Hola amigos de Hive.
Hoy os quiero mostrar algunas de las remodelaciones que se estan llevando a cabo en un pueblo que me encanta de la costa Malagueña, Estepona.
Today I would like to show you some of the renovations that are being carried out in a town that I love on the coast of Malaga, Estepona.
Estepona es un Pueblo de la Provincia de Málaga y que al igual que muchos de los pueblos costeros de Málaga han crecido muy rápido desde finales del sigo xx debido al turismo.
Estepona is a town in the province of Malaga and like many of the coastal towns in Malaga has grown very fast since the end of the 20th century due to tourism.
Estepona esta muy cerca de Marbella y adquirió mucho turismo similar al turismo Marbellí, la jetset.
Estepona is very close to Marbella and has acquired a lot of tourism similar to the Marbella tourism, the jetset.
En los 70 los turistas adinerados compraban por doquier en estos pueblos costeros y esta compra masiva fue llevando a lo que ahora es la costa del sol. En especial las zonas más lujosas se encuentran en Marbella y Estepona puesto que muchos buscaban un entorno tranquilo para vivir pero salir a grandes fiestas por las noches.
In the 70's wealthy tourists were buying up everywhere in these coastal towns and this mass buying was leading to what is now the Costa del Sol. The most luxurious areas in particular were in Marbella and Estepona as many were looking for a quiet environment to live in but still go out to big parties in the evenings.
En esos momentos el turismo mandaba y los ayuntamientos se enriquecían sin mirar mucho su tradición y el encanto de los pueblecitos costeros que anteriormente habían sido.
At this time tourism ruled and the municipalities were getting richer without much regard for their tradition and the charm of the small coastal villages they had once been.
Aproximadamente a mediados de los años 90 se empezaron a ejecutar obras de rehabilitación y remodelaciones de calles y entorno, en general tomando su matiz original.
Creando y destacando su belleza original en los cascos antiguos, de esta forma, se puede pasear por calles de pueblos blancos siendo ahora lo que eran y siempre serán.
Pueblos costeros con un encanto especial que han aumentado rápidamente porque visitantes de todo el mundo han visto en ellos, un paraíso perfecto para tener sus segundas viviendas y descansar junto a nuestro mar.
Approximately in the mid 90's, rehabilitation and remodelling works began to be carried out on the streets and surroundings in general, taking on their original nuance.
Creating and highlighting their original beauty in the old quarters, in this way, you can stroll through the streets of white villages being now what they were and always will be.
Coastal villages with a special charm that have increased rapidly because visitors from all over the world have seen in them, a perfect paradise to have their second homes and rest next to our sea.
Como podéis ver en las imágenes las calles están engalanadas de macetas de colores con florecitas en las paredes.
Tradiciones completamente andaluzas que siempre se han realizado en los pueblos blancos.
As you can see in the pictures, the streets are decorated with colourful flowerpots with little flowers on the walls.
These are completely Andalusian traditions that have always been carried out in the white villages.
Toda la costa de Málaga esta envuelta en multitud de pueblecitos blancos con un encanto soberbio desde la Axarquía hasta Manilva.
The whole coast of Malaga is surrounded by a multitude of white villages with a superb charm from Axarquia to Manilva.
Hoy os quiero enumerar algunos de los trabajos que se han realizado en el casco antiguo de Estepona Pueblo.
Además de los trabajos en los pavimentos de las calles, con murales de cantos rodados también se han hecho peatonales prácticamente en su totalidad. Un gran acierto que ha hecho posible poder pasear tranquilamente por todo su entorno sin tener que ir respirando el humo de los coches y los molestos sonidos de los ciclomotores.
Esto ha creado un entorno tranquilo en el que se escuchan los pájaros se huelen las flores ;)
Today I would like to list some of the works that have been carried out in the old town of Estepona Pueblo.
In addition to the work on the street pavements, with boulder murals, the streets have also been made pedestrianised almost entirely. A great success that has made it possible to stroll peacefully around the area without having to breathe in the smoke of cars and the annoying sounds of mopeds.
This has created a peaceful environment where you can hear the birds and smell the flowers ;)
Muchos son los artistas que han puesto su ojo en Estepona para crear tanto murales de fachadas como os he mostrado en algunos de mis posts anteriores como para realizar diversos trabajos, inspirados en su ambiente y sus lugares.
Many artists have had their eye on Estepona to create both façade murals as I have shown you in some of my previous posts and to create various works, inspired by its environment and places.
Tenemos que valorar la grandeza de lo nuestro, nuestras tradiciones y nuestro autentico valor.
