Hola @purrix, los museos siempre serán de esos lugares a los que me encanta visitar. Hay tanta historia y tanta cultura, tantas cosas por conocer que aún no entiendo como a algunas personas les parece aburrido visitar museos. Muy bonitas fotos, saludos y mucha suerte en el concurso.
Hi @purrix, museums will always be one of those places I love to visit. There is so much history and so much culture, so many things to know that I still don't understand how some people find it boring to visit museums. Very nice photos, greetings and best of luck in the contest.
Hi Katty! I love going to museums, because it's like you say, there is so much history locked in each piece. Now there is a problem and that is that at least these two museums that we visited, lack many things that they used to have. Most of the exhibition rooms are closed. However, it is nice to visit the museums. Thank you for coming to visit me. A big hug!