Close Proximity of Architecture with Nature
Humanity's innate connection with Mother Nature is inevitable. Invite her into your home to experience sustainable health, well-being, and productivity.
The world is growing at an unprecedented pace. Cities, real estate ventures, engineering infrastructures, and architectural works have been sprouting everywhere, invading more and more patches of virgin forests, fresh sections of agricultural land, free-flowing bodies of water, and other natural green environments. As a result of this exponential outburst, people have become trapped in concrete jungles, within hazardous edifices of glass and steel, isolating themselves from the healing benefits of nature. Truth be told, rapid urbanization has become one of the main culprits of continuous pollution, triggering unsustainable lifestyles, plus injecting adverse effects on the health conditions of its populace.
Limited Areas of Natural Environments
If so, does access to natural surroundings need to be a rare privilege? In some communities, this harsh reality exists. Here are some alarming facts. Urban spaces around the planet, on average, have fewer green zones incorporating only some natural areas for public use, thus creating unequal opportunities for accessibility to everyone. Evidently, there are only a handful of city parks, for instance, in poorer neighborhoods compared to their wealthier counterparts. This obvious imbalance extends to the coverage of trees serving as natural canopies to counteract harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.
If this frustrating disparity continues, there would be expected deteriorations in the natural processes at work including the rapid decline of mankind's quality of life.
We are facing a terrible dilemma. Being in close proximity to the natural world has never been constantly prevalent due to our extremely busy lifestyles with the unavailability of green spaces or its limited development. While some individuals are fortunate to be residing in nature-rich environments like rural localities, mountain regions, or beachside districts, a major percentage of the human race is still trapped in urban enclosures.
Not all Cities have equal amounts of Public Parks
The fundamental recommendations in this special publication are clearly identified for you, the city dweller, to lessen the enormous gap between your homes, residences, and buildings with the valuable benefits you'll obtain from the intimate interactions with nature. Here are 7 easy, practical, and budget-friendly methods that teach you just that:
1. Construct an Interior Garden
Allocating a small plot of land preferably situated within the ground level of your house that's dedicated as a garden space does wonders to the quality of life indoors. These green areas could be designed in various shapes and sizes, including incredible profiles that mimic lush elements of nature such as foliage, flora, trees, shrubs, plants, rocks, sand, pebbles, and the presence of aquatic streams like Koi ponds and glass aquariums.
Centralized Indoor Garden with Koi Pond
Interior Garden under Atrium with Skylight
Ideally encouraged with an open-plan setting, the interior garden could be centrally located, being viewed from all sides, could be alongside an accented wall, or could be directly below an illuminated atrium with an overhead skylight for sunlight to penetrate.
The possibilities are endless. By merging the garden as a green feature within your interiors, you're assured of huge doses of healthy therapy caused by the daily connections with nature.
2. Decorate with Potted Plants
Install house plants in all habitable areas of your house. It doesn't matter whether they're cultivated in pots, vases, jars, bowls, or special plant boxes. A recent scientific study has discovered that interacting with our green friends indoors relaxes the nervous system, thereby alleviating involuntary muscular tensions of the heart and gland systems.
Likewise, this has proven to eradicate physiological, psychological, and emotional stress in people who actively nurture plants in the long term.
According to lab experiments, these living organisms also cleanse the surrounding air, purifying and removing harmful chemical toxins from the atmosphere. How amazing is that?
Decorative Vases with Flowers
Various Varieties of Indoor Plants
Select plant varieties that are not a hassle in cultivating. Assess the time and effort it requires you to take care of these botanical specimens. A few excellent types include succulents, snake plants, pothos, and aloe vera that provide a suitable training ground for your plant-parent relationship.
3. Incorporate Biophilia into House Furniture and Decor
Wood is one of our planet's most sustainable raw materials and is sought after for crafting furniture pieces, artifacts, and decorations for house interiors. As counterintuitive as this may seem, this doesn't mean that we allow the irresponsible cutting down of trees for the purpose of harvesting their resources. Wooden furniture has been widely preferred by most homeowners instead of projects that utilize fake alternatives such as particle boards, plastic, or other inappropriate components that are detrimental to one's health.
Wood as Common Interior Material
Artworks and Artifacts depicting Nature
Reusability, durability, and recyclability are the key. Aside from wood, there are other raw materials that meet these mentioned requirements for conserving our environment for several generations.
