I was able to visit Temple of Leah during its renovation phase, too sad I was not able to go inside and take lots of photos because the place was full of signs and barricades. With its huge columns pretty sure that place could withstand time. The place where it is situated is interesting. Some say, landslides occur near it, I'm not sure though. But with its elevation, sure thing the site development took time and preparation.
Thanks for sharing, looking forward to visit it once again. Maybe if wala nay pandemic.
The pandemic will not go away anytime soon and probably we won't go back to the "normal" we used to before the pandemic. All we can do is properly assess the risks and manage them. Minimum health protocols should be followed. I think it's less likely to get covid in an open space than in closed spaces like in offices given the same number of people. So, I tried to travel to less crowded places.