Shapes, angles and colors that stand out in architecture / Formas, ángulos y colores que destacan en la arquitectura

There are some buildings in Cagua, Venezuela, where I live, whose architecture makes me curious, they are old and I have years seeing them from the outside and passing by the front, admiring their shapes and colors, but I had never entered and observed them from the inside.

Although this building has its years, in my opinion it has a modern and unique architecture, it is attractive and beautifies the street where it is located, I have always found it beautiful from the outside and its semicircular shape with right angles on its end wall had to be a challenge for the architect, but it was well worth his ingenuity, as he created a building that is attractive to whoever observes it, this seen from the outside because inside I had another perception.


Hay algunos edificios en Cagua, Venezuela, lugar donde vivo que por su arquitectura me causan curiosidad, son antiguos y tengo años viéndolos desde afuera y al pasar por el frente, admirando sus formas y colores, pero nunca había entrado y observado desde adentro.

Aunque este edificio tiene sus años, a mi parecer tiene una arquitectura moderna y singular, es atractivo y embellece la calle donde se encuentra, siempre me ha parecido bonito desde afuera y su forma semicircular con ángulos rectos en su pared final tuvo que ser un desafío para el arquitecto, pero bien valió su ingenio, ya que creó un edificio que es atractivo para quien lo observe esto visto desde afuera porque por dentro tuve otra percepción.



The natural light is reflected all day on the walls, because of its location on a corner adjacent to two streets, and from afar you can see the colors that define it, brick red then comes green and in the center where the semicircle is the beige or cream color, effect made with a textured granite coating, a material resistant to weather changes, sun and rain that are the most frequent in this area, since this building was made they have not changed this material that covers it remaining almost intact since its inception.

From the outside you can see four floors and many square windows that match the design of the building, beautifying its appearance. Although the building occupies almost all the space they left room for parking four cars and also for green areas, three spaces with soil are ideal for planting some shrubs and ornamental plants ranging from cactus and palm trees, to plants of different colors giving a fresh air when entering.




La luz natural se refleja todo el día en las paredes, por su ubicación en toda una esquina colinda con dos calles, y desde lejos se pueden ver los colores que lo definen, rojo ladrillo luego viene verde y en el centro donde está el semicírculo el color beige o crema, efecto realizado con un revestimiento texturizado de granito, un material resistente a los cambios del clima, sol y lluvia que son los más frecuentes en esta zona, desde que se hizo este edificio no han cambiado este material que lo recubre manteniéndose casi intacto desde su creación.

Desde afuera se pueden contar cuatro pisos y muchas ventanas cuadradas que hacen juego con el diseño del edificio, embelleciendo su aspecto. Aunque el edificio ocupa casi todo el espacio dejaron lugar para estacionar cuatro carros y también para áreas verdes, tres espacios con tierra son ideales para sembrar algunos arbustos y plantas ornamentales que van desde cactus y palmeras, hasta plantas de diversos colores dándole un aire fresco al entrar.




I took these photos earlier this month at noon, the streets were empty and I was heading to the bus stop, suddenly seeing the building made me want to take advantage of the solitude of the moment and I decided to go inside to see how it was inside and see what kind of business there was, but first I observed well its shape from the outside from the front the red wall that seems flat, but across the street and see from another point we can see that the wall is like triangular.

The entrance is through a gray fence that looks like a gate. When I passed by, I found several people busy arranging a shelf with costume jewelry, makeup and products for sale. They were so busy that they did not notice my presence. The first thing I saw was a wide staircase with a very nice handrail, wrought iron and details on all the railings; it has an elegant style. There were still the Christmas decorations, downstairs there were like two offices, one of a travel agency and another one that I don't know its branch.



Estas fotos las tomé a primeros de este mes al mediodía, las calles estaban vacías y yo me dirigía a la parada de buses de repente al ver el edificio me dieron ganas de aprovechar la soledad del momento y decidí entrar a mirar como era por dentro y ver que tipo de negocio había, pero antes observé bien sus formas por fuera desde el frente la pared roja que parece plana, pero al cruzar la calle y ver desde otro punto podemos ver que esa pared es como triangular.

La entrada es por una reja de color gris que parece un portón. Cuando pasé, me encontré con varias personas ocupadas arreglando un estante con bisutería, maquillaje y productos para la venta. Estaban tan ocupados que no se dieron cuenta de mi presencia. Lo primero que vi es una escalera ancha con un pasamanos muy lindo, de hierro forjado y detalles en todas las barandas; tiene un estilo elegante. Todavía estaban las decoraciones de Navidad, abajo había como dos oficinas, una de una agencia de viajes y otra que desconozco su ramo.




