[ENG] ⛪️ Sanctuary, Our Lady of Candelaria
[ENG] ⛪️ Sanctuary, Our Lady of Candelaria
[ESP] ⛪️ Santuario, Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria
[ESP] ⛪️ Santuario, Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria

Hello friends of the wonderful community Architecture+Design, receive a cordial greeting that I bring you from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, I hope everyone is in good health, in the company of his beloved family. Today I will leave for you a publication related to Venezuelan religious architecture, which I hope you like.
Hola amigos de la maravillosa comunidad Architecture+Design, reciban un cordial saludo que les traigo desde la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, espero que todos se encuentren bien de salud, en compañía de su querida familia. Hoy dejaré para ustedes, una publicación relacionada con la Arquitectura religiosa venezolana, la cual deseo que sea de su agrado.

On April 30 (2021) Doctor José Gregorio Hernandez Cisneros, (1864-1919) Venezuelan doctor, pioneer of experimental medicine, was beatified in Venezuela and religious figure of popular veneration, revered by generations of devout Catholics from Venezuela, Colombia and some American countries for being considered a being of light, who stood out in life for being an eminent man of science, university professor and Christian doctor, humanist, man of great faith, charitable, compassionate and merciful and after his death many miracles are attributed to him, so his figure is in a place of honor of the Latin American saints.
El pasado 30 de abril (2021) fue beatificado el Doctor José Gregorio Hernandez Cisneros, (1864-1919) médico venezolano, pionero de la medicina experimental en venezuela y figura religiosa de veneración popular, venerado por generaciones de devotos católicos de Venezuela, Colombia y algunos países americanos por ser considerado un ser de luz, que en vida se destacó por ser un eminente hombre de ciencias, profesor universitario y médico cristiano, humanista, hombre de mucha fe, caritativo, compasivo y misericordioso y después de muerto se le atribuyen múltiples milagros por lo que su figura está en un sitial de honor del santoral latinoamericano.

On the day of the beatification of our venerated saint, Doctor José Gregorio Hernández Cisneros, my beloved wife and I traveled to the capital city, Caracas with the intention of being in the ceremony that took place in the Catholic Church of Our Lady of La Candelaria, where her mortal remains are buried, but we could not enter because they limited the number of people due to Covid19, this made us stay on the outskirts of the temple, in the Square of the homonym. On that occasion I left in this community the following publication Santuario Nuestra Señora de La Candelaria.
El día de la beatificación de nuestro venerado santo, Doctor José Gregorio Hernández Cisneros, mi amada esposa y yo viajamos a la ciudad capital, Caracas con la intención de estar en la ceremonia que se realizó en la Iglesia católica Nuestra Señora de La Candelaria, donde están enterrados sus restos mortales, pero no pudimos entrar porque limitaron la cantidad de personas por lo del Covid19, esto hizo que nos quedáramos en las afueras del templo, en la Plaza homónima. En esa oportunidad dejé en esta comunidad la siguiente publicación Santuario Nuestra Señora de La Candelaria.

As I said, on the day of the beatification we could not enter the temple, so the photographs only showed the façade of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Candelaria. Fortunately, last Sunday, February 20, 2022, a beautiful niece, Estefanía, invited us to enjoy an afternoon of sweets in a newly opened pastry shop that is located in the Candelaria Urbanization in Caracas, a few meters from the sanctuary, when we arrived we We found that the Church was open and full of joy we decided to enter, the truth was that its architectural beauty and artistic sumptuousness impressed us, that is why today we want, with much respect for you, to share our visual experience in that wonderful place, of peace , prayer and deep devotion.
Como dije, el día de la beatificación no pudimos ingresar al templo por lo que las fotografía solo mostraron la fachada del Santuario de Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria. Afortunadamente, el pasado domingo 20 de febrero de 2022, mi hermosa sobrina, Estefanía, nos invitó a disfrutar una tarde de dulces en una pastelería recién inaugurada que está ubicada en la Urbanización la Candelaria de Caracas, a pocos metros del santuario, al llegar nos encontramos que la Iglesia estaba abierta y llenos de alegría decidimos entrar, la verdad fue que nos impactó su belleza arquitectónica y suntuosidad artística, es por eso que hoy queremos, con mucho respeto por ustedes, compartir nuestra experiencia visual en ese lugar maravilloso, de paz, oración y profunda devoción.

Since we arrived early for the appointment with our beautiful niece, we decided, as I already mentioned, to enter the temple. The first thing we observe is that there is a perimeter fence around the sanctuary and before going through the entrance door a young woman pours alcohol and antibacterial on our hands, checks that we have the mask on correctly and welcomes us, then we enter through the right lateral nave in which the votive site is located where the remains of Blessed José Gregorio Hernández have been buried since 1975, exactly where the old baptistery of the Church of La Candelaria was.
Como llegamos temprano a la cita con nuestra hermosa sobrina decidimos, como ya mencioné, entrar al templo. Lo primero que observamos es que existe una reja perimetral al rededor del santuario y antes de atravesar la puerta de entrada una joven nos echa alcohol y antibacterial en las manos, verifica que tengamos puesto correctamente el tapabocas y nos da la bienvenida, seguidamente ingresamos por la nave lateral derecha en la cual se encuentra el sitio votivo donde están enterrados, desde 1975, los restos del Beato José Gregorio Hernández, exactamente en donde estaba el antiguo baptisterio de la Iglesia de la Candelaria.

