Your photographs look really professional, as usual.
I don't like to read, but I'll read this one...
You got them close by, well, that's an understatement. There's an entire cluster of incredibly beautiful cities: Cádiz, Jerez de la Frontera, Niebla, Huelva, Sevilla, Córdoba, Granada (!), Cartagena, Toledo, Segovia!
And I didn't even mention Salamanca, Barcelona, Santiago de Compostella, Burgos, Donostia, ... I could go on nearly forever... Badajoz, Lleida, Tarragona, Teruel, Requena, Caravaca de la Cruz, et cetera et cetera...
And Valencia of course 😉
I know Málaga better than I know Amsterdam. Amsterdam is beautiful too, but it's not in Spain.
Let me add some appropriate music to my comment. Triana is a barrio (neighborhood) in Sevilla.
Recuerdos are memories, for those who do not know. Memories of an evening.
Meanwhile, I'm not reading...
I can confirm your statement about going for a walk in Spain. It's hardly possible to get used to the relief of the Montes de Málaga, but still, they were great walks. The walks were even better when I lived near the center of Málaga, slightly to the east of the center, in el Barrio de la Victoria.
I met a dog today. The current 'owners' think it would be better for the dog to come live with me. They need a little more time to say goodbye, one of the daughters mainly, it's very hard on her.
So, that hurts, but I'll be going for walks again soon. 😃
But that, that hurts. To take a dog away from a young girl who's really attached to him. Ouch!
You are right about the oranges. I like the way you spelled façade; the only right way.
Those escalators don't belong there. They could have built wide marble stairs. Franco should have built at least one escalator though, in Rincón de la Victoria, up la Calle Limonero, and he should have built it a long time ago! I tried it on a bike, I couldn't do it, not in one go.
I like the old ceilings.
Have a great evening!
How can I sign in red?
Dead entity, better known as 'person', signs in blue.
Living human beings sign in red.
Perceived royalty signs in purple.
'King' Turd signed in black, which is even more dead than a person. 😁
Wow many things... about cities in Spain, as you have mentioned many are beautiful 😍 I think citizens don't know really how lucky they are living in this country that you know 😉
The dog story is touching, hope you can enjoy many nice walks but I understand the feelings about the little girl but she will understand (maybe) one day that you will take care well of the dog.
And about the market yes very modern but the "hole" is deep and a marble stairs not very easy for old people it should be long really... some elevators but also less aesthetic. Bit in general it's a pleasant place where to be.
And you are right about the color of the signature, we should also keep in kind the capital letters (for slaves since Roman times, "capitatis diminutio" or something like that).
We are humans with red heart ❤️ (although not easy to sign), not them, not the purple nor the black.
Be happy with the dog.
Update: The deal is done. Otis will be brought here when I want, Thursday or Saturday. Thursday it will be.
I got a lot of cleaning to do.
😎👏👏❤️🐶 It's a good new!!! A new friend, and life will be a bit different now. Hope you both are good for each other. And more new things and moments to share!
I know how to write about it. I'll keep you updated. 😉
Yeah, finally I got a reason to get out of bed again. I'm practically living in my bed. It's time to get up! 🙂
Yeah time to get up and smile 🤗
The dog is not here yet.
And there was another one interested in this particular dog, said the website where I found him.
They said they would bring the dog to me when they are done saying goodbye, when they are ready to give away their dog, for the dog's best interest. And my best interest.
But they may still decide they like the other interested 'person' better. So, yeah, it feels like I got a dog, but the deal ain't done yet.
I pulled some cards before I decided to want to 'have' this dog, have his companionship.
So, maybe he's not the right dog for me. Although, he did choose me. He was all over me.
And I had the impression that Otis, which would become Xerxes because there is something about names that start with an O - I don't know what, it's intuitive - so... I had the impression that Otis knew exactly what we came for.
Dogs are so much smarter, animals in general, are so much smarter than humans give them credit for.
I'll let you know when he lives with me.
Otis looks like cute, and the sight shows he is smart. Yeah let me know how all this is going on...
They are gonna bring him here, on Thursday at noon, local time.
I got some cleaning up to do. I haven't done anything for 20 months.
Bonito died 20 months ago.
I think my next blog entry will be all about Otis. Whose name won't be Xerxes, because numerologically it's the same as Sexrex, and we don't want that. Rex is king, we want no sex for him. So his name would become Wodan then. Otis becomes Odin, which then becomes Wodan or Wotan.
Good, yeah Otis or Wodan will be very happy there, have a good cleaning day 😉
By the way, I have watched on Youtube some new videos on your channel, is that person you? I have heard the first one, it's cool! 👏🤗
That is Grant Ellman. His stage name is Grant Prezence. His dog is called Fozzie Bear.
I first saw him in the show of Max Igan, and in the show of Jeff Berwick. They both featured his video in their show, the song Grant had been working on, this one:
That was his first (not his first) small breakthrough. Since then, he collected only more fans. This was him 16 years ago:
So, his first breakthrough was at a really young age. But the people forgot, and he started all over, for himself, with some friends.
I made a playlist featuring most of his videos:
Ah ok ok, thanks for the info, interesting to know other singers 😉
I forgot to mention the website:
By the way, I did sign in red! 😃
In peakd, it's red on white. Only in ecency it looks white on black. 😀
I never thought to do in on a screen, well in real life also difficult because we all used to use blue pens not red... but it's good to keep it in mind 😉
Maybe I can create a new banner not black but pink (pink is a soft red version, it suits better jajaja) I need to think about this better 😅