[ENG-SPN] Gaudí's metaphysical architecture: Batlló House / Arquitectura metafísica de Gaudí: la Casa Batlló

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It is impossible not to fall into the temptation to think, following the trajectory of the impressive work of Antonio Gaudí, that Architecture, after all, also implies an extraordinary display of fantasy and imagination.
[Resulta imposible no caer en la tentación de pensar, siguiendo la trayectoria de la impresionante obra de Antonio Gaudí, que la Arquitectura, después de todo, implica también un extraordinario despliegue de fantasía e imaginación].

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Fantasy and imagination, where the architect, like the alchemist of the Middle Ages, studies with overwhelming passion that comparative universal atanor, which is Nature, to develop a completely innovative design project, but unfortunately not always accepted and understood by the society that you want to serve and that you want to benefit.
[Fantasía e imaginación, donde el arquitecto, a igual que el alquimista de la Edad Media, estudia con desbordada pasión ese comparativo atanor universal, que es la Naturaleza, para elaborar un proyecto de diseño completamente innovador, pero desgraciadamente no siempre aceptado y comprendido por la sociedad a la que se quiere servir y a la que se pretende beneficiar].

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This, in part, would define the character of a man, Gaudí himself, about whose life and above all, about whose work, there is only room for speculation, because from my humble point of view, they would enter directly into that universe, that of the spirit, whose dynamics and whose laws are for each one, like the wind: it blows where and when it wants.
[Esto, en parte, definiría el carácter de un hombre, el propio Gaudí, sobre cuya vida y sobre todo, sobre cuya obra, no caben más que especulaciones, pues bajo mi humilde punto de vista, entrarían directamente dentro de ese universo, el del espíritu, cuya dinámica y cuyas leyes son para cada uno, como el viento: sopla donde y cuando quiere].

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In this sense, it matters little or nothing, if Batlló House -also known, eye to the fact, as' the house of bones'- as well as many other civil buildings of Gaudí, also contributed to increase the desires of notoriety of a part wealthy from Catalan mercantilism, which was betting without reservation towards a cultural renaissance that suited them like a glove to stay on the crest of the wave of that renovating current that at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century began to sweep across Europe.
[En este sentido, poco o nada importa, si la Casa Batlló -también conocida, ojo al dato, como ‘la casa de los huesos’- así como muchos otros edificios civiles de Gaudí, contribuyó también a aumentar los deseos de notoriedad de una parte acomodada del mercantilismo catalán, que apostaba sin reservas hacia un renacimiento cultural que les venía como anillo al dedo para permanecer en la cresta de la ola de esa corriente renovadora que a finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX comenzó a recorrer Europa].

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Now, unlike other projects, Gaudí was commissioned here to restructure an existing building of supposedly modest dimensions compared to the vast majority of buildings, including the neighboring Amatller House, which were already beginning to point to Paseo de Gracia, like that place, undoubtedly privileged, which was to become Barcelona's Golden Mile, in the same way as Gran Vía and Serrano Street in Madrid.
[Ahora bien, a diferencia de otros proyectos, Gaudí recibió aquí el encargo de reestructurar un edificio ya existente y de dimensiones supuestamente modestas en comparación con la gran mayoría de edificios, incluida la vecina Casa Amatller, que ya comenzaban a señalar al Paseo de Gracia, como ese lugar, sin duda privilegiado, que habría de convertirse en Milla Dorada de Barcelona, de la misma manera que la Gran Vía y la calle de Serrano en Madrid].

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From this use arose, between 1904 and 1906, a true Gaudinian dream, where architecture and design are transmuted into philosophy, whose metaphysics acquires the dimensions of myth, by affecting one of the great symbols of Humanity: the Dragon.
[De este aprovechamiento surgió, entre los años 1904 y 1906, un verdadero sueño gaudiniano, donde arquitectura y diseño se transmutan en filosofía, cuya metafísica adquiere las dimensiones del mito, al incidir sobre uno de los grandes símbolos de la Humanidad: el Dragón].

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If in Eastern philosophy, the dragon is considered to be the bearer, among other characteristics, of good luck or fortune, in the West, on the contrary, since ancient times it was associated with the figure of the adversary or the Devil himself, association that we could already contemplate on the façade of the neighboring Amatller House (https://hive.blog/hive-178708/@juancar347/eng-spn-catalan-modernism-casa-amatller-modernismo-catalan-la-casa-amatller ) fighting with the Knight of Light or mystical knight, embodied by the figure of Saint George.
[Si en la filosofía oriental, el dragón está considerado como portador, entre otras mus características, de la buena suerte o de la fortuna, en Occidente, por el contrario, desde muy antiguo se le asoció con la figura del adversario o del propio Diablo, asociación que ya pudimos contemplar en la fachada de la vecina Casa Amatller (https://hive.blog/hive-178708/@juancar347/eng-spn-catalan-modernism-casa-amatller-modernismo-catalan-la-casa-amatller) luchando con el caballero de la Luz o caballero místico, encarnado por la figura de San Jorge].