The Church of Our Lady of Candelaria, was founded in 1708, its architectural style is visibly neoclassical, it is located in the center of Caracas, in the homonymous Urbanization, in front of Rafael Urdaneta Avenue. This catholic temple depends ecclesiastically on the arciprestazgo de la Catedral, a subdivision of the Archdiocese of Caracas. It was built by Canarian migrants, for that reason it bears the name of its patron saint.
La Iglesia Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria, fue fundada en el año 1708, su estilo arquitectónico es visiblemente neoclásico, está ubicada en el centro de Caracas, en la Urbanización homónima, frente a la Avenida Rafael Urdaneta. Este templo católico depende eclesiasticamente del arciprestazgo de la Catedral, una subdivisión de la Archidiócesis de Caracas. Fue construída por migrantes canarios, por esa razón lleva el nombre de su patrona.

The veneration of the Virgin of La Candelaria in Venezuela has its origins in Canarian immigration to the country, so in 1708 the church dedicated to the Virgin Mary in her Candelaria dedication was built in the place. The church also has special importance because the mortal remains of Doctor José Gregorio Hernández rest there, a descendant of Canaries, one of the best-known doctors in the country and a symbol of local Catholicism who received the title of Venerable from Pope John in 1986. Paul II and was now beatified by the current Pope Francis, ascending to Catholic altars as of April 30, 2021 .
La veneración a la Virgen de La Candelaria en Venezuela tiene sus orígenes en el inmigración canaria al país, por lo que en 1708 se levantó la iglesia dedicada a la Virgen María en su advocación Candelaria en el lugar. La iglesia además tiene especial importancia pues allí reposan los restos mortales del Doctor José Gregorio Hernández, descendiente de Canarios, uno de los médicos más conocidos del país y un símbolo del catolicismo local que recibió en 1986 el título de Venerable por parte del papa Juan Pablo II y ahora fue beatificado por el actrual papa Francisco, ascendiendo a los altares católicos a partir del pasado 30 de abril del año 2021.

We note that the Church has three naves, one central and two lateral, its floor plan is rectangular, the naves are divided among themselves by Doric order columns. At the head of the naves is the presbytery and two side chapels divided by three semicircular arches supported on columns. The temple has a choir and choir loft separated from the nave by semicircular arches. It also has three front accesses and two side accesses. On its façade you can see a bell tower. In the first body, three entrance openings stand out, defined by smooth moldings and lowered arches. The lateral facades have no decoration. There are several old altarpieces, one of those altarpieces is dedicated to Our Lady of Coromoto, patron saint of Venezuela, it was probably made between 1767 and 1770. Reference / Reference
Observamos que la Iglesia tiene tres naves, una central y dos laterales, su planta es rectangular, las naves están divididas entre sí por columnas de orden dórico. A la cabeza de las naves se encuentra el presbiterio y dos capillas laterales divididas por tres arcos de medio punto apoyados sobre columnas. El templo tiene un coro y sotocoro separados de la nave por arcos de medio punto. Además cuenta con tres accesos frontales y dos laterales. En su fachada se puede ver una torre campanario. En el primer cuerpo se destacan tres vanos de entrada definidos por molduras lisas y arcos rebajados. Las fachadas laterales no tienen decoración. Existen varios retablos antiguos, uno de esos retablos está dedicado a Nuestra Señora de Coromoto, patrona de Venezuela, probablemente fue realizado entre 1767 y 1770. Referencia / Reference

IMPORTANT NOTE AT THE CLOSING OF THIS PUBLICATION: The beatification took place after Pope Francis recognized the miracle granted to the girl Yaxury Solórzano Ortega, a 10-year-old girl who in March 2017 was shot in the head during an assault while she was with her father and whom the doctors who treated her had evicted. The minor's mother prayed to José Gregorio for her cure, which is why, according to the version of her relatives, and which was endorsed by the pope, she was saved. TEXTO / TEXT
NOTA IMPORTANTE AL CIERRE DE ESTA PUBLICACIÓN: La beatificación se llevó a cabo después de que el papa Francisco reconociera el milagro concedido a la niña Yaxury Solórzano Ortega, una pequeña de 10 años que en marzo de 2017 recibió un disparo en la cabeza durante un asalto mientras se encontraba con su padre y a quien los médicos que la atendieron habían desahuciado. La madre de la menor rezó a José Gregorio para su cura, razón por la que, según la versión de sus familiares, y que fue avalada por el papa, se salvó. TEXTO / TEXT

