Materials for a mega construction that shone night and day | Lights and Disney in Medellín - Part 3

Greetings friends of Hive and the Architecture+Design community, I hope you are all very well, I come to present you another part about the visit to the Medellin Christmas Lighting 2022. I guess you think that there are many publications because this is the third one but to present this decoration I think it is necessary to do it in several parts and this time I will talk about the materials used in this work of art and mega construction inspired by the Disney movie "Enchantment" that represented the culture of Colombia.

Saludos amigos de Hive y de la comunidad Architecture+Design, deseo que estén todos muy bien, vengo para presentarles otra parte sobre la visita al Alumbrado navideño de Medellín 2022. Me imagino que piensan que son muchas publicaciones porque esta es la tercera pero es que para presentar esta decoración creo que es necesario hacerlo en varias partes y en esta ocasión les hablaré sobre los materiales usados en esta obra de arte y mega construcción inspirada en la película de Disney "Encanto" que representó la cultura de Colombia.


At first I was very curious about the material that was used to cover the figures and when I got closer I realized that it was metallic paper that was woven between wire mesh. I thought it was very ingenious because it is a light, soft, shiny material, very suitable for molding the figures but I also thought about the workmanship to weave so many giant and small figures doing an excellent job by the artisans of the illumination who are mothers and housewives from Antioquia. Impressive and admirable!

En principio yo tenía mucha curiosidad sobre el material que se usó para forrar las figuras y al acercarme me di cuenta que era papel metalizado que estaba tejido entre malla de alambre. Me pareció muy ingenioso porque es un material liviano, suave, brillante, muy adecuado para moldear las figuras pero también pensé en la mano de obra para tejer tantas figuras gigantes y pequeñas haciendo un excelente trabajo las artesanas del alumbrado que son mujeres madres y amas de casa antioqueñas. ¡Impresionante y admirable!








Tons of metallic paper was used, tons of iron for the structures of the figures, of course millions of LED bulbs were used and well, we are talking about kilometers of hoses of these neon lights, exactly 750 kilometers. A lot of lights were used, but the environment was also taken into account and that is why some environmentally friendly elements were used, such as mechanisms for efficient energy consumption.

Se usaron toneladas de papel metalizado, toneladas de hierro para las estructuras de las figuras, por supuesto se usó millones de bombillas LED y bueno se habla de kilómetros de mangueras de estas luces de neón, exactamente se habla de 750 kilómetros. Se usaron muchas luces pero también se pensó en el medio ambiente y por eso se emplearon algunos elementos amigos del ambiente como mecanismos para el consumo eficiente de energía.






For this work, no expense was spared and the movie Encanto was successfully recreated. All the media and social networks were talking about the impressive investment that would have thousands of figures throughout the city counting the characters of the movie, the main house of the Madrigal family, animals and many details that I showed you in my previous publications.

Para esta obra no se escatimó en gastos y se logró con éxito recrear la película de Encanto. Por todos los medios y redes sociales se hablaba sobre la impresionante inversión que tendría miles de figuras por toda la ciudad contando los personajes de la película, la casa principal de la familia Madrigal, animales y muchos detalles que les mostré en mis publicaciones anteriores.

1.) Lights and Disney in Medellín - Part 1

2.) The Madrigal's house, characters and setting in the "Encanto" style || Lights and Disney in Medellín - Part 2

If you saw the past publications you will see that the work along the Medellin River and also in other areas of the city was very incredible because it took a lot of each material used. During the day the lighting was off while waiting for the night but during the day it was another kind of visual spectacle to see the avenues and squares decorated because the figures were shining because of the metallic paper as you can see in the pictures I will show you of La Playa Avenue in downtown Medellin and the Floresta Park in the America.

La Playa Avenue

This avenue was adorned with many butterflies woven with metallic paper that hung with wires lined with small bulbs that crossed the width of the avenue and also stands a colossal figure in the shape of a candle with two very large butterflies, one on each side, just imagine the craftswomen weaving the paper for this large figure.

Si viste las publicaciones pasadas veras que el trabajo a lo largo del río Medellín y también en otras zonas de la ciudad fue muy increíble porque se necesitó mucha cantidad de cada material usado. En el día estaba apagado el alumbrado mientras se esperaba la noche pero de día era otro tipo de espectáculo visual al ver las avenidas y plazas decoradas porque las figuras brillaban por el papel metalizado como pueden ver en las fotos que les mostraré de la Av. La Playa en el centro de Medellín y del Parque de la Floresta en la América.

Avenida La Playa

Esta avenida estaba adornada con muchas mariposas tejidas con papel metalizado que colgaban con alambres forrados con pequeños bombillos que atravesaban el ancho de la avenida y también se alza una figura colosal en forma de vela con dos mariposas muy grandes, una en cada lado, solo hay que imaginar a las artesanas tejiendo el papel para esta figura de gran tamaño.











La Floresta Park

This park was another space that enchanted at Christmas, with glowing milk cows on the path and on decorated fences on poles. The material used was the same throughout the Christmas lighting. I continue to be impressed by the amount of material it took to make the thousands of figures in the city.

Parque la Floresta

Este parque fue otro espacio que encantó en navidad, con vacas lecheras brillantes en el camino y en vallas decoradas sobre postes. El material usado era el mismo en todo el alumbrado navideño. Sigo impresionado por la cantidad de material que se llevo hacer las miles de figuras en la ciudad.





