Para responder a este comentario lo haré de la misma manera al que recién respondí pues mi opinión es la misma. Cito: Hola @hivewatchers , buenas noches, me disculpó por no responder antes a este comentario, cómo pueden ver mis artículos tienen las fuentes citadas ocultas en alguna de las imágenes, es por ello que no considere colocar el link al final del artículo. De ahora en adelante no solo los colacare cómo lo vengo haciendo (ocultos en las imágenes) sino también los colocaré al final de cada artículo.
To respond to this comment I will do it in the same way to which I recently responded because my opinion is the same.I quoteHello @hivewatchers, good evening, I apologized for not responding to this comment before, how can you see my articles have the cited sources hidden in any of the images, that is why do not consider placing the link at the end of the article. From now on I will not only sneak them as I have been doing (hidden in the images) but I will also place them at the end of each article.
It seems that the sources have not been clearly and obviously provided to the readers in an attempt to deceive the reader that the writing is original. And in the case of plagiarism being discovered these tiny little source marks that look like sources of images could be used to pretend that everything was sourced.
Even, if the sourcing is added, it only turns the article from plagiarism into copypasta.