🏗 [ENG] 8 November World Urbanism Day 🏘 🏙
🏗 [ENG] 8 November World Urbanism Day 🏘 🏙
🏗 [ESP] 8 de noviembre Día Mundial del Urbanismo 🏘 🏙
🏗 [ESP] 8 de noviembre Día Mundial del Urbanismo 🏘 🏙

Photographs by the author @marcosmilano71 Caracas 2021.
Fotografías del autor @marcosmilano71 Caracas 2021.
Hola comunidad, reciban un fraternal saludo cargado de bendiciones, energía positiva y mucha luz. Hoy deseo felicitar a los Urbanistas en su Día. Cada 8 de noviembre se celebra el Día Internacional del Urbanismo. Felicitaciones a los profesionales que hacen de los espacios urbanos lugares confortables y contribuyen a mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas.
Hello community, receive a fraternal greeting full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light. Today I wish to congratulate the Urban Planners on their Day. Every November 8 is celebrated the International Day of Urbanism. Congratulations to the professionals who make urban spaces comfortable places and contribute to improving people's quality of life.

Photographs by the author @marcosmilano71 Caracas 2021.
Fotografías del autor @marcosmilano71 Caracas 2021.
Hablar de Urbanismo es hablar del conjunto de disciplinas que se encargan del estudio de los asentamientos humanos para su diagnóstico, comprensión e intervención. Este concepto suele ser mas amplio pero para no alargar este asunto me quedaré con esto La urbanística es el conjunto de técnicas que derivadas del urbanismo sirven para la intervención urbana, en ellas se sistematizan los procesos urbanos a fin de lograr una eficacia de la intervención urbana. Existen diversas corrientes del pensamiento urbanístico a decir de la planificación estratégica, el planeamiento urbanístico, la renovación urbana, entre otras.
To speak of Urbanism is to speak of the set of disciplines that are responsible for the study of human settlements for their diagnosis, understanding and intervention. This concept is usually broader but in order not to prolong this issue I will stay with this Urban planning is the set of techniques that derived from urbanism serve for urban intervention, in them urban processes are systematized in order to achieve an effectiveness of urban intervention. There are various currents of urban thought such as strategic planning, urban planning, urban renewal, among others.

Photographs by the author @marcosmilano71 Caracas 2021.
Fotografías del autor @marcosmilano71 Caracas 2021.
Para realizar una buena planificación urbana y poder desarrollar un determinado espacio los urbanistas se apoyan en otras especialidades afines como la geografía urbana ya que la utiliza como herramienta fundamental, e intenta comprender los procesos urbanos a fin de planificar las intervenciones para la cualificación del espacio. La arquitectura, el diseño, la ingeniería civil, el paisajismo son algunas profesiones importantes que se unen a la hora de intervenir el espacio para crear mejor calidad de vida a la población.
To carry out a good urban planning and to be able to develop a certain space, urban planners rely on other related specialties such as urban geography since it uses it as a fundamental tool, and tries to understand urban processes in order to plan interventions for the qualification of space. Architecture, design, civil engineering, landscaping are some important professions that come together when it comes to intervening in space to create a better quality of life for the population.

Photographs by the author @marcosmilano71 Caracas 2021.
Fotografías del autor @marcosmilano71 Caracas 2021.
Como reseña histórica tenemos que en el año 1949 nació el Día Mundial del Urbanismo. Fue una propuesta Ingeniero Carlos Maria della Paolera, el primer catedrático de Argentina y también el exdirector del Instituto de Urbanismo de Buenos Aires. El objetivo de la celebración anual es concienciar a las personas, pero sobre todo a los grupos de trabajo de planificación urbana, sobre la necesidad de generar ambientes sanos con espacios verdes, para evitar el hacinamiento de la población, la contaminación y asegurar la terminación de dichas obras. Fuente Texto
As a historical review we have that in 1949 the World Day of Urbanism was born. It was a proposal Engineer Carlos Maria della Paolera, the first professor of Argentina and also the former director of the Institute of Urbanism of Buenos Aires. The objective of the annual celebration is to raise awareness among people, but especially urban planning working groups, about the need to generate healthy environments with green spaces, to avoid overcrowding of the population, pollution and ensure the completion of these works. Source Text

Photographs by the author @marcosmilano71 Caracas 2021.
Fotografías del autor @marcosmilano71 Caracas 2021.
Según información encontrada en la web entre los programas del urbanismo destacan los siguientes: Aumentar el número de parques y zonas verdes, descongestionar las zonas de la ciudad que se encuentren superpobladas y representen un riesgo de hacinamiento, facilitar el acceso a servicios prioritarios como el de centros de salud y centros educativos, mejorar la red de transporte, no solo que esté a disposición de los ciudadanos, sino que además no represente una fuente de contaminación, encargarse de recoger la basura y garantizar que los desechos tengan un destino adecuado, planificar la creación de más urbanismo según un sentido estético y funcional para las personas... entre otros; lo cierto es que todo esto es con el fin de mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas en las ciudades y centros urbanos.
According to information found on the web, the following stand out among the urban planning programs: Increase the number of parks and green areas, decongest the areas of the city that are overcrowded and represent a risk of overcrowding, facilitate access to priority services such as health centers and educational centers, improve the transport network, not only that it is available to citizens, but also that it does not represent a source of pollution, taking care of collecting garbage and ensuring that waste has an adequate destination, planning the creation of more urbanism according to an aesthetic and functional sense for people ... among others; the truth is that all this is in order to improve the quality of life of people in cities and urban centers.

