soon as you have the chance. By the way, the Tillandsia or Beard of a Stick is certainly an astonishing specimen of nature which also reminds me of Christmas due to its peculiar appearance. I'm delighted that the plant species in your gardens and parks have pretty much become part and parcel of Venezuelan culture and tradition. Have a great weekend, blessings! 😊

wow, how fabulous those squares look, loaded with a high historical content that bear the names of two national heroes, I love the grass and the feeling of contact or close link with nature, just like the photos, they are wonderful above all those where you can see how the sun's rays pierce the trees greetings and blessings dear friend @doriangel

Yes, it is beautiful, the trees are quite tall, it lets the sun's rays pass through, this day it was shining. It is precisely what I like that you can make contact with nature while taking a break from your day to day life. Greetings and blessings @armasdiaze .

Undoubtedly, squares and parks are places that harmonize cities, in addition to beautifying and being spaces for human recreation. Greetings !

There is no doubt about this, it is a good thing that in my city we have several of these and lately they are being rehabilitated. Thank you very much.

Wonderful publication, loved the pictures.Hello @doriangel

Thank you very much, I'm glad, that you liked it, thanks for stopping by my blog.

A park in a bustling city brings the needed dbreak from the urban landscape.

Yes, definitely. They are the perfect places to rest for a while and breathe fresh air.

 2 years ago  

Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER-UP in Architecture Anthology™ 15. More power!Congratulations @doriangel! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our


Thank you for subscribing to Architecture+Design, an OCD incubated community on the Hive Blockchain.

Thank you so much, I am so happy for your recognition. Happy friendship day to all the @aplusd team, I don't know if you celebrate it in your country, but friendship is commemorated every day.

 2 years ago  

Indeed dear @doriangel, friendship day is celebrated every single day regardless of the country. So we also wish you and your lovely family the best of health and wealth. Thank you for your kind words. More blessings! 😀

Hello, I totally agree. Some places have fallen into neglect and it is sad to see how deteriorated they are.

The park is beautiful, I remember walking through it on my last trip to Merida, but that was almost 10 years ago, so many things must have changed. It is nice to remember moments with your sister in that place. That rest in the open air, breathing the air and feeling the Merida cold. The best thing that can happen to you!

Yes, here lately they have restored several places, I hope it is not only for the fairs and it will be maintained. This square was much more beautiful than it is now. I hope when you come here you will find it beautiful for you to enjoy.

İ hope it. They not only restore it. İt's important the maintenance

Definitely, it is the most important thing. Happy love and friendship day. 😚