There were flowers, butterflies, birds and other figures in the Parque la Floresta formed with LED lights that are turned off during the day like all the Christmas lights in the city and waiting for 6 pm to turn on until midnight, but during the day it still caught my attention because it was very colorful decoration with hoses of lights of different colors. It was perfect.

Había flores, mariposas, aves y otras figuras en el Parque la Floresta formadas con luces LED que están apagadas de día como todo el alumbrado navideño en la ciudad y esperando las 6 de la tarde para encenderse hasta la media noche, pero de día igual me llamó la atención porque era muy colorida la decoración con mangueras de luces de diferentes colores. Era perfecto.









70th Street

La 70 is a boulevard for nightlife in Medellin with many restaurants, nightclubs and tascas. This is a very lighted street at night and because of the Christmas lighting it sparkled much more with the electricity poles that were adorned with luminous figures.

La Calle 70

La 70 es un boulevard para la vida nocturna en Medellín con muchos restaurantes, discotecas y tascas. Esta es una calle muy iluminada en las noches y por el alumbrado navideño destellaba mucho más con los postes de electricidad que estaban adornados con figuras luminosas.









Steel Guayas

For the magical decoration on the Medellín River, thousands of meters of steel cables were used that crossed the river from side to side to support the luminous figures that floated next to the barges decorated with lights and holograms of the characters of the movie. This was an outpouring of creativity, technology and beauty that needed to be held above the water with the strength of steel.

Guayas de acero

Para la mágica decoración sobre el río Medellín se usó miles de metros de guayas de acero que atravesaban el caudal de lado a lado para sostener las figuras luminosas que flotaban junto a las barcazas decoradas con luces y con hologramas de los personajes de la película. Esto fue un derroche de creatividad, de tecnología y de mucha belleza que necesitaba sostenerse sobre el agua con la fortaleza del acero.





The amount of material used for all the lighting is something that causes astonishment and I can't imagine it because I saw it with my own eyes, the structures were strong, they stood upright although there was an accident in the area of Parques del Rio with some structures that fell down one night of heavy rain and wind. That was unfortunate because several people were injured and it was also strange because the work looked very strong, but the next day after the damage was repaired, tourists continued to arrive to admire the bright and friendly Disney figures that starred in the Medellin Christmas Lighting.

La cantidad de material empleado para todo el Alumbrado es algo que causa asombro y no lo imagino porque lo vi con mis propios ojos, las estructuras eran fuertes, se mantenían erguidas aunque hubo un accidente en la zona de Parques del Río con unas estructuras que se cayeron una noche de mucha lluvia y viento. Eso fue lamentable porque varias personas quedaron heridas y fue extraño también porque se veía muy fuerte el trabajo, pero al día siguiente reparado el daño continuaron llegando turistas para admirar las figuras brillantes y amigables de Disney que protagonizaron el Alumbrado Navideño de Medellín.




With this mega construction Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM) made the capital of Antioquia and all of Colombia shine for Christmas 2022, using an extraordinary amount of simple materials, while employing state-of-the-art technology and without forgetting to think about the environment because in Medellín everything blooms, as can be read in this illuminated sign in Parques del Río.

Con esta mega construcción Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM) puso a brillar la capital de Antioquia y a toda Colombia en todo el mundo en la navidad del 2022 usando una extraordinaria cantidad de materiales sencillos, empleando a su vez tecnología de punta y sin dejar de pensar en el medio ambiente porque en Medellín todo florece, como se lee en este aviso luminoso en Parques del Río.


Thus I end the presentation of the Medellín 2022 Christmas Lighting, thank you for joining me in the three publications on this emblematic work of Colombia. See you soon. Bye, bye.

Así finalizo la presentación del Alumbrado Navideño de Medellín 2022, gracias por acompañarme en las tres publicaciones sobre esta obra emblemática de Colombia. No vemos pronto. Chao, chao.

This publication dedicates 10% to the account @aplusd to support the valuable work being done in this wonderful community by the hand of @storiesoferne, to whom I am very grateful for the support I have received and also the one given to the rest of the architecture lovers. I make this delegation of my own free will and without any personal interest.

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It is impressive the previous work that was done with everything. Those lights were spectacular!

Yes, it is very impressive @jordy0827, it was worth all the investment and effort. Thank you very much!


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Thank you guys very much. Regards!

Hi @sorprendente, it's a pleasure to read a new post about the setting of the animated series Encanto, you did a great job taking care of every detail, the colors are vibrant and the visual effect produced by the spectacular mesh, my favorite part are the figures on the river, it's a real charm.

Greetings and blessings!

Thank you very much @belkyscabrera, yes I also think that the decoration over the Medellin River was the most impressive thing. Thank you very much, yes I also think that the decoration over the Medellin River was the most impressive thing. Greetings and blessings too

An attractive place to attract people to relax at night, with colorful lights that can relax anyone who is tired after coming home from work.

Yes, it attracted a lot of people to this Medellin decoration. Thank you for appreciating.

This is absolutely great. I love all these decorations the materials used and the design. Beautiful photos.

Glad you liked it, this decoration was mind blowing stuff. Thanks for appreciating, best regards @doriangel

 2 years ago  

Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER-UP in Architecture Anthology™ 44. More power!Congratulations @sorprendente! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our


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Thank you very much @aplusd for being the bearer of good news :)

 2 years ago  

We are always delighted to share wonderful news to you dear @sorprendente. Stay awesome! 😀