Historic Center Of Ejido, Mérida - Venezuela

in Architecture+Designlast year (edited)


Hola amigos de HIVE!

We continue touring this beautiful Andean town called Ejido, but this time, we will approach its central area, which like Montalbán, its streets boast colonial architecture, a style that I personally enjoy very much.

This time I would like to talk to you about the main meeting point for the residents and visitors of Ejido, the Plaza Bolivar and its surroundings. This area is of great importance, being one of the points of greatest affluence, since we have from educational and religious institutions, commercial centers to the municipal palace of government, where the different governmental organisms make life.

The central area of Ejido, takes me to the history books, especially for its two-story houses with small balconies placed in series, which reminds me of the descriptions of the homes of wealthy and empowered families of the time.

Let's start with this beautiful yellow house, which undoubtedly, catches looks, this is a fairly large house, currently here runs a farm store, my son, always makes us visit this store, because they always have pets and some farm animals, some for sales others to give up for adoption. I love their small balconies with a simple iron trellis, wooden walls and doors.

Its fallen siding on the side lets us see that its walls are made of earth, these walls had a very special feature and is that the thickness of its walls could measure up to one meter, but this is very variable; however, it is incredible compared to the walls of today that have much thinner thicknesses.

Seguimos recorriendo, este bello pueblo andino llamado Ejido, pero esta vez, nos acercaremos a su casco central, que al igual que Montalbán, sus calles hacen gala de la arquitectura colonial, un estilo que en lo personal disfruto mucho.

En esta ocasión quisiera hablarles acerca del principal punto de encuentro de los pobladores y visitantes de Ejido, La Plaza Bolívar y sus alrededores. Esta zona es de gran importancia, siendo uno de los puntos de mayor afluencia, ya que tenemos desde instituciones educativas y religiosas, centros comerciales hasta el palacio municipal de gobierno, donde hacen vida los distintos organismos gubernamentales.

El casco central de Ejido, me lleva a los libros de historia, especialmente por sus casas de dos plantas con pequeños balcones colocados en serie, que me hace recordar las descripciones de las viviendas de las familias adineradas y empoderadas de la época.

Comenzaremos por esta hermosa casa amarilla, que sin duda, atrapa miradas, esta es una casa bastante grande, actualmente aquí funciona una tienda agropecuaria, mi hijo, siempre nos hace visitar esta tienda, porque siempre tienen mascotas y algunos animales de granja, algunos para ventas otros para dar en adopción. Me encantan sus pequeños balcones con un enrejado sencillo en hierro, paredes y puertas de madera.

Su revestimiento caído en la parte lateral nos deja ver que sus paredes son de tierra, estas paredes de tapia tenían una característica muy especial y es que el espesor de sus paredes podía llegar a medir hasta un metro, pero esto es muy variable; sin embargo, es increíble comparado con las paredes de la actualidad que tienen espesores mucho más finos.

Next to the farm we have the Ejido Clinic, I did not find much information about it, I do not know how long it has been built, but my parents say that the clinic works approximately since the 80s. This house maintains the same style in its architecture, it has a facade composed of three parts, where only the central area has two floors and a beautiful balcony with wooden railings and a tile roof.

I have visited this clinic several times and its interior is beautiful, it has a central courtyard with a small fountain and beautiful plants that give harmony to the place and stone floor, around it, circular columns with simple decorative details and corridors with arched doors that lead to the different hospital rooms or medical offices.

The attention in this place is very cordial, as it should be in all health centers and despite being a private clinic, it maintains affordable prices compared to other places in the city.

Al lado de la agropecuaria tenemos la Clínica Ejido, no encontré mucha información sobre ella, no sé cuanto tiempo tiene de construida, pero mis padres dicen que la clínica funciona aproximadamente desde los 80. Esta casa mantiene el mismo estilo en su arquitectura, posee una fachada compuesta de tres partes, donde solo el área central tiene dos plantas y un hermoso balcón con barandas de madera y una cubierta en teja.

He entrado varias veces a esta clínica y su interior es precioso, posee un patio central con una pequeña fuente y hermosas plantas que le dan armonía al lugar y piso de piedras, alrededor, columnas circulares con sencillos detalles decorativos y pasillos con puertas en arco que dan hacia las distintas habitaciones de hospitalización o consultorios médicos.

La atención en este lugar es muy cordial, como debería ser en todos los centros de salud y a pesar de ser una clínica privada, mantiene precios accesibles en comparación con otros sitios de la ciudad.

The Municipal Palace of Campo Elias, is one of the buildings that I like the most in the center of Ejido, its facade, maintains the typical constructive characteristics of the Andes, but with a more modern air. The colors of its façade highlight its design and I love the series of elongated rectangular windows. Currently, it houses part of the offices of the Mayor's Office, since they recently built another one, and the Municipal Police. I have never been inside and from the outside you can't see much, but I have passed by here at night and it has a nice illumination.

