Rehabilitación de entorno urbano-Gibraltar./ Urban environment rehabilitation-Gibraltar.

in Architecture+Design4 years ago (edited)

Hola amigos de Hive.

La arquitectura como forma de vida.
Architecture as a way of life.

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La arquitectura para muchos es una forma de vida y yo me atrevería a decir que incluso un vicio para algunos.
Architecture for many is a way of life and I would go so far as to say that it is even a vice for some.

No se puede evitar.
Cuando algo te gusta mucho, más bien te apasiona, tender a estar por defecto modificando lo que no te gusta en tú mente.
It cannot be avoided.
When you like something a lot, or rather you are passionate about it, you tend to be modifying by default what you don't like in your mind.

Hoy os quiero mostrar un parque construido en una zona que estaba muy abandonada de Gibraltar y ahora ha recobrado, la belleza que necesitaba.
Today I want to show you a park built in a very neglected area of Gibraltar and now it has regained the beauty it needed.

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Me gusta el parque muchísimo, tanto por su geometría como por los materiales y ejemplares empleados en su diseño.
Pero no puedo evitar, echar en falta algo que creo que necesita.
Sí, una fuente o poder ver agua por algún lado.
I like the park very much, both for its geometry and for the materials and specimens used in its design.
But I can't help missing something I think it needs.

Yes, a fountain or being able to see water somewhere.

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Creo que cuando se diseña un espacio y más uno como es este lugar.
Una autentica obra de rehabilitación de un entorno urbano, se tiene que hacer con mucho mimo y teniendo en cuenta todos los detalles.
I think that when a space is designed, especially one like this place.
An authentic work of rehabilitation of an urban environment, it has to be done with great care and taking into account all the details.

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Este precioso parque es un ejemplo.
Pero el agua es tan necesaria en este entorno que no puedo creer que se haya pasado por alto, más bien creo que tiene que ser algo que se ha descartado por alguna causa que desconozco.
This beautiful park is an example.
But water is so necessary in this environment that I can't believe it has been overlooked, rather I think it has to be something that has been discarded for some unknown reason.

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La verdad es que prácticamente toda Gibraltar se esta modificando por completo, tanto por sus nuevas obras urbanísticas como por el entorno en general.
Pinceladas modernas en entornos urbanos muy deteriorados.
The truth is that practically the whole of Gibraltar is being completely modified, both by its new urban developments and by the environment in general.
Modern touches in very deteriorated urban environments.

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En este caso en particular se ha rehabilitado el teatro Royal de Gibraltar y este parque es un entorno que lo envuelve.
Realmente un acierto y sobre todo para todos los vecinos de los alrededores que han pasado a tener unas preciosas vistas desde sus ventanas.
In this particular case, the Royal Theatre of Gibraltar has been rehabilitated and this park is an environment that surrounds it.
It is a real success, especially for all the neighbours in the surrounding area, who now have beautiful views from their windows.

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El verde de las hojas contrasta con la madera y el óxido, me parece un acierto la elección de los materiales y el diseño que se ha realizado.
Metal oxidado que nos transmite fuerza a la vez que arraigo.
Pasarelas de madera, calidez y naturalidad.
Verdor en todo el entorno, relajante y fresco.
Una pasarela, un mirador, zonas de descanso y muchas florecitas de colores que puedes disfrutar a la sombra de un árbol. 😉

The green of the leaves contrasts with the wood and the rust, I think the choice of materials and the design that has been done is a success.
Rusty metal that transmits strength as well as roots.
Wooden walkways, warmth and naturalness.
Greenery all around, relaxing and fresh.

A walkway, a viewpoint, rest areas and lots of colourful flowers that you can enjoy in the shade of a tree 😉.