My beloved wife and I thank you for coming this far, we hope that this publication has been to your liking. Receive a strong and warm spiritual hug, full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.
Mi amada esposa y yo le damos las gracias por llegar hasta aquí, esperamos que esta publicación haya sido de su agrado. Reciba un fuerte y caluroso abrazo espiritual, cargado de bendiciones, energía positiva y mucha luz.
NOTE: All photographs were taken by my wife and myself, in situ, on Sunday, February 20, 2022.Photographs owned by the author @marcosmilano71
NOTA: Todas las fotografía fueron tomada por mi esposa y por mi, in situ, el día domingo 20 de febrero de 2022.Fotografías propiedad del autor @marcosmilano71
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Good morning dear friend, I congratulate you for your increasingly better post, full of excellent photographic shots, history and well-made descriptions of the places in our country that you capture with your camera and your intellect. Receive a fraternal greeting
Buenos días estimado amigo,le felicito por sus cada vez mejores post, llenos de excelentes tomas fotográficas, historia y descripciones bien realizadas de los lugares de nuestro país que usted capta con su cámara y su intelecto. Reciba un fraternal saludo
Thank you very much my dear and admired teacher, friend and neighbor @besamu
Architecture Brew #56. More power!Congratulations @marcosmilano71! We're delighted to specially curate your awesome publication and award it GOLD MARK in
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Good morning my friend @aplusd Thank you very much for the valuable mention, thank you very much for your deference and your friendship. Truly for me it is very exciting to belong to this wonderful community, the best of @hive for the high quality of its members and for the extraordinary content that is published. Receive a strong and warm spiritual hug full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.
Awesome post @marcosmilano71. Continue sharing fantastic publications about architecture and design from your beloved Venezuela and beyond. Truly, a well-deserved recognition for you! 😀
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Hello friends @marcosmilano71. How are you, especially how is your heart health? Temples have always seemed to me very striking constructions and I like to appreciate them. They are so imposing and ornate, like this one which has beautiful details inside and also on the outside of the building. Take care my friend and Blessings.
Hello friend @sobredentente I greet you with great respect and affection. Thanks for asking about my health, you really pleasantly surprised me. I tell you that I am following my treatments, I have felt better, thank God. As for the architectural and artistic details of the temples, they also impress me, I have always admired the images and the majesty of each style. Thanks friend for your comment. Receive a strong spiritual hug, full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.
Good to hear that you are feeling better, thank God for that. Keep taking care of yourself my friend. God continues to bless you.
Keep sharing your experiences, have a great day:)Hello respected @marcosmilano71 it is a great please to read your publication as always, I hope you are doing well health wise. Considering your keen observant eye towards the architecturally marvellous structure, it's mesmerising. After all all these designs and creativity is for people to enjoy. The Sanctuary, Our Lady of Candelaria is beautifully designed and maintained.
Hello friend @sahiba-rana I greet you with respect and affection from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Thank you very much for your comment, thank you for your beautiful words and for the deference. My health is improving, thank God. It is always a pleasure to hear from you. I hope you are well in the company of your loved ones. Receive a strong and warm spiritual hug, full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.
Estás participando para optar a la mención especial que se efectuará el domingo 27 de febrero del 2022 a las 8:00 pm (hora de Venezuela), gracias a la cual el autor del artículo seleccionado recibirá la cantidad de 1 HIVE transferida a su cuenta.
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Greetings friends from @entropia Thank you very much for supporting this publication. Receive a strong spiritual hug full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.
Hello, my friend Marcos @marcosmilano71. Because Venezuela is richly blessed with lots of sacred buildings, I must say that the Church of Our Lady of Candelaria is an architectural masterpiece! The simplicity of its exterior color is only a preview of what's to come inside its artistically crafted interior. Its dark wooden ceilings exhibit an interesting contrast against the light-toned walls and columns, Plus, who wouldn't be enticed by the golden intricacies of its main altar, right? It's simply a spectacular sight to behold! Thank you very much for the impressive tour of this religious edifice. Receive my warmest greetings and the best of blessings! 😊
[ENG] Hello dear friend Erne @storiesoferne Amen. Thank you for your comment and for your friendship. Receive a fraternal greeting from Venezuela.
The truth is one of the most striking details of the temples, the golden altarpieces, professionally worked and beautifully finished, are a point of attraction where the eye is directed immediately. I am also struck by every artistic detail that I observe in the extraordinarily carved wood, its color and strength fascinate me... I agree with you that the architectural design, the art, the color, the dimensions... are, together with the peace and spirituality that is breathed in the temples the attractions that impact the visitor. Receive a strong spiritual hug full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.
[ESP] Hola querido amigo Erne @storiesoferne Amén. Gracias por tu comentario y por tu amistad. Recibe un saludo fraterno desde Venezuela.
La verdad es uno de los detalles mas llamativos de los templos, los retablos dorados, profesionalmente trabajados y bellamente acabados son un punto de atracción donde la vista se dirije de inmediato. A mi tambien me llama la atención cada detalle artístico que observo en la madera extraordinariamente tallada, su color y fortaleza me fascinan... coincido contigo que el diseño arquitectónico, el arte, el color, las dimensiones... son, junto a la paz y espiritualidad que se respira en los templos los atractivos que impactan al visitante. Recibe un fuerte abrazo espiritual cargado de bendiciones, energía positiva y mucha luz.
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