Czarnomorka, a Ukrainian restaurant in Warsaw with a unique design, including chandeliers made of oyster shells 🦪

in Architecture+Designlast year (edited)


Nautical design can have many different faces. Sometimes various natural treasures are used, e.g. shells. The ingenuity of the interior designers of the Czarnomorka restaurant in Warsaw cannot be denied, because in their restaurant you can see beautiful chandeliers that look like crystal ones, consisting of many crystals hanging one below the other. Only here, instead of crystals, they used oyster shells, which are one of the specialties of this place. The chandeliers look spectacular.

Morski design może mieć różne oblicza. Czasami wykorzystuje się w nim różne naturalne skarby, np. takie jak muszle. Nie można odmówić pomysłowości projektantom wnętrz restauracji Czarnomorka w Warszawie, bo w ich lokalu można zobaczyć prześliczne żyrandole wyglądające jak te kryształowe, składające się w wielu kryształów, wiszących jeden pod drugim. Tylko, że tutaj zamiast kryształów wykorzystano muszle ostryg, które są jedną ze specjalności tego lokalu. Żyrandole wyglądają spektakularnie.



I've heard about Czarnomorka for some time, but I still haven't had any free time to go there. It finally worked yesterday. This is a restaurant founded by a Ukrainian woman who plans to create several dozen such establishments in Poland. You can buy fish, oysters and seafood there. Eat or just taste sea food.

Słyszałam o Czarnomorce od jakiegoś czasu, ale ciągle nie miałam wolnej chwili, żeby się tam wybrać. W końcu wczoraj się udało. To restauracja założona przez Ukrainkę, która planuje stworzenie kilkudziesięciu takich lokali w Polsce. Można tam kupić ryby, ostrygi, czy owoce morza. Najeść się, albo posmakować morskiego jedzenia.


The restaurant is located at Nowy Świat Street in Warsaw. This is one of the most famous and fancy streets in this city.

Restauracja znajduje się przy ulicy Nowy Świat W Warszawie. Jest to jedna z najbardziej znanych i prestiżowych ulic w stolicy.




As soon as I entered the restaurant, things got interesting. Just outside the front door was a large water container with baskets of oysters submerged in the water. You could feel like you were at an exotic sea market. There were various types of oysters to choose from, e.g. Fine de Claire, Gillardeau, Saint Patrick, or the most expensive - Krystale. Available in various sizes.

Już od wejścia do restauracji zrobiło się ciekawie. Tuż przy drzwiach wejściowych znajdował się duży pojemnik, wyglądający jak basen z koszami ostryg zanurzonymi w wodzie. Można się było poczuć jak na morskim, egzotycznym targowisku. Do wyboru były różne rodzaje ostryg, np. Fine de Claire, Gillardeau, Saint Patrick, Oystry, czy najdroższe - Krystal. Dostępne w różnych wielkościach.


When I went to the main room, I noticed that there was a strange, wrinkled texture on the walls. And also, in many places there are small shells attached to it and painted white. It looked unusual, but also interesting. Like works of art.

Gdy weszłam na salę główną zauważyłam, że ściany zdobi dziwna, pomarszczona faktura. A także, w wielu miejscach są do niej przyklejone i pomalowane na biało małe muszelki. Wyglądało to nietypowo, ale też interesująco. Jak dzieła sztuki.




The furniture was classic, elegant. Wooden tables and chairs with comfortable upholstery. In a slightly old style. You immediately feel the desire to come to such a restaurant in a better evening outfit. And that's how I was dressed.

Meble były klasyczne, eleganckie. Drewniane stoły i krzesła z wygodnymi obiciami. W nieco dawnym stylu. Od razu czuje się chęć przyjścia do takiej restauracji w lepszym, wieczorowym stroju. I tak też byłam ubrana.


The menu was very simple. It consisted of a few printed pages. I ordered two dishes. Saint Patrick oysters and tagiatelle with salmon, zucchini and spinach, filled with cream, sprinkled with parmesan cheese. Pasta with fish and vegetables was very tasty and filling.

Karta menu była bardzo prosta. Składała się z kilku wydrukowanych stron. Zamówiłam dwa dania. Ostrygi Saint Patrick oraz tagiatelle z łososiem, cukinią i szpinakiem, w sobie śmietanowym, posypane parmezanem. Makaron z rybą i warzywami był bardzo smaczny i sycący.




The oysters tasted of the sea. They were delicate and had a smooth surface. A large family was sitting at the table next to me. I saw that they had ordered a lot of oysters and were clinking their shells before eating them.

Ostrygi smakowały morzem. Były delikatne i o gładkiej powierzchni. Przy stoliku obok mnie siedziała wieloosobowa rodzina. Widziałam, że zamówili dużo ostryg i przed zjedzeniem ich stukali się muszlami.