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Espero que se tome nota y muchos de los ayuntamientos, sean capaces de ir restaurando los entornos urbanos con pinceladas verdes y sobre todo, renovando lo más abandonado.
Creando, entornos de descanso y disfrute, algo que realmente a todos nos gusta disfrutar, tanto jóvenes como mayores.
Algo que se tomaba muy poco en cuenta cuando los cascos antiguos de muchas ciudades se empezaron a hacer más grandes.
I hope that many of the city councils take note and are capable of restoring urban environments with green touches and, above all, renovating the most abandoned areas.
Creating environments for rest and enjoyment, something that we all really like to enjoy, both young and old.
Something that was rarely taken into account when the old quarters of many cities started to become larger.
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La rehabilitación de los entornos urbanos más abandonados es algo necesario desde todos los puntos de vista donde los mires. Tanto a nivel económico porque las viviendas se revalorizan como por el arquitectónico porque se embellece el paisaje urbano.

A nivel de propietario desde luego es un acierto que te hagan más bonito tú entorno diario y desde el punto de vista mío. En este caso el de una visitante, es una alegría pasear viendo un entorno urbano del casco antiguo de Gibraltar y poder deleitarte de una buena y amplia sombra para descansar.
Dar un giro a tú entorno y rodearte de modernidad.

The rehabilitation of the most neglected urban environments is necessary from all points of view. Both on an economic level because the houses are revalued and on an architectural level because the urban landscape is embellished.

From the owner's point of view, of course, it is a good thing that they make your daily surroundings more beautiful, and from my point of view. In this case that of a visitor, it is a joy to walk around the urban environment of the old town of Gibraltar and to be able to enjoy a good and ample shade to rest in.
Give a twist to your surroundings and surround yourself with modernity.

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Imágenes capturadas con / Images captured with Samsung Galaxy S21 2.021.
Todos los derechos / All rights reserved by @Garvi.

¡Espero os guste !
I hope you liked it !

Nice seeing old spaces being spruced up, greenery makes the world of a difference in once dingy old town surroundings. Architecture stands out vividly among rust pipes giving added character I feel.

Agree a water fountain or little stream always adds the right finish, pity they did not try to place one.

@tipu curate

It is really worth investing in urban areas and giving that joy and peace in the busiest places ;)
Best regards.Thank you very much for your comment and your support @joanstewart!

Gardens should be everywhere, sadly lacking in many places. One can only reflect on how space is not being utilized to an optimal level.

I totally agree with you @joanstewart.

Nothing compares to the healing effects of Mother Nature, most importantly when she's fully utilized to rejuvenate and revitalize dead urban landscapes like some neglected areas in Gibraltar. I agree that water features like a pond or fountain seem to be missing in the park thus, the presence of these aquatic design elements should be able to add more life to the existing greens and vibrance to its neighboring occupants. Beautiful post @garvi!

And nature is the best option, in my opinion.
It conveys what many of us need after long working days when we arrive at our surroundings.
I think it's a real good idea to take this into account when designing cityscapes.I think so @storiesoferne.

Thank you very much for everything.
Best regards.

It gives a renewed perspective to have old and heritage building to be renovated. I am with you in terms of putting greenery on renovation work. It gives a fresh look to the old space.

I'm also sure that the inhabitants of this area are very happy with the change, them and everyone.😁Totally agree with you @juecoree.

Thank you very much for reading and commenting.
Best regards

muy bonito paseo y como dices de falta agua. aquí en el norte eso no nos falta todos los parques tiene agua en forma de fuentes ornamentales o de fuentes para beber, todas nuestras calles sobre todo en el centro hay fuentes para las personas y se agradece de verdad
feliz jueves guapa

sí, la verdad es que algo que supongo tiene que tener algún motivo especifico porque el agua es algo que se echa de menos.

Muchas gracias por leer y comentar @txatxy;)

de nada disfruta del día

Muchas gracias, igualmente @txatxy ;)

The presence of water body enhances the urban space. I appreciate your concern towards landscaping, great pictures.
Keep flourishing!

As you say, water makes the whole landscape come alive.
I really appreciate all your comments and appreciations :)Thank you very much for reading and commenting @praditya .

 4 years ago  

Architecture Brew #27. Congratulations!Well done @garvi! We're happy to inform you that this publication was especially collected and awarded RUNNER-UP in


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Thank you very much for your valuation!:)

 4 years ago  

With pleasure @garvi, and have a great day!