And when I looked up and felt a little vertigo, amazement and more curiosity. If you see the pictures the stairs look like a spiral staircase, but with some strange dimensions seen from the bottom. So I looked at the staircase and it gave me confidence because it was wide and had a nice firm support 🤣😁. The color of the inside of the building is also green, beige and white, matching the outside.

I went up to the second floor and everything turned me around, looking at the stairs on the top floor while going up is not nice, it is a strange sight, I reached the second floor and I could not continue going up, as it has a gate that blocks the passage for strangers, only those who have the key can go ahead, this iron gate is of the same material and design with which they made the handrails of the stairs, and it was something funny because its security is limited for older people, without agility and without bad intentions because any thief who is not afraid of heights can easily pass, because this gate is uncovered, if I do not explain well, just look at the picture.



Y al levantar la mirada y sentí un poco de vértigo, asombró y más curiosidad. Si ven la imagenes las escaleras parecen de caracol, pero con unas dimensiones algo extrañas vistas desde la parte inferior. Así que miré la escalera y me dio confianza porque era amplia y tenía un soporte firme y bonito 🤣😁. El color del interior del edificio también es verde, beige y blanco, haciendo juego con el exterior.

Subí al primer piso y todo me dio vueltas, mirar las escaleras del piso de arriba mientras se sube no es agradable, es una vista extraña, llegué al primer piso y no pude seguir subiendo, ya que tiene una reja que bloquea el paso para los extraños, solo aquellos que tengan la llave podrán seguí adelante, esta puerta de hierro es del mismo material y diseño con el que hicieron los pasamanos de las escaleras, y fue algo chistoso porque su seguridad está limitada para las personas mayores, sin agilidad y sin malas intenciones porque cualquier ladrón que no tema a las alturas puede pasar fácilmente, porque esta puerta está descubierta, si no me explico bien, solo mira la fotografía.




From that second floor I took pictures of the panoramic window and the upper floors, I could only see the stairs, I think they took advantage of the space very well, but you have to get used to go to regulate me to a building like this, after being a while on the second floor and see that they have emergency lights I decided to go down, but I felt insecure, although the staircase is wide because of its circular shape and the wall that surrounds it I felt dizzy because the steps are thin in one part and wide in another, it was not very pleasant to be there, I went down slowly and I was glad to get to the first floor.

As I left I just thought how we waste so much time wanting to do things and we don't do them for lack of will and willingness. So many years seeing this building passing by its front and in less than 10 minutes I could know how its architecture was and how it looks like inside. I think the architect did a good job with the size of the lot, and it may give me vertigo, but maybe not to other people. I feel that he met the demands he was given, and still did something nice with this building that enhances the city.







Desde ese primer piso saqué fotografías de la ventana panorámica y de los pisos superiores, únicamente podía ver las escaleras, creo que aprovecharon muy bien el espacio, pero hay que acostumbrarse para ir a regularme a un edificio como este, después de estar un rato en el primer piso y ver que tienen luces de emergencia decidí bajar, pero me sentía insegura, aunque la escalera es amplia por su forma circular y la pared que la rodea me sentí mareada porque los escalones son delgados en una parte y anchos en otra, no fue muy agradable estar allí, bajé despacio y me alegró llegar a planta baja.

Al salir solo pensé que perdemos tanto tiempo queriendo hacer cosas y no las hacemos por falta de voluntad y disposición. Tantos años viendo este edificio pasando por su frente y en menos de 10 minutos pude saber cómo era su arquitectura y cómo se ve por dentro. Creo que el arquitecto hizo un buen trabajo con el tamaño del terreno, y puede que me dé vértigo, pero tal vez a otras personas no. Siento que cumplió con las exigencias que le dieron, y aun así hizo con este edificio algo lindo que mejora la ciudad.







Translated with || traducido con: Deepl Translator. Own pictures || Imágenes propias : Samsung Galaxy A33 Cell Phone. Cover con GridArt


Hello friend, happy afternoon.
The first impression I got when I saw that building was to remember the tower of Babel. I didn't see it of course, but those who have tried to draw it, following the sacred account, and according to archeological discoveries, it must be something similar, but in great proportions.
I don't know if you have heard about that biblical episode.
The other thing that caught my attention was the stairs. When you are already inside and you could take the picture upwards.
You really get dizzy with those stairs when you try to stare.
Another thing that caught my attention, and as a reflection, is that many times we always see the structures or architectures, and we never look inside, how everything is, let's not be urgent. When it is good for the mind to see new things every day according to psychology.
And what really caught my attention was, and thinking here, how would those people build that?
Because truly for me, it is a work of art, it had to have been a majestic mind, who made or who was in charge of making the plans of that structure.
Thank you for sharing excellent publications, I loved the photos, very well taken.
Greetings to you, a giant hug.