These natural elements prolong the lifecycle of products, decrease CO2 emissions, and help prevent catastrophic disasters caused by the global climatic transformations that we all fear.
Decorative Aquarium with Live Fish
Using sustainable components in the various aspects of your home grants you solid returns on your financial investment, incredible savings on time and effort, and peace of mind in the long run.
4. Bring in the Natural Ambiance from the Outdoors
Avoid shutting off your home to the healthy elements of nature from the exteriors. Some obvious ways to allow the outdoors to flow into your interior spaces include opening window blinds, curtains, for fresh air, and the sun's natural light to circulate within as well as providing views of the natural world outside. While working indoors, you can also station your desk near a window where you get to be nourished by nature during the entire day.
Nature Views from the Outdoors
With today's sedentary lifestyle, access to the outdoors is simply vital for one's continuous well-being.
Natural Daylight brought into the Interiors
Circulation of Natural Air within the Indoors
Allowing the proper ventilation of air within the residential environment has become more crucial during the health crisis nowadays. This beneficial practice during this pandemic permits people suffering from respiratory problems to breathe easily, preventing the spread of the deadly Covid virus. Historically, victims of previous global epidemics were actually encouraged to linger outdoors for their speedy recovery. Unless you live in an underground bunker, isolating yourself from the outdoors and preventing nature's plethora of healing advantages from reaching you would only do more harm than good.
5. Adorn with Nature-inspired Artworks and Sceneries
According to current statistics, we spend most of our earthly existence indoors, whether at work, while at school, or at home. And as much as these normal activities could hardly be prevented, many factors have directly contributed to this routine, namely technological advances like televisions, smart gadgets, and the Internet. These uncontrollable events have become typical characteristics of people residing in highly urbanized dwellings around the world.
Wall Painting showcasing Natural Landscapes
You can effectively improve your mood indoors by engaging with artificially created environments that reproduce experiences from the outdoors.
Besides constructing an interior garden or engaging with indoor plants, install ornamentations, decors, paintings, artworks, sculptures, fabrics, textiles, rugs, carpets, curtains, drapery, upholstery, floor mats, and special artifacts that define the right atmosphere. Some lighting systems, fixtures, and devices replicate the sun's natural rays by illuminating interior spaces similar to the exterior's natural surroundings. Inviting natural light inside has been proven to favorably boost human behavior, enhancing their physical, mental, and emotional states.
Floor Carpet highlighting Natural Patterns
By adorning your home with various images of nature, such as pictures of mountains, forests, seascapes, beaches, or man-made creations of the outdoors, your immediate exposure to these healthy assets is guaranteed for a long time.
6. Execute Architecture that Mimic Patterns of Nature
This proven method is related to the previous solution. Yet, aside from loose items that reflect the natural world, built-in architectural details, and other embedded installations are also major additions that spice up the intended ambiance of nature. Design elements that are fused with interior spaces such as doors, windows, walls, ceilings, cabinetry, counters, dividing screens, as well as fixed furniture pieces are excellent candidates for the depiction of natural themes.
Interior Water Feature fused with Lounge Space
Nature Designs incorporated in Cupboards
Architectural qualities such as color, texture, and patterns that adopt the soothing designs of nature are integral components that transport your home closer to the experiences of Mother Nature.
Nature-inspired Lamps with Potted Plants
Interesting as well as fast-emerging disciplines like Biomimicry, Biomimetic Design, and Biophilic Architecture are specifically geared towards the conceptualization, development, and construction of these nature-themed products and their corresponding environments. Approach your trusted Architect or Interior Designer to discuss these favorable options for your residential projects.
7. Create Sensual Pleasures of the Natural World
Because people spend the majority of their time at home, its prevailing atmosphere must produce feelings of paradise such as being emotionally connected to a treasured sanctuary, not a gloomy dungeon. Transform your otherwise boring enclosure into a heartwarming retreat you'll want to dwell on for the rest of your life.
Ensure that your senses of sight, sound, hearing, taste, and touch are maximized for the full enjoyment of nature indoors.
Indulge in the Sensual Experiences of Nature
The previous enumerated methods highlighting the smooth flow of natural elements from the outdoors to the indoors are certainly beneficial to the human experience. Sustainable solutions at home that continue to improve the quality of your sensual perceptions towards the natural world are reliable signs of its effective implementation.