El Palacio Municipal de Campo Elías, es uno de los edificios que más me gustan del centro de Ejido, su fachada, mantiene las características constructivas típicas de los Andes, pero con un aire más moderno. Los colores de su fachada, resaltan su diseño y me encanta la serie de ventanas rectangulares alargadas. Actualmente, dentro de ella funciona, una parte de las oficinas de la Alcaldía, ya que recientemente construyeron otra y la Policía Municipal. Nunca he entrado y desde afuera no se logra apreciar mucho, pero he pasado por aquí de noche y posee una bonita iluminación.

We also find in the surroundings of the Bolivar square, other buildings that make a beautiful contrast with those already described, are contemporary buildings, small shopping malls, the Municipal Market and the San Buenaventura Church of which I have already spoken.

También encontramos en los alrededores de la plaza Bolívar, otras edificaciones que hacen un contraste hermoso con las ya descritas, son edificaciones contemporáneas, pequeños centro comerciales, el Mercado Municipal y la Iglesia San Buenaventura de la cual ya les he hablado.

In the middle of all these buildings we have the Plaza Bolivar of the Campo Elias Municipality, because it is Municipal, the sculpture of the liberator is on foot, in full size, it is a beautiful work, with many details, the sculptor did a great job.

This square is large and has a lot of free space for people to enjoy it. One of the things I love are the palm trees, which undoubtedly give life to the square, in addition to some ornamental plants and trees that fill this beautiful place with freshness.

The square has a certain slope that is balanced by several steps. Its walkways are wide and very comfortable, where we find wrought iron benches and lanterns with beautiful decorations to illuminate the evening of its night visitors. At Christmas, I visited it at night and it looked beautiful, with all the decorations of that time.

En medio de todas estas edificaciones tenemos la Plaza Bolívar del Municipio Campo Elías, debido a que es Municipal, la escultura del libertador es a pie, en tamaño completo, es una obra preciosa, con muchos detalles, el escultor realizo un gran trabajo.

Esta plaza es grande y tiene mucho espacio libre, para que las personas disfruten de ella. Una de las cosas que me encantan son sus palmeras, que sin duda le dan vida a la plaza, además de algunas plantas ornamentales y árboles que llenan de frescura este hermoso sitio.

La plaza tiene cierta pendiente que es equilibrada por varios escalones. Sus caminarías son anchas y muy cómodas, donde encontramos bancos en hierro forjado y faroles con bonitas decoraciones para iluminar la velada de sus visitantes nocturnos. En navidad, la visité de noche y se veía hermosa, con todas las decoraciones de esa época.



And here we end today's tour of Ejido, hoping that at some point you will have the opportunity to get to know it and enjoy the great sugar cane hacienda that became a city.

Y aquí culminamos el paseo, por Ejido del día de hoy, esperando que en algún momento tengan la oportunidad de conocerlo y disfrutar de la gran hacienda de caña de azúcar que se convirtió en ciudad.

I hope that my publication has been to your liking, in the future I will continue to show you a little more of my architectural look at the city of Ejido or any corner of the State of Merida.

Espero que mi publicación haya sido de su agrado, en el futuro seguiré mostrándoles un poco más de mi mirada arquitectónica a la ciudad de Ejido o cualquier rincón del Estado Mérida.

 My language is Spanish so I use the translator DeepL, in its free version, the images were taken by me, with my Yezz max phone and my siragon camera. 

 Mi idioma es el español por tanto uso el traductor DeepL, en su versión gratuita, las imagenes fueron tomadas por mi, con mi telefono Yezz max y mi camara siragón. 

Navy and Pink Floral Wedding Brunch Facebook Cover.jpg


very beautiful city with extraordinary Architecture and building design

Thank you very much, yes, it is a very beautiful city, thanks for visiting my post

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Thank You

Amiga what a beautiful place, its buildings, even though they are all vintage, look well preserved and that natural environment everywhere gives even more beauty to each building.

Thanks for letting us know more about the city of Merida, a place as beautiful as its people.

The bad thing was that I didn't see the beautiful birthday girl in the pictures.

Congratulations again and many blessings my beautiful friend 😘🤗🥳

Thank you for coming to visit Ejido through my photos. I don't go out, this day I took very few photos, it was a little before my birthday.

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@doriangel Hello, receive my embrace!

What a nice tour you have given me. I did this route when I was a little girl on a school holiday.

Merida is one of my favourite states. I am struck by the clinic with its colonial look, how nice, is it a clinic that provides care in all medical specialties?

Hi friend. It is a very complete clinic, they also do surgeries and stuff, I don't know if it has all the specialties but it does have a large part. Thank you very much, friend. A hug and I hope you return to Mérida sometime.

Greetings @doriangel, it is nice to read your publications from the state of Mérida, the population of Ejido is really beautiful, the architecture of its buildings has a marked colonial influence that shows us a bit of the lifestyle of our ancestors.

The mayor's office building has a great design and its characteristic balcony typical of the time, it also contrasts with the mountain landscape in the background. This is one of the aspects that I like the most about Ejido, the great mountain in the background and the landscape. I hope soon to visit this beautiful town.

Have a nice day!

Everything that concerns historical always has its own story. Shows that a building will be worth more over time, because they are built from past stories.