Hola querida comunidad de arquitectura espero se encuentren bien y la hayan pasado súper este fin de semana. Es mi primera vez en esta comunidad y la verdad es un privilegio compartirles mi humilde opinión acerca de la arquitectura empleada en mi ciudad de Origen. Dejen que les eche el cuento de cómo llegamos aquí:
Quiero comentarles una noticia que me trae muy contenta y es que recientemente nos enteramos que viene un nuevo integrante para la familia, mis padres serán abuelos y yo Tía por primera vez de mi hermano mayor.
Fue toda una sorpresa enterarnos, mi hermano primero lo anunció en el grupo de WhatsApp de la familia y este fin de semana nos juntamos en nuestra ciudad natal en Ciudad bolívar para celebrar y comentar todas las expectativas que tenemos por la pronta llegada de este nuevo bebe. Algunos consejos, vivencias de cuando éramos niños, los retos de criar niños, cuál será el género del bebe, posibles nombres.
Nos fuimos a un lugar súper wow "El Hotel la cumbre", es un hotel diseñado sobre una de las partes más altas de ciudad bolívar, permitiendo a sus visitantes acceder a una vista única y espectacular. Rodeado de naturaleza es ideal para tener un rato relax. Una joya en la selva, delicadamente integrada en la cúspide de una laja gigantesca en cuyo acceso es algo difícil debido a su inclinación, afortunadamente cuenta con un acceso posterior cuya pendiente es más suave y permite la entrada a toda clase de vehículos mientras que la anterior se requiere de un carro 4 x 4 y buenos cauchos de agarre. Pero el esfuerzo sin duda vale la pena.
Hello dear architecture community, I hope you are well and have had a great time this weekend. It is my first time in this community and the truth is a privilege to share with you my humble opinion about the architecture used in my hometown. Let me tell you the story of how we got here:
I want to tell you some news that makes me very happy and that is that we recently found out that a new member of the family is coming, my parents will be grandparents and I will be my older brother's aunt for the first time.
It was a surprise to find out, my brother first announced it in the family WhatsApp group and this weekend we got together in our hometown in Ciudad Bolivar to celebrate and discuss all the expectations we have for the early arrival of this new baby. Some tips, experiences from when we were children, the challenges of raising children, what will be the gender of the baby, possible names.
We went to a super wow place The Hotel La Cumbre, is a hotel designed on one of the highest parts of Ciudad Bolivar, allowing visitors to access a unique and spectacular view. Surrounded by nature it is ideal to have a relaxing time. A jewel in the jungle, delicately integrated in the cusp of a gigantic slab whose access is somewhat difficult due to its inclination, fortunately it has a rear access whose slope is more gentle and allows the entrance to all kinds of vehicles while the previous one requires a 4 x 4 car and good grip tires. But the effort is certainly worth it.
###### Area de Antiguedades-###### Antiques Area**

You are welcomed by a 2-story building, the lobby has a museum area where they collect objects and artifacts that were used several years ago such as: the typewriter, the iron, the bell clock, there is a collection of handmade cars and a very old vehicle that I invite you to tell me its name and what year is this beauty.
Allí en el área del restaurante nos hicimos unas buenas fotos y disfrutamos de un clima agradable.
Luego me di un recorrido por los alrededores capturando varios espacios, objetos y decoraciones únicas en el lugar. Tiene aproximadamente 200 habitaciones, ya se imaginaran que con la mejor vista de la ciudad. Sin duda ciudad Bolívar en algún momento fue un atractivo grande para los turistas y este hotel un lugar de ensueño para cualquiera de ellos. Sin embargo se deja ver el paso del tiempo, la falta de mantenimiento pero aun así no se dejan vencer siguen dando lo mejor con el poco personal que allí laboran.
There in the restaurant area we took some nice pictures and enjoyed the nice weather.
Then I took a tour of the surroundings capturing various spaces, objects and decorations unique to the place. It has approximately 200 rooms, you can imagine that with the best view of the city. No doubt Ciudad Bolivar was once a big attraction for tourists and this hotel was a dream place for any of them. However, the passing of time and the lack of maintenance are visible, but even so, they do not let themselves be defeated and continue to give their best with the few personnel that work there.

En años anteriores siempre se presentaban música en vivo, llevaban a sus huéspedes de paseo por el rio Orinoco. No perdemos la esperanza de volver a ver al hotel la cumbre brillar de nuevo en nuestra ciudad, sin duda tiene un gran potencial y la ciudad también, por donde se mire hay historia.
Ya yo les he contado parte de la mía, espero les haya gustado este lugar tan bonito llamado "hotel la cumbre",En un rinconcito de ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela. Gracias por haber leído mi post. Comenten lo que quieran, sus impresiones del lugar y nos vemos en una próxima entrega.
In previous years they always presented live music and took their guests for a walk along the Orinoco River. We do not lose hope to see the Hotel La Cumbre shine again in our city, no doubt it has great potential and the city too, everywhere you look there is history.
I have already told you part of mine, I hope you liked this beautiful place called hotel la cumbre, thank you for reading my post. Please comment what you want, your impressions of the place and see you in a next post.
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thank you, I appreciate it very much
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The hotel is really beautiful it makes me sad to see the clearly lack of maintenance in such a beautiful hotel. Wish you had a lot of fun.
That's right, it is very sad to see it in the state it is in now. It is a small reflection of how our beloved city is. People do what they can to get ahead. That's what I took away from this visit. Thank you friend for sharing your opinion.
Que belleza de hotel @nayeskin. Con las fotos y tu narración sobre el sitio sentí que estaba allí. Gracias por tan lindo regalo: "conocer un sitio sin estar presente". Felicidades por tu futuro sobrino👏👏. Saludos y cariños a la familia!!💗🤗🌸🌼
What a beautiful hotel @nayeskin. With the photos and your narration about the place I felt like I was there. Thank you for such a nice gift: "knowing a place without being present". Congrats on your future nephew👏👏. Greetings and love to the family!!!💗🤗🌸🌼
gracias mi querida @arialvi75 , me ayudado mucho leer como lo hacen los maestros de este ecositema. y tus articulos me ha ayudado. gracias por felicitarme, como un dice coloquialmente andamos chochos😄
Dear @arialvi75 @nayeskin. Kindly add/provide the English language translations to your comment/reply for the reading convenience of our international Hive audience. Thank you for your consideration.
I will keep your suggestion in mind for the next one. Thanks for the heads up.🤗👍
thanks friends for the suggestion. I will do it in the next publications.
Hey how magnificent, I usually go to Ciudad Bolivar because I have family but I had never heard about this hotel, I know it is a marvel, it is even a museum of relics, no doubt Ciudad Bolivar has interesting places, I have always liked its historic center and the tourist parador overlooking the bridge. Greetings !
I hope you can visit it when you visit Ciudad Bolivar again.😉HEllo @wilfredocav I am happy to share my experience of this beautiful place!
Architecture Brew #68. More power!Congratulations @nayeskin! We're delighted to specially curate your awesome publication and award it RUNNER-UP in
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Exitos en tus publicaciones.Hola amiga @nayeskin, me gustaron las fotos y la información relacionada con el "hotel la Cumbre" interesante lugar para conocer.