Concluding Insights
You've just digested the solid facts. Would you agree that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages in terms of the incorporation of nature into your home?
Not only would you be heavily rewarded for indulging in nature's healthy assets but you would also evolve into a dedicated steward for the environment, immensely fruitful advocacy worth supporting in your lifetime.
In a nutshell, below is a short summary of the most essential benefits as a result of direct and indirect human exposure, connection, and interaction with their natural surroundings:
Effective reduction of stress levels and other health risks caused by the excessive production of Cortisol, a hormone responsible for escalating heartbeat cycle rates and high blood pressure
Better enhancement of physiological, psychological, emotional, and spiritual conditions that positively affect a person's mood and tendency to resort to unnecessary anger
Reliable prevention of chronic loneliness, allowing isolated and depressed individuals to bond with new people, engage with their local community, and connect with their natural environment
Direct improvement of one's general health, well-being, and productivity resulting in more confidence, self-esteem, and empathy
Tremendous boost of powerful communication skills including oral and written proficiency plus social abilities that continuously reinforce relationship-building
Without a doubt, while society strives to develop ways and means to strongly foster their connections with Mother Nature, at the end of the day, our environment also benefits enormously from being nurtured by humanity. Amidst the global threats of climate change, the degradation of planetary resources, and the destruction of geographical habitats, Earth is still our only home and in desperate need of serious care. If we don't act now, then when? It's never too late.
#Hive, are you currently living in close proximity to nature? If not, what valuable measures have you personally implemented to integrate natural elements into your home? Do you have other interesting ideas not mentioned in this article? Let's talk in the comments.
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Biophilic Creative™: Nurture Humanity With Nature™
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Without a doubt, biophalia is one of the techniques or studies that many of us value the most.
It seems to me that you have made an impressive post and you have expressed some very well expressed guidelines and it is perfectly clear that you are a nature lover.
However, after a few months of confinement like the ones we went through before, I think that all of us are now true lovers of some of the techniques you mention.
Plants in the interior of the houses that transmit that green that gives full life.
Large stained glass windows that make us feel completely outside and bring it into the house.
And many of the patterns that you have described so well.
Thank you very much friend @storiesoferne 😊
Extraordinary job
Muchas gracias amigo @storiesoferne
Hello, dear friend @garvi. Oh yes, I'm obviously a nature-lover. I could sleep on the beach or forest if I wanted to, haha. It's also natural for me to continuously share my advocacy for the environment, not only for its conservation, protection, and development but also for its beneficial impact on humanity. Thank you so much for your marvelous appreciation of my publication and most especially for expressing your heartfelt desire to be more exposed to Mother Nature. With the current pandemic, this is absolutely a crucial habit to practice. Here's to the best of health always! 😊
Addicting natural element at home brings in sense of connectivity and thus we feel like it's our duty to stop harming nature as much as possible and we can create a beautiful sense of harmony and peace within our homes from the points you have mentioned such as pattern, colours, furniture, potted plants etc.
Thanks for simplifying and bringing your wisdom to us through this article.
I wish you a great week full of happiness and productivity.Hello dear Erne @storiesoferne It's my favourite series and always appreciate your input towards the subject. Highlighting this subject is very much a necessity. Considering the current condition of the world we need to take so many steps in order to save our depleting nature.
Hey dear Sahiba @sahiba-rana, it's a delight to see you! Indeed, Mother Nature is our only home, and the more we incorporate her healing elements into our daily lives, the more we harvest the excellent fruits of health, well-being, and productivity. In fact, there's simply nothing else that can replace our innate connection with her, I'm pretty sure you are already practicing some of the effective recommendations outlined in this post as a citizen of the Earth, a vibrant homeowner, and most especially, as an incredible Architect. Wishing you a lovely week as well. Take care always and have fun! 😊
Absolutely! Have a great week too!😊😊
Wow.. Amazing post my dear Erne. I am very inspiring by your post, you are a considerate, well thought and talented architect I met.
Due to pandemic, our world is changing. More and more people realise the importance of nature. Some countries implement guidelines to conserve the nature, plant more greenery trees, protect wildlife, animals and not destroy their habitat, etc.
For my personal life, I prefer to go to nature places and recreational parks rather than shopping malls and commercial area. Mind set is changing due to pandemic.
