[ENG] Green Architecture / [ESP] Arquitectura Verde

[ENG Source / [ESP] Fuente

Green Architecture

     Green architecture is defined by the ability of a design or structure to take advantage of natural resources, such as sunlight, water, wind or air currents, this with the aim of increasing energy efficiency, and in turn reducing environmental impact.

Arquitectura Verde

     La arquitectura verde, se define por la capacidad que tiene un diseño o estructura en aprovechar recursos naturales , tales como, luz solar, el agua, el viento o corrientes de aire, esto con el objetivo de aumentar la eficiencia energética, y a su vez, reducir el impacto ambiental.

[ENG Source / [ESP] Fuente

     A green architecture design, can be, one that integrates natural light throughout the interior or space of the building, without the need to use electric current for luminaires. Perhaps many architects would respond to this, with structures containing many openings between walls and s handles, or elements with plenty of space, this in order to provide plenty of natural light. However, great care must be taken when designing in this way, as this can lead to vulnerable structures, with respect to the rigidity of structural elements and the structure in general. Therefore it is recommended that any design or construction comply with different parameters or anti-earthquake regulations.

     Un diseño de arquitectura verde, puede ser, uno que integre la luz natural en todo el interior o espacio de la edificación, sin la necesidad de usar corriente eléctrica para las luminarias. Quizás muchos arquitectos responderían a esto, con estructuras que contengan muchas aberturas entre las paredes y losas, o elementos con bastante espacio, esto con el objetivo de brindar mucha luz natural. Sin embargo, se debe tener mucho cuidado cuando se diseña de esa manera, ya que esto puede traer como consecuencias estructuras vulnerables, con respecto a la rigidez de los elementos estructurales y la estructura en general. Por lo que se recomienda que todo diseño o construcción, cumpla con diferentes parámetros o normativas antisísmicas.





[ENG] Image Sources / [ESP] Fuente de las Imágenes

     Buildings must meet another parameter of a green architecture, that is, to use the environment, climate and natural resources, where the work is projected, with the aim of meeting all the energy needs and comfort of people.

     Las edificaciones deben cumplir con otro parámetro de una arquitectura verde, esta es, la de utilizar el entorno, el clima y los recursos naturales, donde se proyecte la obra, con el objetivo de suplir todas las necesidades energéticas y el confort de las personas.

[ENG] Source / [ESP] Fuente

     The project must contain or apply all the conditions we find in the environment, climatology, vegetation, rain, wind and sun, that is, every structure must be designed and built, to comply with the bioclimatic concept.

     El proyecto debe contener o aplicar todas las condiciones que encontramos en el ambiente , climatología, vegetación, lluvia, viento y sol, es decir, toda estructura deberá ser diseñada y construida, para cumplir con el concepto bioclimático.

[ENG] Source / [ESP] Fuente

[ENG] Source / [ESP] Fuente

     Own natural resource reuse systems, for example:

  • Buildings with rainwater storage systems, which can be used for different activities, such as watering the garden, washing clothes, toilets, and cleaning in general.

     Poseer sistemas de reutilización de recursos naturales, por ejemplo:

  • Edificaciones con sistemas de almacenamiento de agua de lluvia, que pueda usarse para diferentes actividades, tales como, regar el jardín, lavar la ropa, inodoros, y limpieza en general.

[ENG] Source / [ESP] Fuente

[ENG] Source / [ESP] Fuente

[ENG] Source / [ESP] Fuente

[ENG] Source / [ESP] Fuente

  • Buildings with solar ray capture systems, wind, water (solid state, liquid, gaseous), that allow us to generate all the electrical energy, demanded by the structure.
  • Edificaciones con sistemas de captación de rayos solares, viento, agua (estado solido,liquido,gaseoso), que nos permitan generar toda la energía eléctrica, que demanda la estructura.

