Tawang Station, a station with Neo Dutch architectural design

in Architecture+Design2 years ago (edited)
Hi everybody. How are you? I want to tell you about a very beautiful station in Indonesia. The name of the station is Tawang Station. This station becomes a very busy station because it serves all types of train travel from economy to executive. Most passenger trains that pass the northern rail will stop at the Tawang station. Oh yes, this station is not far from the tourist attraction of the old city of Semarang which is located in Tanjung Mas, North Semarang.

Before I tell you about the design of the station, I would like to inform you that this station was once a transit center from Yogyakarta to Semarang during the war in 1949. There were 749 refugees from Yogyakarta at Tawang station. Tawang station, to the naked eye, has a neo-Dutch architecture designed by the Dutch architecture sloth-blauwboer.




Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

During the Dutch occupation, it was built on August 10, 1867 with the aim of facilitating sugar plantation activities in the Vorstenlanden area. However, with the high demand for public transportation, this station became a city station by the Dutch government.

The station building is constructed using reinforced concrete and forms a station structure with a length of about 168/175 m. Consists of the main part in the middle as a higher vocal point. The main building of the station has a large rectangular dome on the roof which is covered with a layer of copper. Then, within the main building, the station uses a hall with high ceilings and is supported by four main pillars. At first glance, the center resembles a traditional Javanese head, the joglo house.




Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

During the Dutch administration it was not designed as a terminal station. However, it was designed as a parallel station. Admiral, to facilitate the operational operation of the railway. Then the Tawang station is connected to the Poncol station. The plan was carried out on January 4, 1941. During the Dutch occupation, the Tawang station was considered the most beautiful in the Netherlands.

Inside the main building, it is decorated with j.h schouten stained glass windows. Willem brouwer's terracotta relief depicts a steam locomotive. At some points the walls of the Tawang station are decorated with glazed bricks. There is a set of newspaper or book tables and a newsstand in the main hall.




Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

On the left and right of the main building there are rooms with a gable roof made of Amsterdam's werkspoor. While on the eastern standard there is an Economy Class Open Room waiting room. While in the west there is a waiting room for first and executive class passengers. This section also includes the stationmaster's office, telegraph room, break room, and so on.

From this section of the station, there are five entrances to the building. Three doors are in front. Then the other two are on the left and right. Above the front door, there are three transoms. The roof of the building then USES a drawshaft structure. As for the ornament stations, most of them are curved and square. So tell me about this station. I hope you are interested in my story. See you in my next story.




Picture by Nurdiani Latifah




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About Author

Nurdiani Latifah

My name is Nurdiani Latifah. I currently live in Jakarta – Indonesia, after 25 years I live in Bandung. I am a media staff at an NGO in Indonesia. I have worked in this institution for almost 2 years on issues of women and peace. I had been a journalist in Bandung for 3 years.

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hallo @livinguktaiwan Thank you for checking my article. I do not deny this error. this is my fault. I apologize for the mistakes I made. I promise not to repeat this incident. once again, I am sorry. I will be more careful in creating content.

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Hello Nur, you made it seem as if you were there to catch the train. I've always liked train stations because they have great vibes, but this station seems really fun and has a Dutch colonial vibe.

I like the name of station☺️ It also look like bazaar.

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Wow what a fun train ride :)

This is the oldest station in Indonesia, right, Sis?
I hope one day I can visit that station.

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Hai @hivewatchers one of the curators had informed me of this before any notification from you. I realized it was my fault for not citing the source of the article. I have realized my mistake. I will take a lesson from this mistake.