Interior design in Feng Shui style (Eng - Spa)

Dental clinic with holistic design

Every day the importance of interior design in our spaces becomes more and more noticeable, the mood is influenced by the place where we are, even for short hours, that's why restaurants and aesthetic centres invest in the decoration of their businesses.

One place we don't like to visit is the dentist, but we must do it periodically to have a healthy mouth, unconsciously we relate this working space of the dentist to pain and discomfort, but we can minimise these sensations if we have a place that is pleasant to the eye and stimulates all our senses.

Clínica dental con diseño holístico

Cada día se hace más notoria la importancia de un diseño de interiores en nuestros espacios, el estado de ánimo se ve influenciado por el lugar donde nos encontramos, así sea por cortas horas, por eso los restaurantes y centros estéticos invierten en la decoración de sus negocios.

Un lugar que poco nos gusta visitar es al odontólogo, pero debemos hacerlo periódicamente para tener una salud bucal, inconscientemente relacionamos este espacio de trabajo del odontólogo al dolor y la incomodidad, pudiendo minimizar estas sensaciones si tenemos un lugar agradable a la vista y que estimule todos nuestros sentidos.

A few years ago I arrived at a dental clinic that was recommended to me because of the good performance of its dentists and I fell in love with its interior design, they have a front like any other clinic to the point of going unnoticed by people, I myself had passed by there many times without realising its existence, when I entered it was like being in another unexpected place, a total surprise with many details to highlight, on my last visit I asked the owner for permission to photograph the lower part and she was delighted to grant it to me.

To enter you have to ring the bell and after looking at the security cameras they give access, once you open the door you can hear the sound of bells that warn you that someone has entered, they have a nice carpet that I forgot to photograph and then they suggest you to disinfect your hands with an intelligent device that has a sensor that releases the cleaning liquid when you put your hands inside.

Hace pocos años llegue a una clínica dental que me recomendaron por el buen desempeño de sus odontólogos y quede enamorada de su diseño interior, tienen un frente como cualquier clínica hasta el punto de pasar desapercibida para la gente, yo misma había pasado por allí muchas veces sin darme cuenta de su existencia, al entrar fue como estar en otro lugar inesperado, una total sorpresa con muchos detalles para destacar, en mi última visita le pedí permiso a la dueña para fotografiar la parte de abajo y ella encantada me lo concedió.

Para entrar hay que tocar el timbre y después de mirar con las cámaras de seguridad dan acceso, una vez que se abre la puerta se puede escuchar un sonido de campanas que avisan que alguien entro, tienen una linda alfombra que se me olvido fotografiar y después le sugieren a uno desinfectar las manos con un aparto inteligente que tiene un sensor con poner las manos adentro suelta el líquido limpiador.




The first area is the reception area where the secretary is, there the light is dim highlighting the ochre white colour of the walls, as I entered I noticed that there were many objects related to Feng Shui and I like that a lot. There is a big mobile formed by a metal circle that is played by another smaller circle of wood and at the end it has a Chinese coin, its sound is soft and relaxing, after this object steals the looks, a pedestal lamp that is a white lotus flower that has an internal game of lights that darkens and shines with candency, this lamp is so beautiful that in another opportunity I made a publication in another community exclusively for it.

There are silver chairs typical of health centres, with a large television, but most of the time it is turned off and only relaxing music can be heard, in this area stands out the name of the clinic which is the personal mark of the stave with the initial of his name and surname converted into a logo and the likeness of a smile, on the top of the door of the main office there is a symbol that represents the Om which is the sound of the universe, it is said that it is the sound behind all creation, the word of God.

La primera área es la de recepción donde está la secretaria, allí la luz es tenue destacando el color blanco ocre de las paredes, en lo que entre me di cuenta de que había muchos objetos relacionados con el Feng Shui y eso me gusta mucho. Hay un móvil grande conformado por un círculo de metal que es tocado por otro círculo más pequeño de madera y al final tiene una moneda china, su sonido es suave y relajante, después de este objeto se roba las miradas, una lámpara de pedestal que es una flor de loto blanca que tiene un juego de luces interno que se oscurece y resplandece con candencia, esta lámpara es tan hermosa que en otra oportunidad hice una publicación en otra comunidad exclusivamente para ella.

Hay sillas plateadas típicas de centros de salud, con un televisor grande, pero la mayoría del tiempo está apagado y solo se escucha música relajante, en esta área destaca el nombre de la clínica que es la marca personal de la duela con la inicial de su nombre y apellido convertido en un logo y la similitud de una sonrisa, en la parte de arriba de la puerta del consultorio principal hay un símbolo que representa el Om que es el sonido del universo, se dice que es el sonido detrás de toda la creación, el verbo de Dios.