Biophilic design is definitely good concept for most of new development currently. Thank you for your sharing.
Erne, you are also a good writer too, KEEP IT UP! :))))
Hello Cherry, always a great pleasure to see you, my dear friend. How are you? Without a doubt, the health crisis as a result of the devastating pandemic is a powerful reason why people need to connect more with Mother Nature. In all these years, you have been at the forefront of designing and building green spaces in many strategic locations, most especially in your beloved home of Singapore. Your remarkable profession has truly made our planet a much better place where humans can fully enjoy healthy living standards.
As a Landscape Architect yourself, I understand that you have been frequently exposed to elements of nature exhibited in the projects you implement such as gardens, city parks, and other important patches of green environments. Have you felt its favorable effects on your health?
Thank you dear Erne. I am fine here always.
Recently, the rising of covid cases in Singapore is around 15k daily. But fortunately, 99% are mild or no symptom. How is your country situation now?
Working as LA in Singapore, our workload is always high and not good for health. Long working hours and stressful work.
Therefore, I shifted to work as Freelance LA and project base for clients. Now more work life balance.
Yes, I love to design green and all plants especially to see all are planted and grown well at sites. Really blessed to work with nature and greenery.
Oh yeah, that's pretty understandable. Your work entails lots of dedication, as well as demands several manhours, which may seldom lead to unwanted burnout. It's a stressful situation indeed. At least as a great consolation, you possess plenty of opportunities to heal plus recharge with your direct involvement with nature, The environment is simply embedded in your profession, making it one of the most healthy, productive, and sustainable endeavors on the planet.
Thank God, the pandemic in our home country has not escalated further to worsening proportions. Tourism has been slowly opening up its doors to welcome both local and foreign tourists. We hope these positive developments would continue in the long run.
Good for you Cherry, you now have more freedom with your profession as a freelance LA. Sometimes working with an employer restricts your growth, progress, and creative potential. Now that you're an independent professional, you willfully decide your own terms, making your private practice a much more enjoyable experience. Take care and continue to have fun always! 😊
I love this post and it's very creative. I should bookmark this just in case when I need inspiration to add more biophilic element into my space.
Oh thanks so much Mac, appreciate it! Stay tuned for more interesting tips on how Biophilic Architecture and Design can bring people closer to nature. 😊
I love this edition of Biophilic Creative™ it gives me ideas on how I am going to introduce nature in our home. Before I read this blog of yours I only knew about putting plants inside. Thank you for sharing this @storiesoferne it will be of great help.
Thank you so much @afterglow. With additional information about how to bring nature closer to your abode, I wish you the best in realizing this endeavor. In fact, you are already living with natural surroundings, so that's what benefits you more. Cheers! 😊
You're welcome (^_^)
Oh, yes, the countryside and my vegetable garden (^_^) I hope to make the inside of our house closer to nature too.
Yes, you're certainly fortunate to be just a stone's throw away from nature. Hopefully, we can learn more from your daily interactions and healing experiences brought about by your exposure to green environments. Best of health always! 😊
I was intrigued by this sentence. Your article is fascinating.
your father's garden. And this goes to show how you value your natural surroundings. 😊Hello Loan @kimloan. For nature lovers like you and me, these valuable tips would surely enhance your intimate relationship with the environment, I vividly remember reading one of your previous posts regarding
Yes, I really like nature. Living in an environment close to nature, I will be relaxed and feel my body and spirit full of vitality. I really enjoyed your article.
I'm glad you still remember my post.
We belong to the same boat as we are both passionate about our environment. Your garden post was truly inspiring, showing great examples of green elements that are visually appealing as well as healing. Thank you so much for the importance you've given to my publication. Stay healthy always! 😊
Thank you and have a nice day @storiesoferne
You shared amazing and helpful tips on how to bring nature into your home. I use most of these methods in my home. Flowers on the windows perfectly complement the space of the apartment. I agree that unity with nature gives us peace and health (mental and physical), and this is very important.
Thanks for the informative post, I learned a lot for myself. Best wishes☺️Hello @storiesoferne. Nature and man are inextricably linked and living in the "concrete jungle" people lose contact with nature. I also noticed this trend, that concrete structures are reclaiming territory from nature. Although it is obvious that it is possible to create a harmonious city that will be both "green" and architecturally developed. I like how they did it in Singapore. I hope that this trend will continue in many other cities. By the way, Belarus is called the “lungs of Europe”, because we have a lot of forests and thanks to this, the air is considered clean.
