Rehabilitación de edificios./ Building refurbishment.

in Architecture+Design3 years ago (edited)

Hola amigos de Hive.

Hoy os traigo más ejemplos de rehabilitación y nuevos usos de edificios muy antiguos que son patrimonio arquitectónico de nuestras ciudades.

En esta ocasión os quiero mostrar el buen trabajo que esta realizando el ayuntamiento de San Roque, un pueblo de Cádiz en lo que se refiere a su patrimonio de edificios y cultural.

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San Roque se encuentra situado sobre una colina, lugar estratégico desde que se iniciaron los enfrentamientos por Gibraltar. Era el lugar de edificios de usos militares y la Guardia Civil Española.
Es por ello que se realizaron una serie de edificios en aquel entonces para casas cuartel y diferentes usos militares. Estas edificaciones datan de principios de 1.700 siendo el uso de los edificios militar hasta aprox.1880
Después de esto, se cerraron y han estado cerrados, sin mantenimiento durante décadas.

Posteriormente, se cedieron y rehabilitaron para la realización de varios usos tales como edificio de la Policía Local de San Roque e incluso Ayuntamiento de la localidad. Estas obras muy recientes.

El ayuntamiento de dicha localidad ha puesto sus miras desde siempre en esta situación por su fácil accesibilidad y que estos edificios se encuentran situados muy cercanos y tiene espacio para plazas entre ellos.
Haciendo obras y arreglos para que desde que se rehabilitó el primero, se pudiera acceder fácilmente a el y a sus cercanías.

Ahora se sitúan entre ellos, La escuela de Idiomas de San Roque, una edificio de usos múltiples, el Ayuntamiento, La Policía Local y en estos días el Ayuntamiento de la Localidad ha solicitado a la Junta de Andalucía( Gobierno Autonómico) la compra del que queda en condiciones deplorables para usos múltiples y situar en el, un espacio suficiente para celebraciones y actos del pueblo.

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Today I bring you more examples of rehabilitation and new uses of very old buildings that are architectural heritage of our cities.

On this occasion I want to show you the good work being done by the town council of San Roque, a town in Cádiz in terms of its building and cultural heritage.

San Roque is situated on a hill, a strategic place from the beginning of the fighting over Gibraltar, which is why it was the site of military buildings and the Spanish Civil Guard.
This is why a series of buildings were constructed at that time for barracks and different military uses. These buildings date back to the early 1700s and were used for military purposes until about 1880.
After that, they were closed and remained closed and unmaintained for decades

Subsequently, they were ceded and rehabilitated for various uses such as the building of the Local Police of San Roque and even the Town Hall of San Roque. These very recent works.

The town council has always had its sights set on this situation due to its easy accessibility and the fact that these buildings are located very close to each other and have space for squares between them. Since the first building was rehabilitated, it has been easily accessible and the surrounding area has been undergoing works and repairs.

Now the San Roque Language School, a multi-purpose building, the Town Hall, the Local Police and these days the Town Council has asked the Junta de Andalucia (Regional Government) to buy the one that is in deplorable condition for multiple uses and to place in it a sufficient space for celebrations and events in the village.

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Una iniciativa muy acertada desde mi punto de vista la de este Ayuntamiento.
El edificio se ha valorado en unos 650.000 euros.
Además de ser un peligro hoy día para los viandantes que circulan por la zona, con estas obras el municipio recobrará una de las obras arquitectónicas con historia de la localidad.

Este tipo de obras, se han realizado ya en algunos de sus edificios y se han restaurado dejando su carácter y autentico semblante militar.

Esas simplicidad robusta y sin muchas florituras pero que hacen de la plaza un lugar muy característico de San Roque.

El edificio que se rehabilitará actualmente es el ultimo que queda en la plaza y es denominado como pabellón Norte.

Son aproximadamente unos 3100 metros cuadrados y el precio obviamente es figurativo para que se pueda realizar esta labor de rehabilitación y no pase a manos de usos privados.
Quedando así, a formar parte de el patrimonio socio- cultural del pueblo de San Roque.