No se puede permitir perder las tradiciones de lo que una vez fuimos y dejar que viajar por cualquier lugar suponga ver grandes edificios de viviendas turísticas, macro urbanizaciones y entornos urbanos sin ningún carácter.
We have to value the greatness of what is ours, our traditions and our authentic value.
We can't afford to lose the traditions of what we once were and let travelling anywhere mean seeing large tourist housing estates, macro urbanisations and urban environments without any character.
Afortunadamente en esta zona llevan ya unos años remodelando, actualizando y dejando el pueblo realmente bonito, tanto para los visitantes que se quedan enamorados como para los que viven en el, pudiendo vivir en un entorno precioso y con mucha tradición.
Fortunately in this area for some years now they have been remodelling, updating and leaving the village really beautiful, both for visitors who fall in love and for those who live in it, being able to live in a beautiful environment with a lot of tradition.
Como curiosidad deciros que cada calle tiene destinado un color en las macetas, de modo que en el plano de situación que te puedes encontrar para visitar el entorno antiguo, te puedes guiar por el color de la calle que buscas y es mucho más fácil de encontrar que buscando sus nombres. Una iniciativa muy practica para los visitantes 😉
As a curiosity, each street has a colour in the flowerpots, so that in the location map that you can find to visit the old environment, you can be guided by the colour of the street you are looking for and it is much easier to find than looking for their names. A very practical initiative for visitors.
Imágenes capturadas con / Images captured with Samsung Galaxy S21 2.021.
Todos los derechos / All rights reserved by @Garvi.

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Nice ;))
Thank you @denisdenis :)
Hola @garvi. Te felicito por tu publicación. Hermoso lugar, fresco y bucólico, cargado de mucha luz y paz. Gracias por mostrarnos esta maravillosa experiencia de los habitantes de Estepona. Te saludo con respeto y cariño desde Venezuela, recibe un fuerte abrazo virtual cargado de muchas energías positivas y lleno de esplendor.
Un saludo para ti y para los tuyos desde España con mucho cariño para Venezuela, tierra grande y esplendida.Muchas gracias @marcosmilano71 por tu comentario y por tu saludo tan cercano.:)
Thank you very much for your comment and for your close greeting :)
Greetings to you and yours from Spain with much love for Venezuela, great and splendid land.
Genius Loci where one feels immediately good to walk in such a beautiful alley with character. Is that an artist with an easel trying to paint the street?Hello @garvi, it is a charming street and it's a great example of @storiesoferne's subject related to
Yes, it is.
He was painting the street with bougainvilleas in pots.
I didn't want to disturb but the painting was very beautiful.
Regards :) Thank you very much for your feedback @discoveringarni.
Love bougainvilleas and it's always nice to see an artist at work :) Have a great day!
Certainly Arni. With such an environment like Estepona, it's not difficult for visitors and locals alike to marvel at its "Spirit of Place". These are the types of locations that anyone would die for - to experience serenity, happiness, and a relaxing lifestyle.
Hello @garvi, this coastal town is definitely a lovely place to stroll around and live in. The entire atmosphere is simply enchanting and no wonder many people want to settle there. I'd love to retire in a special locality like this! Thank you for your great post!
Estepona is ready to welcome anyone who loves and appreciates it.Thanks to you for your beautiful comments @storiesoferne and I'm sure that if you want to visit this area sometime, you will fall in love :)
Wow, that is such a clean and beautiful town's alley! good to see artists, planters and beautiful plants over there.
Wonderful publications,
Have a productive week:)
Thank you very much for your comment @sahiba-rana and I wish you a great week too ;)
When I see cities like this, I feel like crying). Unique flavor and respect for the traditions of past generations. This is the city of dreams!
Best regards :)Thank you very much for your assessment @barski , It's really very important that we value and respect our traditions, our ancestors and create a world with more roots.
Hello Gorgeous
I envy you, the climate, the tranquility that you breathe, the white of the facades and the flowers, everything looks very beautiful
Good day
It really is an environment with a very temperate climate that you adapt to very quickly.😅Thank you very much @txatxy.
Good day to you too.:)
What are you telling me, I adore it, my land is beautiful I live in Bilbao but the climate you have is what I wish hehe
Pues ya sabes ;)
So you know
Architecture Brew #29. Congratulations!Well done @garvi! We're happy to inform you that this publication was specially curated and awarded RUNNER-UP in
Subscribe to Architecture+Design, an OCD incubated community.
Thank you very much for your very positive feedback and thank you to the whole community for the support and good work.
Best Regards :)
With our pleasure always @garvi. Keep up the awesome publications, cheers!