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RE: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder


Hello dear friend Erne @storiesoferne Receive a warm and fraternal greeting from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. As always, your publications are excellent: impeccable writing, extremely interesting topic, spectacular photographs and the enriching and healthy debate that generates cordial interaction.

In response to your question: Which of the three (3) buildings that appear in this publication would you consider beautiful and why? I answer you frankly, the three designs are spectacular, but my eyes go to the great religious buildings such as the colorful cathedrals that are generally full of fine arts; in this case I lean towards Bath Abbey. Receive a strong and warm spiritual hug full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.

NOTE: The concept of beauty (for me) is relative because what is beautiful for one is not for others.


Hola querido amigo Erne @storiesoferne Recibe un caluroso y fraternal saludo desde la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. Como siempre tus publicaciones son excelentes: redacción impecable, tema sumamente interesante, fotografías espectaculares y el enriquecedor y sano debate que genera interacción cordial.

Ante tu pregunta: ¿Cuál de los tres (3) edificios que aparecen en esta publicación considerarías hermoso y por qué? Te respondo con franqueza los tres diseños son espectaculares pero mis ojos se dirigen a las grandes edificaciones religiosas como las vistosas catedrales que generalmente están llena de bellas artes; en este caso me inclino por La abadía de Bath. Recibe un fuerte y caluroso abrazo espiritual cargado de bendiciones, energía positiva y mucha luz.

NOTA: El concepto de belleza (para mi) es relativo porque lo que para uno es bello para otros no lo es.


Good morning, dear friend Marcos @marcosmilano71. I'm surely happy you found this publication to your sincere liking. Although the topic of beauty would trigger debates, it's still a healthy conversation to dive into. Your honest preference for religious buildings is understandable due to your appreciation and admiration for sacred monuments. The Bath Abbey in England is definitely a striking edifice, respecting the paths of other awesome cathedrals around Europe and the world. As always, thank you for your interesting interaction. A blessed week ahead! 😊