Hoy os he mostrado algunas imágenes de el estado actual de dicha edificación y de el resultado de otro edificio, ya restaurado y en pleno funcionamiento.

Como podéis ver en las imágenes los edificios son completamente iguales en similitud y todos tienen las mismas características y antigüedad.
Por lo que se hace ver, como será el mismo una vez rehabilitado y reformado.

Afortunadamente, parece que se empiezan a ver los valores reales de las edificaciones. No por estar en malas condiciones deben derrumbarse y crearse edificios modernos y completamente diferentes en su lugar.

Me encanta ver que cada día, son más los ayuntamiento que ponen sus miras en su historia y por tanto, en la rehabilitación ;)

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In my opinion, this is a very good initiative by the town council.
The building has been valued at around 650,000 euros.
In addition to being a danger to pedestrians in the area today, with these works the municipality will recover one of the architectural works with history of the town

This type of work has already been carried out on some of its buildings and they have been restored, leaving their character and authentic military appearance.

These robust simplicity and without many frills but that make the square a very characteristic place of San Roque.

The building that is currently being restored is the last remaining building in the square and is known as the North Pavilion.

It is approximately 3100 square metres and the price is obviously figurative so that the rehabilitation work can be carried out and the building does not pass into private hands.
Thus becoming part of the socio-cultural heritage of the town of San Roque.

Today I have shown you some images of the current state of this building and the result of another building, already restored and fully operational.

As you can see in the images the buildings are completely similar and all have the same characteristics and age.
So you can see what the same building will look like once it has been renovated and refurbished.

Fortunately, it seems that the real values of the buildings are beginning to be seen. It is not because they are in poor condition that they should be demolished and modern and completely different buildings created in their place.

I am delighted to see that every day, more and more city councils are looking at their history and therefore, at the rehabilitation ;)


Imágenes capturadas con / Images captured with Samsung Galaxy S21 2.021.
Todos los derechos / All rights reserved by @Garvi.

¡Espero os guste !
I hope you liked it !
Creador de contenido desde 2.017

que bonito ha quedado
"Me encanta ver que cada día, son más los ayuntamiento que ponen sus miras en su historia y por tanto, en la rehabilitación"
así tendría que ser siempre

feliz viernes

how beautiful it is
"I love to see that every day, more city councils set their sights on its history and, therefore, on rehabilitation"
that's how it should always be
Happy Friday

Es nuestra historia y las edificaciones que tenemos hablan de ella.
Muchas gracias por comentar y que tengas un estupendo fin de semana amiga :)Exactamente @txatxy.

It is our history and the buildings we have speak of it.
Thank you very much for commenting and have a great weekend my friend :)Exactly @txatxy.

hace malo llueve y bajaron las temperaturas
bajaría para abajo con gusto
feliz lunes guapa

Aquí hace sol y un poco de humedad por el levante.😅
Cuando puedas te escapas ;)

Hello dear @garvi. The process of renovating ancient military buildings into functional equivalents for the modern age is not an easy task. While it's a tedious endeavor, it's definitely an act of heroism because it helps to preserve the original cultural identity of that locality. Unfortunately, there are plenty of government agencies around the world that demolish heritage landmarks for the sake of progress and development. However, I believe that the municipal council of San Roque in Cadiz has absolutely made the correct decision of reviving those dilapidated structures to better serve your citizens. Just like the fashion industry, there's always room for innovative reinvention.

It couldn't be explained and said better @storiesoferne :)

That's totally the idea and the attitude I wanted to show with my post.
It is a hard work but in the long run it is very worthwhile.
Thank you very much for your appreciation and your very accurate comment.
Best regards and have a nice weekend!

Happy weekend @garvi. Stay safe.

 3 years ago  

Architecture Brew #39. Congratulations!Well done @garvi! We're happy to inform you that this publication was specially curated and awarded RUNNER-UP in


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Thank you so much @aplusd :)

 3 years ago  

You're most welcome @garvi. Keep posting great content.