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But the dragon, in addition, also fulfills the functions of guardian: guardian of treasures, as tradition wants, common to many places in Spain and as in this facet it was also represented by that great modern creator of myths, John Ronald Reuen Tolkien, author of a remarkable 'literary architecture', if I may express it, with works as extraordinary as 'The Hobbit' or the trilogy of 'The Lord of the Rings'.
[Pero el dragón, además, también cumple las funciones de guardián: guardián de tesoros, como quiere la tradición, común a muchos lugares de España y como en esta faceta fue también representado por ese gran creador moderno de mitos, John Ronald Reuen Tolkien, autor de una notable ‘arquitectura literaria’, si se me permite la expresión, con obras tan extraordinarias como ‘El Hobbit’ o la trilogía de ‘El Señor de los Anillos’].

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So, if you pay attention to the shape of this metaphorical oasis of beauty and symbolism, which is, in short, Batlló House and that you can better appreciate in the model shown in the last photograph of this post, you will see, ingeniously represented, this fantastic and symbolic animal, very present in the whole of Gaudí's work.
[De manera, que si prestan atención a la forma de este metafórico oasis de belleza y simbolismo, que es, en definitiva, la Casa Batlló y que pueden apreciar mejor en la maqueta que se muestra en la última fotografía del presente post, verán, ingeniosamente representado, a este fantástico y simbólico animal, muy presente en el conjunto de la obra de Gaudí],

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And indeed, in its design, Gaudí invites us to let ourselves be carried away by fantasy, in a metaphysical journey, in whose interiors, living rooms, patios, ceilings, elevators, stairs, terraces and rooms, until we reach that fifth floor, added to the original building - which by the way, on the plan would correspond to the neck of the dragon, where the corridors and rooms are narrower and were intended as accommodation for the servants - one has the impression, like the biblical Jonah, of walking inside of an authentic 'beast', next to whose head, in order to have no doubt that its ferocity has been appeased by technique, a small tower serves as the base for a venerable cross.
[Y en efecto, en su diseño, Gaudí nos invita a dejarnos llevar por la fantasía, en un viaje metafísico, en cuyos interiores, salones, patios, techos, ascensores, escaleras, terrazas y habitaciones, hasta llegar a esa quinta planta, añadida al edificio original -que por cierto, sobre el plano correspondería al cuello del dragón, donde los pasillos y habitáculos son más estrechos y estaban destinados como alojamiento de la servidumbre- se tiene la impresión, al igual que el bíblico Jonás, de caminar por el interior de una auténtica ‘bestia’, junto a cuya cabeza, para no tener duda de que su fiereza ha sido aplacada por la técnica, un pequeño torreón sirve de base a una venerable cruz].

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Related Movie / Vídeo Relacionado:

NOTICE: Both the text, the photographs that accompany it, and the video that illustrates it (with the exception of the music, reproduced under license from YouTube) are my exclusive intellectual property and therefore, are subject to my Copyright .
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, como el vídeo que lo ilustra (a excepción de la música, reproducida bajo licencia de Youtube) son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.

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Gaudi's tasteful work is rare but beautiful to experience for generations to come. Dear @juancar347 seems like you had such a wonderful time spent over there. I loved the photographs!
Keep flourishing!

I will tell you a secret: in particular, I am a great admirer of artistic styles such as Romanesque or Gothic and I am extremely lucky to have very good friends in Barcelona. When I went to visit them, staying at their house, they suggested two options: a route through the Romanesque art around Barcelona or Gaudí. I assure you that I did not hesitate: Gaudí. It was intense, exciting and unforgettable. Thank you very much for your comment and a warm greeting.
Te contaré un secreto: particularmente, soy un gran admirador de estilos artísticos como el románico o el gótico y tengo la enorme suerte de tener muy buenos amigos en Barcelona. Cuando fui a visitarlos, alojándome en su casa, me propusieron dos opciones: hacer una ruta por el arte románico de los alrededores de Barcelona o Gaudí. Te aseguro que no lo dudé: Gaudí. Fue intenso, emocionante e inolvidable. Muchas gracias por tu comentario y un afectuoso saludo.

Gaudí invites us to let ourselves be carried away by fantasy

I completely agree. Gaudi's works amplifies that being peculiar is ingenious. By the way, the phots are good as well as the write up. !PIZZA



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Certainly. Thank-you for your comment, friend

@tipu curate

Amazing! The shape of this building is quite odd but visually appealing also

It could be said that he is Gaudí in his purest form: fantasy, imagination and genius. Thank you very much for your comment and a warm greeting
Podría decirse que es Gaudí en estado puro: fantasía, imaginación y genialidad. Muchas gracias por tu comentario y un afectuoso saludo

How fascinating! Gaudi did amazing job! So unusual. even the doors are matching the exterior theme. You must had a great time over there!