[ENG] Microturbines with a yield of up to 200 kilowatts
[ESP] Microturbinas con un rendimiento de hasta los 200 kilowatios

[ENG] Hydrokinetic Turbines (Electricity for houses near rivers)
[ESP] Turbinas hidrocinéticas (Electricidad para casas cercanas a ríos)

[ENG] Housing, equipped with solar panels (Produce 28 kWh.) The house sells up to 67% of the energy to the grid
[ESP] Vivienda , dotada de paneles solares (Produce 28 kWh.) La casa vende a la red hasta el 67% de la energía

[ENG] Houses with solar panel, plus a wind power generation system
[ESP] Casas con panel solar, más un sistema de generación de energía eólica

[ENG] Wind-on-ceiling power system
[ESP] Sistema de energía eólica sobre techo

☝️ [ENG] Geothermal / Air Conditioning . They generate heat energy from the subsoil ☝️
☝️ [ESP] Geotermia / Climatización . Generan energía calorífica desde el subsuelo ☝️

  • Buildings that affect as little as possible the environment where they are designed, i.e. efficient use of land, use certified materials, which do not harm the environment, have roofs and green spaces. Buildings that promote the conservation of the environment from its construction process to the intended use of the work.
  • Edificaciones que afecten lo menos posible el ambiente donde se proyectan, es decir, uso eficiente de terrenos, utilice materiales certificados, que no dañen al medio ambiente, posean techos y espacios verdes. Edificaciones que fomenten la conservación del medio ambiente desde sus proceso constructivo hasta el uso destinado de la obra.

[ENG] Source / [ESP] Fuente

     Buildings should be, in short, self-sustaining and generate minimal environmental impact during the constrictive process and end-use.

     Modular and prefabricated constructions are recommended, to avoid affecting as little as possible the environment where the construction is projected. In order to reduce land movements, which result in soil modification, tree felling and debris produced by construction in the area.

     Las edificaciones deberán ser, en resumen, auto sustentables y generar un mínimo impacto ambiental durante el proceso constrictivo y uso final.

     Se recomienda construcciones modulares y prefabricadas, para evitar afectar lo menos posible el ambiente donde se proyecte la construcción. Con el objetivo de reducir los movimientos de tierras, que traen como consecuencia, la modificación del terreno, la tala de árboles y los residuos producidos por la construcción en el área.



☝️ [ENG] Image Sources / [ESP] Fuente de las Imágenes ☝️



     Very good my son. Excellent research. Thanks for posting it. God bless, take care and protect you always. Love you.

     Muy bien hijo mío. Excelente investigación. Gracias por publicarla. Dios te bendiga, cuide y proteja siempre. Te amo.

Excellent article @memj0310! Have you considered writing a book?

These are great guidelines and inspiring ones as well! I started implementing rainwater collection into my projects, the first one was for a hangar that didn't have any water supply in the area. We had an underground rainwater cistern made of concrete constructed. It's always filled up and we use them for everything in the hangar.

The next one was for a 3 bedroom residence in a city and the owner is pleased, she saves a lot on their water bill. We also made provisions for solar on both projects, providing an electrical room on the upper floor where all of the solar batteries are kept with a structurally sound roof to accommodate the panels facing south.

Yes, it is important to use LEED-certified materials in building and interior construction.

 4 years ago  

Great post! Creating eco-friendly, sustainable, energy-saving structures with low to zero VOC and recyclable materials, observing a low carbon footprint is the best way to care for the planet.

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Such an inspiring article, Using solar panels and rainwater harvesting system with certified materials in building is just a step towards sustainable living.
Great article, Have a lovely week :)


Such an inspiring article, Using solar panels and rainwater harvesting system with certified materials in building is just a step towards sustainable living.
Great article, Have a lovely week :)

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Hello @memj0310! You have a truly informative article that benefits both mankind and our planet! There's just no other way for us to remain sustainable but to respect the resources provided by Mother Nature - including our built environments which are the number one occupiers of our natural surroundings. Keep posting awesome publications like these! 😀


     Very accurate, your comment. Thank you for the support you gave to my post and on my part I will continue to provide content of interest to the community.


     Muy certero, su comentario. Gracias por el apoyo que dio a mi publicación y de mi parte seguiré aportando contenido de interés para la comunidad.