In this office the smell of hygiene is the first thing I noticed when I entered, because my ears and eyes were already stimulated, it has natural plants as in the first space, jades and others that purify the environment, as well as striking details such as a yellow salt lamp that is on the desk decorating the same as a very nice denture, the colour of the walls is still white ochre, but the furniture is sky blue in the cabinets and the chairs of the patient and the doctor.

I only showed the lower part of the clinic, in the upper part there are several spaces, 3 different consulting rooms, all decorated in the same style, the only difference is that there is a small house with a door and window where the tooth fairy lives ha, ha, ha, ha which is a legend created by the adults for the children that says that at night after taking out a milk tooth which are the first ones that grow the mouse will take it and in exchange he will leave coins, sweets or any gift.

This little house must be very attractive for children. This clinic is small, but it is structured to be cosy and to leave the impression of having a large, pleasant and comfortable space, stimulating all the senses and making a not so pleasant moment more pleasant.

En este consultorio el olor a higiene es lo primero que percibí al entrar, pues ya mis oídos y vista estaban estimulados, tiene plantas naturales como en el primer espacio jades y otras que purifican el ambiente, además de llamativos detalles como una lampara de sal de color amarillo que está en el escritorio adornando igual que una dentadura muy linda, el color de las paredes sigue siendo blanco ocre pero su mobiliario es de color azul cielo el de los gabinetes y las sillas del paciente y el doctor.

Solo mostré la parte de debajo de la clínica, en la parte superior hay varios espacios, 3 consultorios diferentes, todos ambientados con el mismo estilo, lo único diferente es que hay una casita pequeña con una puerta y ventana donde vive el ratón Pérez ja, ja, ja que es una leyenda creada por los adultos para los niños que dice que en las noches después de sacarse un diente de leche que son los primeros que nos crecen el ratón se lo llevara y a cambio dejara monedas, dulces o cualquier regalo.

Esta pequeña casita debe ser muy llamativa para los niños. Esta clínica es pequeña, pero está estructurada para ser acogedora y dejar la impresión de tener un espacio amplio, agradable y cómodo, estimulando todos los sentidos haciendo más placentero un momento no tan agradable.




I hope you liked this publication and that it serves as an example and inspiration to others who are thinking about renovating their home or work environment. See you in a future post.

I appreciate very much that your comments are in the English language or in its defect English and Spanish, for a greater understanding of all, Thank you.

Espero que les haya gustado esta publicación y sirva de ejemplo e inspiración a otras personas que estén pensando en la renovación de su hogar o ambiente laboral. No vemos en una próxima publicación.

Agradezco mucho que sus comentarios sean en el idioma inglés o en su defecto inglés y español, para una mayor comprensión de todos, Gracias.

Translated with || traducido con: Deepl Translator. Own pictures || Imágenes propias : Huawei Honor Cell Phone


Dentistry offices are not usually liked by many, but definitely in this one they knew how to combine elegance with comfort, the color palette is beautiful and relaxed, perfect for a pleasant appointment with the dentist, the lights create a warm atmosphere; the reception has a great style and the bell is curious.


Oh what beautiful words, better description impossible 😊 I really like the way you express yourself.

It's a beautiful space that provokes to visit. Thank you for your comment friend, I really enjoy your observations.

@belkyscabrera 💐

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A very nice site. In your publication you show us how important design is to create good feelings in patients. Thanks for sharing dear @soyunasantacruz . A big hug from Maracay.

That's right Mr. Irvin, it's a nice place that makes you forget for a moment how expensive the consultation is 😁🤣, thanks for the visit, take care muxh @irvinc 🤗

Friend, this clinic is beautiful, here we can say that you can't judge a book by its cover, the design of this dental center is very nice, I love places with that kind of lighting. Thanks for sharing.

Also the quality of their products are top notch, and the dentists are very professional. People from all over the country come to this clinic but you never see too many people because they have a schedule for everyone.

Their services are expensive but thank God they appreciate me and the owner always lets me do the work at the cost of the materials. I guess I am part of a social service they want to give, something like a help to the needy. 🤭🤣🤣

@doriangel 😉

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I am in love with the way the white color stands out in these installations. I love the design in every corner and detail of this office, you are clear that the best thing here is that lamp hahaha. I don't know if I missed that part, but I think I will have to go to the dentist this vacation in Maracay, if you can tell me where it is please 🙏🏾

Hahaha with pleasure my friend I will give you the address and even the secretary's phone number so you can make an appointment.

It is in Cagua. In San Juan street, in front of the 2000 market.

The secretary's personal number is +584144492487 and I won't give you the location because I don't have it, I have her personal numbers.

If you go, tell me how you felt 😉🤗.

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