Thank you so much Whether people are aware of it or not, the mutual fate of humanity and nature is inseparable. Our innate link with Mother Nature could not simply be terminated, otherwise causing our immediate extinction. The symbiotic relationship of man and the natural world is the primary reason for our existence, becoming the lifeblood of the universe. That's why, while people have been trapped in the concrete jungles of cities and urban landscapes, the presence of natural elements in these built spaces helps in alleviating the health crisis. I also consider Singapore as my favorite example of a highly developed metropolis that has not compromised the healing benefits of its natural resources.
Congrats on the tremendous global honor your beloved country of Belarus has endowed to the planet. Being recognized as the "Lungs of Europe" is an incredible privilege, something that must not be taken for granted and must be conserved for many more generations. "Health is wealth," as they say, thus only through the reciprocal nurturing of people and their environment would the excellent benefits of health, well-being, and productivity be realized. My absolute pleasure in sharing this nugget of knowledge with you. Have an enjoyable weekend. Receive my warmest regards! 😊
In our country, they are troublesome about nature and its resources. Although in recent years our forests have been attacked by bark beetles. Many trees have died. But the situation began to stabilize. How is the environment in the Philippines?
In any case, I agree that Health is wealth and nature is the source of wealth.
With best regards!😊I am very happy @storiesoferne that we are like-minded people on the issue of ecology and humanity. Modern trends in urban development are undoubtedly important, but it is even more important to maintain a balance between nature and humanity. In fact, all living on planet earth are a single organism, and nature is our foundation, our air and food. If nature suffers, we all suffer. I am convinced that the future belongs to "green" cities and a rational attitude towards nature.
Excellently explained You have truly defined the right word: Balance. This state of equilibrium is already powerful in the natural world yet must be developed with care in built environments across the globe. Mother Nature is already sufficient for our health needs however, it's mankind's carelessness and ill-treatment of the environment that's causing all these preventable dilemmas. I'm glad that Belarus was able to stabilize its natural ecosystem before disastrous events could occur. In other words, humanity's active participation in the conservation, protection, and sustainable development of nature is crucial for our planet's survival in the long run.
In the Philippines, have you heard about what happened some years ago to Boracay, considered to be the world's best resort island? There was a time when local residents, as well as foreign visitors there, suffered from its rapid deterioration due to the continuous abuse of its natural resources and ecological systems. Fortunately, our supportive government intervened and decided to strictly close the island to tourism activities for 6 months, allowing its complete clean-up plus rehabilitation program. Nowadays, the famous island of Boracay is as good as new and has already reclaimed its prestigious global reputation. Special thanks to the willingness of the dedicated people involved who went out of their way to revive these incredible gems of nature. 😊
I agree with you. After all, balance, balance and harmony should be absolutely in everything. I hope future generations and modern technologies will allow mankind to preserve and increase the natural resources of the planet.
Oh yes, I read that in 2018 Boracay was closed to tourists for half a year. This is an excellent decision by the authorities. The island needed cleaning, restoration and "rest" from millions of tourists. And I'm very glad it worked. Probably Boracay is not only the pride of the Philippines, but also the natural gem of the planet. This explains the popularity of this beautiful island. I hope that in the future I will be able to see the beauty of the Philippines with my own eyes and enjoy your nature.☺️
Oh yeah, for a nature-lover like you, the Philippines is surely an ideal destination where you can fully bask in the pure sweetness, healing therapies, and beautiful charms of Mother Nature. Because the archipelago is blessed with numerous islands housing plenty of options for travelers when savoring these natural gems, it's not a matter of how, but merely a question of when. I'd be more than happy to show you around myself in case you'll happen to visit my homeland in the not-so-distant future. Many thanks for sharing your remarkable thoughts. Warmest greetings! 😊
I will be very glad if we can meet in the near future in your homeland. I'm sure you can recommend some amazing places to visit in the Philippines. Probably, it takes a lot of time to see all the architectural and natural beauties.😊
By the way, how expensive is life in the Philippines?🤔
excellent content friend @storiesoferne, despite the constant advances as a society, we must not neglect our environment, our only planet, we must be more environmentalists every day. Blessings
Greetings friend @armasdiaze. Exactly, well said. Regardless of our rapidly advancing lifestyle, we must not forget our original connection with nature, since humans are also part and parcel of the natural environment. Best wishes! 😊
I would totally agree with you on each aspect of biophilia. It's always like include large water bodies, garden etc but the problem is the homes we already live are not capable to include such huge things to incorporate biophilia and your blog specially targets everyone with a place to live already. The little point of including furniture, artwork, texture and potted plants are the real examples and remedy of including biophilia in already built environment.