Indeed, his way of conceiving architecture was so original and in fact, so unusual, that it could be said that you are absolutely right in your comment: visiting any of its buildings is always an extraordinary and fascinating adventure. Best regards
En efecto, su forma de concebir la arquitectura era tan original y de hecho, tan inusual, que podría decirse que tienes toda la razón en tu comentario: visitar cualquiera de sus edificios resulta siempre una extraordinaria y fascinante aventura. Saludos cordiales

Gaudi's works bring us all an otherworldly experience. I have always wanted to see his works for real. Thank you for taking us there virtually.

If you ever have the chance to see them, I recommend them. And if with this post, his photographs and the video of him I have managed to bring a brief glimpse of the genius of the Master, I am fortunately satisfied. Thank you very much for your comment and kind regards
Si tienes ocasión algún día de verlas, te las recomiendo. Y si con este post, sus fotografías y su vídeo he conseguido llevar algún breve atisbo de la genialidad del Maestro, me doy por afortunadamente satisfecho. Muchas gracias por tu comentario y un cordial saludo

The Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí was a renowned individual during his prime. He was often ridiculed because of the strangely peculiar designs you see in his buildings and other famous creations. He is well recognized for one of his popular quotes which states that "There are no straight lines or sharp corners in nature." Hence, you can witness this design philosophy in his architectural works such as the Batlló House. Thank you for the magnificent tour of this masterpiece @juancar347!

You are very right in the reflection you have made about Gaudí, dear @storiesoferne. For this reason, Gaudí, like many great characters, have never been understood in his time. But I will add something: generally, the most critical were the teachers and their colleagues, who saw in their conception of architecture something so amazing, so novel, so far from the mandatory orthodoxy of the Schools of Architecture, that out of fear or simply because of Jealousy, or even self-interest, played such games. There is a detail that you may not know, but during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), where numerous churches were burned and dynamited, the Sagrada Familia was hardly damaged and while many other places were desecrated, no one, not even the most furious anarchists violated Gaudí's grave. It would be for a reason, I think. In his way, the people, even with his ignorance, also do justice. Thank you very much for your always kind comments and warm greetings.
Tienes mucha razón en la reflexión que has hecho sobre Gaudí, estimado @storiesoferne. Por eso, a Gaudí, como a muchos personajes geniales, nunca han sido comprendidos en su época. Pero añadiré algo: generalmente, los más críticos fueron los maestros y los propios compañeros, que veían en su concepción de la Arquitectura algo tan asombroso, tan novedoso, tan alejado de la obligatoria ortodoxia de las Escuelas de Arquitectura, que por miedo o simplemente por celos, o incluso por propio interés, se prestaron a tales juegos. Hay un detalle que quizá no sepas, pero durante la Guerra Civil española (1936-1939), donde se quemaron y dinamitaron numerosas iglesias, la Sagrada Familia apenas sufrió daños y mientras muchos otros lugares fueron profanados, nadie, ni siquiera los más furibundos anarquistas violó la sepultura de Gaudí. Por algo sería, creo yo. A su manera, el pueblo, incluso con su incultura, también hace justicia. Muchas gracias por tus siempre amables comentarios y un afectuoso saludo.

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These are buildings of surprising beauty! Thanks for sharing

Totally agree. Thank you very much for appreciating it.

 4 years ago  

Well done @juancar347! We're happy to inform you that this publication was specially curated and awarded RUNNER-UP in Architecture Brew #32. Congratulations!


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Thank-you very much

 4 years ago  

Always delighted to have you @juancar347 in our community! Stay awesome!

My pleasure, friend. A lot of thanks

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment

Ha ha ha ... interesting opinion, which after all confirms that genius not always well understood or accepted, but which shows, if not the extraterrestrial theory you propose, then at least the presence of privileged minds, that ahead of their time, they were not always well and correctly accepted by the society in which they lived. That happened with most of Gaudí's work and yet today he admires him and what is more important: he tries to understand him. What you see is not easy, especially if you let yourself be carried away by an orthodox line of thought. With Gaudí, it is the spirit that has to manifest itself. Thank you very much for your comment and a warm greeting.
Ja, ja, ja...interesante opinión, que después de todo, viene a confirmar esa genialidad no siempre bien entendida ni aceptada, pero que demuestra, si no la teoría extraterrestre que propones, sí al menos la presencia de mentes privilegiadas, que adelantados a su tiempo, no siempre fueron bien y correctamente aceptadas por la sociedad en las que le tocó vivir. Con la gran parte de la obra de Gaudí pasó eso y sin embargo, hoy el día lo admira y lo que es más importante: trata de comprenderle. Lo que como ves, no es nada fácil, sobre todo si te dejas llevar por una línea de pensamiento ortodoxa. Con Gaudí, es el espíritu el que ha de manifestarse. Muchas gracias por tu comentario y un afectuoso saludo.