I thought about ordering fish for a moment. There were lots of them to choose from, including my favorite, the sea bream. The employee was weighing the fish on a large scale. It was in the middle of the restaurant, but it looked like a fish market 😉 The offer even included fish species such as mullet and Atlantic mullet.

*Przez chwilę zastanawiałam się nad zamówieniem ryby. Było ich dużo do wyboru, w tym moja ulubiona dorada. Pracownica ważyła rybę na dużej wadze. To był środek restauracji, a wyglądało jak targ rybny 😉 Który w ofercie miał nawet takie gatunki ryb jak cefal, czy barwena atlantycka. *





Another cool design idea for this interior are huge wire fish baskets hanging high - under the ceiling, which are partially filled with mussel shells. They make you feel as if you were at a fishing pier.

Kolejnym fajnym pomysłem wystroju tego wnętrza są ogromne druciane kosze na ryby, wiszące wysoko - pod sufitem, które zapełniono częściowo muszlami z małży. Można się dzięki nim poczuć, jakby się było na przystani rybackiej.


Thanks to items such as fish baskets, oyster shell chandeliers and seashells attached to the wall, you can escape for a moment from autumn, September Poland, to some pleasant, seaside, holiday place.

Dzięki takim akcentom jak kosze na ryby, żyrandole z muszli ostryg i muszelki wklejone w ścianę można uciec na chwilę myślami z jesiennej, wrześniowej Polski, w jakieś przyjemne, nadmorskie, wakacyjne miejsce.


And this is what the small lamps hanging on the wall looked like. They were also painted with this white, wrinkled paint. I don't know if it did them any good... 😉*

A tak wyglądały małe lampki wiszące na ścianie. Też zostały pomalowane tą białą, pomarszczoną farbą. Nie wiem, czy dobrze im to zrobiło... 😉


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Thank you so much dear @aplusd 😊 Wow, SILVER MARK! 😊 I'm very happy!

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We are truly happy for you too dear @katiefreespirit. Thank you for your marvelous A+D stories, and we look forward to the next one. Stay awesome! 😀

Greetings @katiefreespirit, the concept and design of the restaurant are very striking and peculiar, the shells attached to the walls give it a great style, I loved the lamp looks spectacular and goes very well with the design of local, definitely thought of every detail to take advantage of seashells to the fullest; also has an excellent location, the street looks great and has beautiful buildings, thanks for sharing your visit.

Have a nice day!

I also really liked these shells attached to the walls. It's nice that they used such natural sea treasures to decorate the restaurant's rooms. Have a nice day too @belkyscabrera 😊

Congratulations @katiefreespirit!
You raised your level and are now a Minnow!

An extraordinary restaurant, amazing architecture and concept that will make visitors interested. However, the most interesting part for me was seeing the open showcase, the seafood looked very fresh and seemed delicious to cook and eat. Amazing post @katiefreespirit

Thanks @isdarmady. I'm glad you liked my post 😊 Someone who designed this restaurant thinks outside the box. Indeed, very cool idea with this open showcase of seafood 🦀🦞🦐🦑🦪

Such a beautiful restaurant with an amazing atmosphere. I believe the owner would be from souther Ukraine as seafood restaurants are more of a thing in that part of Ukraine.

I specifically love the open showcase of seafood and the unique design in the restaurant. 😍

Is that you sitting on the bench or someone else? Come to think of it I don't really know what you look like. 😮

The food looks amazing as well as the restaurant. It is pretty chique.

You're right @blind-spot 😊, the owner of this restaurant comes from, as you thought, from southern Ukraine, from Odessa. First, she had a fish shop where, in addition to selling fish, she advised customers on how to prepare them, and then she added chairs and started serving the fish she had fried. There were plenty of customers and now Mrs. Olga is called the baroness of Ukrainian gastronomy and opens more and more restaurants in different countries. A cool story about how you can achieve success 😉

I also liked the idea of an open showcase of seafood. It's probably the result of beginnings with the fish shop, but you're right, very original 😉 and it's easier to choose what to order, and I got to know several species of fish that I haven't eaten before and I'll definitely go back there to try them 😎

It's not me in this photo. I wanted to take a photo of Nowy Świat Street and this woman was sitting on a bench.

Wao each space of this restaurant was well thought out showing in them art and good taste the textures of the walls with the shells I guess they were designed to give the feeling of sand and sea in turn, excellent post @katiefreespirit thanks for sharing your experience 👍

Thanks to such a design, you can feel a bit of the seaside atmosphere even when the sea is several hundred kilometers away 😉 Very creative, I liked it too and I'm glad it was created in this restaurant.