I admire your publication. Keep shedding your wisdom and keep flourishing respected sir.Wow! How insightful, Dear @storiesoferne you have again outshined through your knowledgeful publication. I took many notes out of this publication. First of all thanks for bringing and continuing this series.
Hey, dear friend @praditya. Your encouraging words always inspire me to share more valuable knowledge about architecture, design, and the environment. I'm truly happy that with your firm advocacy about nature, you continue to not only talk about it in theory but implement its beneficial applications in the real world. Certainly, with our innate connection to Mother Nature, you are fully enjoying the health benefits and productivity she offers you. Thank you, as always, for your sincere support! Take care! 😊
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Many thanks, @hivebuzz. Stay awesome! 😊
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amazing 😍 creative Biophilic is part of everyday life and everything will look more amazing with creative design and greetings hope you are always healthy there friend .
Hi @deltasteem. With Mother Nature on our side, we are simply assured of constantly being in the pink of health in our lives. Thank you for your beautiful remark. Stay safe! 😊
Hello dear Erne, I have read your post "Biophilic Creative".... very carefully, and I have been pleasantly surprised that we, in our small 4-story building, have made at least 3 of your recommendations a reality, namely, those listed as 1, 2 and 4 in your writing. Actually, I don't know if other neighbors, especially those who live on the upper floors, have introduced Mother Nature in other ways. My congratulations and I do not want to miss out on pointing out that I totally agree with the content of your work. Receive a brotherly hug.
Greetings dear friend Benjamin. It's such a pleasant surprise to know that your own residential community is implementing some crucial steps outlined in this publication for your health benefits. I congratulate you as well for your powerful belief about the valuable advantages of our connection with the natural world. Kindly update me in future publications about the outcomes of your neighborhood's well-being as a result of these helpful practices. Have a fruitful week, and here's a warm hug! 😊
Greetings friend @storiesoferne, I really must start by thanking you for this publicity and initiative of yours in favor of health. Because nature is health and without it there are only diseases that attack from all sides. The continuity of healthy life on Earth depends on our action for now, because for now this is the only home we have and it needs us to be responsible without hesitation for its existence. If we do small actions individually in defense of natural life, the results will be gigantic, but we must believe it and do it. You have given the steps and they are simple to understand and to apply, I pray that actions on our part will be added. Sure, urban life makes us feel trapped but let's make our little city space a little piece of green. While I was reading, I was thinking about the used things that I have found discarded in the street and others that I have bought at surprisingly low prices at the flea market and then I have restored them myself for use in my house, such as some chairs, bookcases, an armchair and so little by little I have been furnishing my home, convinced of this increasingly consumerist era that unnecessarily destroys the planet mercilessly. You can design cities where green prevails but the actions of the inhabitants is what makes the change we need for our health and life. Keep giving love to the planet!
Lovely greetings friend @sorprendente. As much as I'm thrilled to commence the advocacy of caring for both humanity and Mother Nature, each one of us must exercise our share in contributing to the favorable conditions of the planet. The effective steps I've enumerated in this publication will only be useless, still remaining as theory, if we don't act to apply and make them a reality. In fact. actions speak louder than words, isn't it? Thank you for revealing your remarkable thoughts on a crucial matter that must be collectively addressed. Together, we can do this! Warmest regards. 😊
My friend, I disconnected because for several weeks now, surprisingly I have had problems with the internet to work comfortably. About your reply, absolutely, actions speak louder than words. It is always a pleasure for me to share words with you. I wish you well 🙏
That's alright friend @sorprendente. We hope the prevailing issues of your internet connection would be resolved immediately. Thank you for keeping in touch. All the best to your future publications in the Architecture+Design Community. Warm regards! 😊
Fascinating publication, it is really valuable to look for that balance between nature and us.
