
Hello @soulsdetour. Similar to peeling the layers of an onion, the discovery of unexpected architectural details in a location of interest would sometimes place us in an emotional state. And just like the city of Chirpan, there are certainly many exceptional surprises. As much as most of us have the assumption that the more modern buildings have sturdier structural conditions, the older houses plus other historical remnants of a metropolis actually have the advantage of being more sustainable in the long run. This goes to show how far our investigative curiosity would take us within the exploration of a place composed of the old and new architecture. Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts! 😊

Emotions are what power great blog posts. Stories become more interesting, compelling, and authentic for readers to digest. And I'm a strong believer in Self-Expression. Thus, embedding your personal voice into your architectural publications is an excellent way to differentiate yourself from the noise and let your light shine. Thank you so much @soulsdetour for being yourself in our A+D community!

Manually curated by blacklux (luxdiei) from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Very nice this contrasts for country

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 4 years ago  

Well done @soulsdetour ! We're happy to inform you that this publication was specially curated and awarded Runner-up in Architecture Brew #34. Congratulations!

Runner Up.jpg

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