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RE: [ENG] "La Roca el Peñol" in Guatapé, Medellín, Colombia [ESP] “La Roca el Peñol” en Guatapé, Medellín, Colombia

</center><center><sub>"El Peñón" with its concrete stairs. Photo by alfceli @ (“El Peñón” con sus escaleras de concreto). Foto de alfceli@)<sub></center>

You didn't close off the < /sub > at the end. Please amend it, your post is barely readable, the fact you managed to get any upvotes at all is quite reamarkable


Hello livinguktaiwan. You do not know how much I thank you for pointing out the omission I made. I was looking for a technician to check my computer. Thank you. I think I can no longer solve the problem in this post. Maybe those who voted for me went to the trouble of using Zoom to enlarge the text.

You're welcome @besamu. You can edit your post and add the missing / back before the sub here : Foto de alfceli@)< sub ></ center >

Hello livinguktaiwan. Thanks again. Fortunately a young frend of mine helped me to solve the problem, that you just pointed out.