Photographs by the author @marcosmilano71 Caracas 2021.
Fotografías del autor @marcosmilano71 Caracas 2021.
Debo aclarar que la intención de esta publicación es FELICITAR a los Urbanistas en su Día Internacional, desear para ellos mucha salud, inteligencia y sabiduría; así como excelentes oportunidades de empleo para que reine en ellos la prosperidad duradera que les permita seguir estudiando y preparándose para que sean cada día mejores personas y mejores profesionales; además, quiero agradecerles por el maravilloso trabajo que hacen. Urbanistas del mundo, son ustedes admirables. Hago extensiva mi admiración a todos los profesionales afines: arquitectos, diseñadores, paisajistas, ingenieros, constructores, geógrafos, geólogos, sociólogos... en fin a todos los que interfieren para que la vida de la población sea mejor cada día. Reciban un fuerte abrazo espiritual cargado de bendiciones, energía positiva y mucha luz.
I must clarify that the intention of this publication is to CONGRATULATE the Urban Planners on their International Day, wish them a lot of health, intelligence and wisdom; as well as excellent employment opportunities for lasting prosperity to ensure that they continue to study and prepare themselves to be better people and better professionals every day; I also want to thank them for the wonderful work they do. Urban planners of the world, you are admirable. I extend my admiration to all related professionals: architects, designers, landscapers, engineers, builders, geographers, geologists, sociologists... in short, to all those who interfere so that the life of the population is better every day. Receive a strong spiritual embrace filled with blessings, positive energy, and lots of light.

Photographs by the author @marcosmilano71 Caracas 2021.
Fotografías del autor @marcosmilano71 Caracas 2021.
Congratulations friend @marcosmilano71 for highlighting the important work of urban planners who must go hand in hand with architects and engineers to plan functional and pleasant spaces. You have made a good review. Best of health and blessings to you.
Hello friend @sorprendente Thank you very much for your comment. Receive a strong spiritual hug full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.
Congratulations for your excellent publication, my greetings also to all the urban planners that make life in this incredible community. Urbanism and urban planning play a very important role in the development of the country and in the economic, social and cultural growth. Since those cities or countries that grow from an urban planning, guarantee the good development of the same, in all areas, such as transportation and circulation for example. So all professionals in this area along with all related careers, have the responsibility to design always thinking about the future and population growth, trying to produce the minimum environmental impact of course.
Hello @doriangel Thank you very much for the congratulations and for your comment. Receive a strong spiritual hug full of blessings and lots of light.
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I wish you and your family great health and happiness. Have a beautiful day ahead.Hello friend @marcosmilano71 what an incredible way to thank all the urban planers. Your respect towards the professionals is highly appreciated.
Hello friend @sahiba-rana I greet you with respect and bonds of fraternity from Venezuela. Thank you very much for your comment. I am one of those who loves the value of gratitude, it is a human value which recognizes, with pleasure and much respect the goodness of God, Nature and neighbor. To thank so many people who since ancient times have contributed to the well-being of humanity is very noble. Professionals, technicians and anyone who in one way or another benefits the creation is admirable. You, my friend, are an admirable woman, detailed, fighter, intelligent, good, who creates and develops, a very valuable young woman, to you also my gratitude, my respect and admiration. Receive a strong spiritual embrace filled with blessings, positive energy, and lots of light.
Looking at the photographs, I just realized that humans once lived in a shelter made of leaves and some tree branches.
Look at what we have now, we are now at the pinnacle of human evolution. With that being said, what's next for us humans? Quantum Computer is just on the horizon, Mars colonization? Warp drive? I just wish I am around when these things happen but I knew I wouldn't, or this generation wouldn't be around if they have ever become a reality.
Hello friend @afterglow I greet you with respect and affection from Venezuela. Thanks for your comment. Your approach is certainly very interesting, but that's life and what we call "evolution" tomorrow will be destruction or overcoming of what exists. The truth is that man can never live without nature, God's creation is sacred. Thank God every day more professionals are looking after the environment and many people are becoming aware. Receive a strong spiritual hug full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.
Fortunately, someone is always aware of the dates and is in charge of reminding others, sincerely my best wishes to the URBANISTS and to you, congratulations for your excellent publication, success ...
Hello @mlrequena78 Thank you for your comment. Receive a strong spiritual embrace full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.
Architecture Brew #47. Congratulations!Well done @marcosmilano71! We're happy to inform you that this publication was specially curated and awarded RUNNER-UP in
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