As you say every time the human being moves further and further away from nature. Having the opportunity to live surrounded by nature is a luxury, I am really fortunate to be able to live a +Green Life.💚😉
Hi Vicky. Thanks a lot for your beautiful compliment! Just like the typical activities of life, being up close and personal with our natural world must also be an active daily habit. Taking a shower, eating meals every day, brushing our teeth, addressing hygiene needs - exposure to the environment must be compulsory. For the sake of our prolonged survival, this is non-negotiable. Although some people are not aware of their innate link with the outdoors, this is a universal law that requires more awareness and application. You're truly blessed to be practicing the +Green Life. 😊
So far, what valuable benefits have you enjoyed by being closer to nature?
Hi @storiesoferne It is undoubtedly a fortune to be able to enjoy nature.
Since I was a child I had the fortune of being raised in the city, but close to nature...
At the foot of the Warairarepano National Park. A beautiful mountain that protects and adorns the city. When I moved out of my mother's house it was hard for me to adapt since I was used to sleep listening to the crickets and wake up with the singing of the birds.
One of the greatest benefits is the peace that nature gives us! Living in the midst of it and recognizing ourselves as part of the environment to be in balance with nature is a fortune.
Wow! No wonder your architectural work makes you so happy. Being in close proximity to Mother Nature since your childhood years has certainly made you feel at home with your surroundings. Thank you for your positive update! 😊
Yes, that's right, for me being in the middle of nature is being at home!!! That's exactly why VIDA VERDE was born from the love and passion for nature, I have seen and enjoyed through the years the goodness that nature gives us, but I also see the damage that we humans have done to it. To be regenerators and protectors of it from our lifestyle is the goal. Thanks to you for writing me and joining us in this beautiful process.😊 💚
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Warm greetings dear @soulsdetour. No worries, I always love it when you write long comments because they surely drive our interesting conversations forward. This simply offers us the chance to fully express ourselves, interact better, and prevent misunderstandings in the long term.
As much as we ideally encourage people to connect more with their natural world, your first argument reveals the brutal truth. We witness a lot of rural communities and those living in close proximity to nature suffering due to their isolation from urban centers and highly developed zones. Clearly ironic, right? This is most probably due to their own misdoings, poor lifestyle choices, and unsatisfying economic conditions. On the contrary, we also encounter wealthier families reaping healthy rewards in the countryside. These individuals reside in cities but often travel to natural environments to harvest nature's benefits. Practically speaking, it's all about BALANCE. Regardless of whether people are based in urban or rural vicinities, natural elements must always exist with them, in varying degrees, from the outlined methods in this publication to the full exposure one can enjoy with Mother Nature.
I'm likewise ecstatic knowing that my post has made you nostalgic, particularly about your parent's various inspirations about nature as present in the common things you and your brother encounter every day. And now that you're also aware of the logical reasons why these natural patterns and their indirect depictions have been cropping up in city dwellings, it must have been an exciting revelation for you! 😊
Indeed, it's a breath of fresh air knowing that, little by little, all the overwhelming parts of the puzzle are being pieced together. Just like stories, our innate connection to the natural world runs deep in our veins - humans are definitely wired to their environment. And it's these vital links to nature that have been chronicled by society, either directly or indirectly, since time immemorial, thanks to your curious observation and inquisitive mind.
I constantly strive to be as fundamental and reader-friendly as possible when dealing with educational topics of architecture and design. Because if I use too much technical jargon, I'd surely kill this post's purpose in the first place. You're most welcome, plus I'm extremely grateful as well for your sincere appreciation, support, and contribution! 😊
Greetings dear friend @jlufer. I'm truly grateful for your sincere admiration of this publication, as this is for mankind's ultimate benefit. As simple as the outlined methods may be, it would still require the authentic determination of people to act on these recommendations. Besides pure theory, there must be real applications present to eventually benefit from its positive effects. Rest assured by acting swiftly, we would all realize these endeavors by nurturing Mother Nature, also resulting in our own well-being. Have an enjoyable week! Best regards to your lovely family! 😊
Oh yeah, together we can make things happen for sure! "Be the change you want to see in the world", a famous quote by Mahatma Gandhi, is definitely applicable in this case. Here's to the better future of Planet Earth, mankind's one and only home for now. Spread love! 😊
Hello @apunawu, thanks for your appreciation! 😀