El pasado 17 de agosto, en horas de la tarde, a través de mensajes instantáneos me informan que el techo de la iglesia Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Aranzazu, ubicada en el municipio Santa Rita, había colapsado por completo. De inmediato se planificó una inspección para el día 18 de agosto a primera hora.
Last August 17, in the afternoon, through instant messages I was informed that the roof of the church Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Aranzazu, located in the municipality of Santa Rita, had completely collapsed. An inspection was immediately planned for August 18, early in the morning.
Al llegar al sitio ya había maquinarias trabajando en el retiro y bote de escombros, así como demolición controlada de cerramientos y techo, estos trabajos estuvieron coordinados por los bomberos del municipio. Previo a estas acciones se acordonó gran parte del lugar y se realizó corte preventivo de los servicios eléctricos y de gas a fin de evitar accidentes mayores.
Upon arrival at the site, machinery was already working on the removal and removal of debris, as well as the controlled demolition of the enclosures and roof, these works were coordinated by the municipal firefighters. Prior to these actions, a large part of the site was cordonedoff and electricity and gas services were cut off to prevent major accidents.
Al llegar conversamos con el comandante de los bomberos, ya que debíamos tomar imágenes y a través de una inspección visual poder generar un informe preliminar donde se pudiese explicar las causas del colapso.
Upon arrival we talked with the fire department commander, since we had to take images and through a visual inspection we could generate a preliminary report where we could explain the causes of the collapse.
Algunas personas cuentan como el día anterior a las 2 pm se escuchó un sonido muy fuerte y al salir se observaba una nube espesa de polvo, en ese momento no había personas dentro del templo.
Some people tell how the day before at 2 pm a very loud sound was heard and when going out a thick cloud of dust was observed, at that time there were no people inside the temple.
El colapso del techo de la nave de la iglesia sucedió casualmente el mismo día que se registró un sismo con epicentro en Colombia, país vecino, en principio se atribuyó el incidente a este fenómeno natural.
Una vez que conversamos con el comandante de los bomberos y previa autorización, logramos entrar y hacer la inspección visual, en lo que se pudo detallar lo siguiente:
The collapse of the roof of the nave of the church happened coincidentally on the same day that an earthquake with epicenter in Colombia, a neighboring country, was registered, at first the incident was attributed to this natural phenomenon.
Once we talked with the firefighters' commander and with prior authorization, we were able to enter and make a visual inspection, which revealed the following:
Fachada Principal, sistema constructivo tradicional, con una torre de 28 metros de altura. Es el acceso principal del templo.
Main façade, traditional construction system, with a tower of 28 meters high. It is the main access of the temple.
Nave, fue la que sufrió el daño. Presentaba estructura metálica, cubiertas de láminas de zinc. Se observó que las láminas se encontraban recubiertas con un vaciado de concreto con espesor de aproximadamente 14 cm, como acero de refuerzo se pudo contemplar malla metálica, y finalizaba con la colocación de manto asfáltico.
No se observó anclajes estructurales, algunos elementos estructurales estaban empotrados de manera simple en la pared, había presencia de corrosión en los perfiles IPN.
En la parte interna había un plafón rígido tipo cielo raso, el cual estaba fijado a la estructura metálica, la misma tenía elementos decorativos y luminarias.
Nave, was the one that suffered the damage. It had a metallic structure, covered with zinc sheets. It was observed that the sheets were covered with a concrete casting with a thickness of approximately 14 cm, as reinforcing steel it was possible to contemplate metallic mesh, and it ended with the placement of asphalt mantle.
No structural anchors were observed, some structural elements were simply embedded in the wall, and there was corrosion in the IPN profiles.
In the internal part there was a rigid ceiling type ceiling, which was fixed to the metal structure, which had decorative elements and lights.
Edificio Parroquial, sistema constructivo tradicional de dos plantas, a simple vista no presentaba daños estructurales, se observó corrosión en techo, algunas filtraciones.
The parish building, a traditional two-story construction system, showed no structural damage at first glance; there was corrosion on the roof and some leaks.
Este municipio está cercano al lago de Maracaibo, por lo que es habitual la presencia de corrosión y salinidad en las edificaciones.
This municipality is close to Lake Maracaibo, so corrosion and salinity in buildings are common.
Con el apoyo de los bomberos logramos realizar el levantamiento de la fachada principal y la casa parroquial, ya que no se logró ubicar los planos de dicha iglesia.
With the support of the firemen we were able to carry out the survey of the main façade and the parish house, since we were unable to locate the plans of the church.
Este templo tiene más de 200 años de antigüedad y es parte del patrimonio cultural del municipio Santa Rita.
This temple is more than 200 years old and is part of the cultural heritage of the municipality of Santa Rita.
De arquitectura moderna con presencia de vitrales en las ventanas con forma de ojivas en fachada principal y laterales.
It has a modern architecture with stained glass windows in the main and lateral facades.
Por la información recaudada en el sitio, todo indica que el colapso se debió por sobre peso. La estructura fue concebida para una cubierta liviana, tal y como se apreció, se puede predecir que se hicieron mejoras a fin de que la parte interna del templo luciera con un aspecto pulcro y moderno sin modificar la estructura, lo que produjo la falla.
From the information gathered at the site, everything indicates that the collapse was due to overweight. The structure was conceived for a light roof, as it was appreciated, it can be predicted that improvements were made so that the internal part of the temple would look neat and modern without modifying the structure, which caused the failure.
Por los momentos estamos en la fase del proyecto para la reconstrucción de la iglesia, tratando de conservar y preservar lo que se pueda de manera segura.
At the moment we are in the project phase for the reconstruction of the church, trying to conserve and preserve what can be safely preserved.
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Imágenes propiedad de @pcojines
200 years is a very old age. Hopefully it will be rebuilt with a more beautiful church @pcojines
That's right, reconstruction work is underway right now.
Wow! 200 years is quite a long time, despite the thick security controsl you got good pictures of the facade, I hope soon they can repair it, the design is beautiful, especially the vaulted shape and its colorful crystals in the tower.
Best regards!
Yes, it had been many years. They are currently building the church again. They chose to demolish everything for safety reasons, the structure had been damaged in the failure.
Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER-UP in Architecture Anthology™ 45. More power!Congratulations @pcojines! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our
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