Hola amiga feliz tarde.
La primera impresión que recibí al ver ese edificio fue, el recordar la torre de Babel. No la vi por supuesto, pero los que han tratado de dibujar, siguiendo el relato sagrado, y segun desubirmientos arquelogicos, dbio ser algo parecido, pero en grandes proporciones.
No sé si has escuchado sobre ese episodio bíblico.
Lo otro que me llamó la atención fueron las escaleras. Cuando ya estás adentro y pudiste tomar la fotografía hacia arriba.
En verdad uno se marea con esas escaleras cuando trata de mirar fijamente.
Otra de las cosas que me llamó la atención, y a manera de reflexión es que muchas veces siempre vemos las cosas las estructuras o arquitecturas, y nunca miramos por dentro, cómo es todo, no urgamos. Cuando hace bien a la mente ver cosas nuev as todos los dias segun la psicologia.
Y poderosamente la atención me llamó fue, y pensando aquí cómo harían esas personas para construir eso.
Porque verdaderamente para mí, es una obra de arte, tuvo que haber sido una mente majestuosa, quien hizo o quién se encargó de hacer los planos de esa estructura.
Gracias por compartir excelentes publicaciones, me encantaron las fotos, muy bien tomadas.
Un saludo para ti, un abrazo gigante

Hello, yes I have heard of course about the tower of babel and that God gave them all a diversity of languages that kept them confused by wanting to get to heaven something like that I remember, I am not very sure.

Those stairs make you dizzy both looking up and being on the second floor and looking down to the second or down. It made me very dizzy and I went down with shaky legs.

I also thought the same thing, how they must have built it, there was definitely a lot of ingenuity. Greetings friends, happy week.

Hola, si he escuchado por supuesto sobre la torre de babel y que Dios les dió a todos diversidad de idiomas que los mantuvo confundido por querer llegar al cielo algo asi recuerdo, no estoy muy segura.

Esas escaleras marean tanto viendo hacia arriba como estando en el primer piso y observar hacia el segundo o abajo. Me dió mucho vertigo y baje con las piernas temblorosas.

También pensé lo mismo, como lo habran construido, definitivamente hubo mucho ingenio. Saludos amigos feliz semana. @josewilchez

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Hola gracias por la invitacion y comentario.

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Thank you very much for adding my post on architecture to the map.

Hey @soyunasantacruz you are welcome. Thanks for using @worldmappin 😘

Una edificación bastante llamativa, lo bueno es que su forma permite aprovechar el sol desde todos los ángulos

That's right, it is built in an area that is not very extensive but they took advantage of all the land and the position.

@mamaemigrante 😊😉.

In spite of the years it is noticed that the maintenance of the building has been effective. A real jewel that adorns the city. Excellent photographs.

A pesar de los años se nota que el mantenimiento del edificio ha sido eficaz. Una verdadera joya que adornan la ciudad. Excelentes fotografias.

Yes, it is an old building but it is kept nice, thanks for commenting, greetings.

Si, es un edificio viejo pero se mantiene bonito, gracias por comentar, saludos. @gpache

unique building. if you look at it, it looks like a chimney on a ship. thanks for sharing

Very unique, thank you for observing this curiosity.

Curve, round, and elliptical shapes provide dynamism to architecture, giving the impression of action and movement. As a result, your featured building flows visually and is an eye-catcher due to its vibrant colors. ☺️

I'm particularly amazed by the spiral staircase inside. Like you, I'll probably also experience sudden dizziness when viewed from the lower levels due to its circling and winding motion. Just make sure you don't stare upwards for too long next time, okay @soyunasantacruz... lol 😂

Thanks for Elevating Architecture and Design with Hive!

On the outside it is beautiful, with segments of different colors and shapes, inside the escarpment is very original, it is not the typical spiral staircase and looking from below it is dizzying, also from the second floor if you look up or down in conclusion I felt dizzy in all directions and went down with trembling legs. 🤣

Curiosity almost killed the cat. Thank you very much, it was a pleasure to share this work. @storiesoferne

What a stunning landmark @soyunasantacruz! On a bright sunny day, it's architectural beauty greatly shines, becoming easily noticeable with its curb appeal. Its imposing round tower is definitely the showstopper. Awesome find! ☺️

Experience Your Built World™

I'm glad you liked it too, the curved shape of this building, its colors are vibrant and from any direction it is beautiful. Thanks for commenting and supporting my post. @archmoments

Greetings @soyunasantacruz, what a beautiful building, seeing it reminded me of the Pisa tower, the geometric figures add style and originality, the stairs are a real work of art, I love them.

Happy weekend!

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