Hola amigos de Hive.
Hello friends of Hive.
Hoy os quiero mostrar uno de mis trabajos más recientes referente a rehabilitación y renovación.
En este caso es una urbanización perteneciente a un complejo residencial que ha estado abandonado durante más de 10 años y ahora se quiere rehabilitar y renovar para usar como viviendas turísticas.
Today I want to show you one of my most recent works concerning rehabilitation and renovation.
In this case it is an urbanization belonging to a residential complex that has been abandoned for more than 10 years and now wants to rehabilitate and renovate for use as tourist housing.
Una iniciativa dependiente de grandes empresas hoteleras que han puesto sus ojos en este complejo que podríamos decir fantasmagórico.
En un entorno precioso que fue abandonado por la quiebra de la anterior empresa que lo compró.
An initiative dependent on large hotel companies that have set their sights on this complex that we could say ghostly.
In a beautiful environment that was abandoned due to the bankruptcy of the previous company that bought it.
Empresas que hacen grandes inversiones inmobiliarias y que por motivos de quiebra, causaron que estas edificaciones se quedaran en una situación lamentable.
Companies that make large real estate investments and that for reasons of bankruptcy, caused these buildings to remain in a deplorable situation.
Una verdadera pena puesto que son unas magnificas edificaciones y con un poco que se les haga, pueden ser una vivienda turística muy agradable.
En entorno en el que se encuentran es una gran zona verde y complejos residenciales aislados rodeados de campos de golf y zonas ajardinadas.
Un verdadero paraíso del relax y con unas preciosas vistas.
A real pity as they are magnificent buildings and with a little work they could be a very pleasant holiday home.
The surrounding area is a large green zone and isolated residential complexes surrounded by golf courses and landscaped gardens.
A real paradise for relaxation and with beautiful views.
Pero cual es mi trabajo ahora mismo:
Estoy creando planos en Autocad, de todas las viviendas existentes para la valoración y presupuestos de obra de rehabilitación.
But what is my job at the moment:
I am creating plans in Autocad, of all the existing houses for the valuation and estimates of renovation work.
Antes que nada hemos pasado a tomar imágenes de todos los modelos de viviendas existentes para en el estudio, poder resolver dudas sin tener que hacer muchos viajes.
First of all we have taken pictures of all the existing models of houses in order to be able to solve doubts in the studio without having to make many trips.
Posteriormente hemos tomado medidas de todo lo existente, vivienda a vivienda para poder crear los archivos dwg y así en el estudio crear las diferentes propuestas pertinentes.
Subsequently we have taken measurements of all the existing houses to be able to create dwg files and thus in the study to create the different relevant proposals.
Las imágenes tomadas nos sirven de gran ayuda para Alzados de fachadas, huecos y detalles constructivos tales como los decorativos de terminación además de testigo de daños.
The images taken are of great help to us for facade elevations, openings and construction details such as decorative finishing details, as well as damage surveys.
En la visita a la urbanización, tenemos que tener especial cuidado en visualizar si hay daños estructurales o posibles daños futuros antes de nada, de modo que no tengamos posibles problemas en nuestras propuestas.
Antes que nada hay que asegurarse de los daños siempre que se puedan visualizar a visitar una obra para una posterior rehabilitación.
De este modo se hacen diferentes valoraciones a niveles estructurales y saber si hay que hacer una nueva estructura o anexos a la existente.
In the visit to the urbanisation, we have to take special care to visualise if there is structural damage or possible future damage before anything else, so that we do not have possible problems in our proposals.
First of all, we have to make sure of the damage whenever it can be visualised when visiting a building site for a later rehabilitation.
In this way we can make different assessments at structural level and know if we have to make a new structure or annexes to the existing one.
Los proyectos de rehabilitación son de mis favoritos ya que se puede ver como una edificación puede tener muchas vidas si les damos la oportunidad de revivir.
Rehabilitation projects are one of my favourites as you can see how a building can have many lives if we give it the opportunity to revive.
Este proyecto en el que me encuentro trabajando desde hace casi un mes, tengo que decir que si se lleva a cabo será un gran complejo turístico.
Con varias piscinas, áreas verdes para cada una de las viviendas turísticas con sus respectivas zonas de barbacoa independientes.
Un lugar ideal para tener unas largas vacaciones apacibles.
This project that I have been working on for almost a month now, I have to say that if it comes to fruition it will be a great tourist complex.
With several swimming pools, green areas for each of the tourist homes with their respective independent barbecue areas.
An ideal place to have a long and peaceful holiday.
Como podéis ver en las imágenes básicamente por el momento estoy creando dibujos de la edificación existente de modo que sobre ellos, haremos los estudios necesarios y los diseños.
Una vez tengamos una propuesta, pasaremos a entregar a la propiedad. Con el objetivo de que acepte o modifique.
En estos proyectos, hay muchos intermediarios que crean sus respectivas valoraciones a razón de costes y presupuestos.
As you can see in the pictures basically at the moment I am creating drawings of the existing building so that we will do the necessary studies and designs on them.
Once we have a proposal, we will hand it over to the property. With the aim of acceptance or modification.
In these projects, there are many intermediaries who create their respective valuations based on costs and budgets.
Es por ello que el trabajo que desempeñamos en el estudio debe ser minucioso. Al igual que en la totalidad de proyectos de edificación que se realizan es los estudios de arquitectura en general.
This is why the work we carry out in the studio must be meticulous. As in all building projects that are carried out in architectural firms in general.
Imágenes capturadas con / Images captured with Samsung Galaxy S21 2.021.
Todos los derechos / All rights reserved by @Garvi.

Wow, I am impressed, I never knew you are an Architect. Good afternoon!
I'm not an architect but a project draughtsman and I love this kind of work, I really do.
Have a fantastic day 😊Hi, @afterglow !
Oh, I see, thank you for correcting me, have a nice day ahead (^_^)
Greetings @garvi. It must have been a tedious job to start drawing everything from scratch for this project remodeling, renovation, and refurbishment. Was there a previous Architect for that building who could at least provide you with existing floor plans? I guess not, right? Hence, you and your team had to manually record all the dimensions and document materials, finishes, and other technicalities onsite.
Congratulations on your design involvement in the transformation of this residential complex into a tourist housing property. I'm truly excited to see how your work proposals would develop afterward. Wish you all the best in this impressive endeavor. Amazing! 😊
I hope that the proposals will go ahead and that I will be able to show you.
Best regards 😊Thank you very much @storiesoferne for your always positive comments and support.
I wish you success in this great rehabilitation project, I think it is very admirable this kind of work of recovery of existing areas that deserve a chance. Greetings and blessings @garvi
It is truly a very gratifying job to see buildings that have been used for one purpose being given a new lease of life.Thank you very much @sorprendente
Best regards😊
I remember this from when I was little, having my father working on AutoCAD ... a super old version.
Hey, on another subject, I am looking into people with still lots of votes to cast (not that is mandatory to cast all votes, but that's always highly appreciated from the witnesses point of view). And in your case, you are creating content for quite a while... you are an even older account than me! Wow!
If you could spend some time either looking at any witnesses you would feel/deserve your vote. Or I can help you find information for you to decide for yourself. Let me know what you are seeking in a witness and I can let you know which ones could be possibly doing that.
Appreciate the time reading already. Cheers
Thank you so much @forykw 😊
Architecture Brew #57. More power!Congratulations @garvi! We're delighted to specially curate your awesome publication and award it RUNNER-UP in
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Thank you so much @aplusd 😊
With great pleasure @garvi. Stay awesome always. 😀