How to Design Experiences with Architecture: Inviting Entrance

in Architecture+Design3 years ago (edited)

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A Colonnaded Facade. Photo: © @storiesoferne

First impressions last. Like human interactions, the entry space of a built environment could either make or break a visitor's initial perceptions.

Let's continue our series of publications covering the various ways and means of creating valuable experiences through the powerful magic of architecture and design. In our previous post, we touched on the importance of a warm welcome in the various spaces we occupy. In this article, we are covering an equally crucial element: inviting entrance.

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A Typical House Entrance. Photo: © @storiesoferne

When entering houses, buildings, and other habitable structures, how do you access the interior? By nature, people are automatically drawn to the front door, street gates, or any easily available point of entry. While a few unique projects don't make their entrances visibly obvious by secretly hiding them from plain sight, the majority of these transitional passages are strategically positioned to allow the smooth flow of guests from the public to private realms of our constructed world. This process is absolutely crucial in achieving the desired effect of a welcoming entry.

Defining the Entryway's Role

Imagine a date with a romantic interest. In order for both parties to win the hearts of each other and get involved emotionally, should they not dedicate efforts to enhancing their physical appearances?


Before anything else, the outer characteristic of an individual is one of the most important considerations when meeting for the first time, isn't it? Call it a standard prerequisite before gaining a favorable impression from others. The same holds true for architecture plus the rest of the tangible universe.

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Protruding Entrance Foyer. Photo: © @storiesoferne

A welcoming entry entices you to be more curious about discovering the interior experiences beyond the exterior facade.

What does the interior ambiance look like? Is the inner sanctum as spectacular as its exterior design? Would my expectations be met after passing through the front door? These are the sorts of questions that affect a visitor's decision of whether or not to enter transitory points of places.

Types of Entrance Zones

Depending on the built environment's function, there are different types of entrances that serve their purpose according to the level of first impressions and emotional perceptions they provide to arriving guests and building occupants. In the architecture community, these are commonly known as the Regular Entrance, the Foyer, and the Service Access.

THE REGULAR ENTRANCE. This is a casual entryway that's typically not as spacious as a proper foyer. It typically comes in the form of a landing, hallway, or corridor instead of being defined by its own enclosure or room.

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An Attractive Entry that Lures Visitors. Photo: © @storiesoferne


These access points are where homeowners, landlords, and building administrators are used as secondary passages, yet are meant to serve as primary portals for visitors, guests, as well as the occupants themselves.

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An Ordinary Entryway. Photo: © @storiesoferne

THE FOYER. This strategic spot is more formal in nature than the other types of entrances. It's typically designed as an anteroom, minor lobby, or small reception area basically reserved to accommodate guests. Not only does the foyer serve as a temporary passage, but it also attracts visitors to other connecting rooms such as main living areas for homes, lounge spaces for offices, residential units, and hotels, plus other social locations.

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A Well-Defined Entrance Foyer. Photo: © @storiesoferne

THE SERVICE ACCESS. This entryway usually has a more utilitarian purpose and is exclusive for family members, building owners, and special occupants who don't need to access the front door. This particular room will typically be separated from the main entry, located away from the reception, and situated at the back of the house or building. Here, informal elements like storage for coats, shoes, and clothes are common.

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A Service Back Door. Photo: © @storiesoferne

All of the above entryways are meant to provide inhabitants, guests, and visitors the necessary comfort, convenience, or utility before transitioning into more secluded portions of the built environment.

In fact, these are the most appropriate moments where the effective tools of architecture and design come to play.

Architects, designers, and related professionals must craft exterior facades that offer hints, teasers or exciting previews that directly lure guests to the entrance, also providing them the opportunity of imagining what could be within the interior spaces of the buildings they visit. Upon entry, the feeling of a warm welcome and hospitable reception must also be established to ensure a smooth arrival experience.


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A Receptive Entrance Space. Photo: © @storiesoferne

A confusing, disorganized, and unwelcoming entrance will only cause havoc and will definitely repel guests. By creating a magnetizing entryway that's aesthetically pleasing, functional, and comfortable, these favorable activities and processes are set up for success.

As a result, a positive impression would serve its true purpose. And with that, you have surely triumphed in the initial steps of demonstrating an authentic hospitable experience.

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A Successful Access Point. Photo: © @storiesoferne

Techniques for Designing an Inviting Entrance

Now that you're already aware of the kinds of entryways in our physical surroundings, aren't you wondering what makes these relevant spaces click? How do we achieve the desired atmosphere for people to experience an inviting entrance? Here are some key elements, valuable factors, and pragmatic methods to be considered:

DESIGN A WELCOMING APPROACH. Viewing from the walkway, street, and other outdoor paths, wouldn't you be attracted to an entrance space that's visually appealing, compelling to the senses, and emotionally responsive? To achieve this, decorate the place with natural elements like plants, shrubs, flowers, and wooden finishes, use ample lighting, experiment with accent colors, play with dimensions of components, and be truly receptive

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Entrance with a Warm Welcome. Photo: © @storiesoferne

ALLOW A TRANSITION. Entrance passageways can take advantage of interior design elements such as textural walls in wood, paint, or other decorative material, a different floor finish, interesting furniture pieces, plant boxes, and accented artifacts that mark the threshold between the outdoors and indoors.


These materials necessarily don't need to be expensive as you can cheap resources splashed with creative thinking.

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A Transitional Space. Photo: © @storiesoferne

INSTALL A STYLE PREVIEW. Whatever architectural character you are using throughout your house or building, the entry space must also reflect these design qualities. For example, if your project uses lots of wood, metal, rustic furniture, and other industrial features, these exact materials must likewise be added to the entryway's overall ambiance. Replicating this mixture at the entry provides guests with hints of what's exhibited within.

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Sampling of Design Signature. Photo: © @storiesoferne

CRAFT AN ARTISTIC NARRATIVE. Because foyers, entryways, and transitional spaces are small in scale, doesn't mean you can't exercise a huge impact. From these points of access alone can you tell what kind of interior environments you're dealing with. If for instance, your entrances have a minimalistic vibe, you would probably expect the same design signature throughout the rest of the house, building, or establishment.

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Entryways Must Tell Stories. Photo: © @storiesoferne

USE THE IDEAL SCALE. A miniature chair in the midst of a luxuriously themed foyer is obviously a failed attempt in achieving the correct balance. To illustrate, if you design an entrance space that has a grandiose concept with high ceilings, then all related dimensions of incorporated elements like furniture, artwork, mirrors, etc. must also unite with the area's intended ambiance. Using contrasting items would only degrade the environment.

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The Proper Scale Matters. Photo: © @storiesoferne

When conceptualizing and fabricating an inviting entrance, it simply pays to be aware that creating initial impressions does not only mirror your fabulous home, office, or other relevant space but also showcases your significant personality.

Concluding Insights

We all desire our homes, workplaces, and buildings to be comfortably attractive to guests and visitors.


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The Entrance Reflects Your Authentic Character. Photo: © @storiesoferne

By mindfully designing these initial places of contact with the outside world, we also provide the opportunity for onlookers, passersby, and the public, in general, to be charmed by our captivating entryways. The plethora of design processes we've just discussed are simply some of the tried and tested ideas for realizing these inviting entrances. As those applicable concepts are not set in stone, it helps to be flexible and

open to future innovations triggered by research and developments in the ever-changing fields of architecture and design. A side study of social psychology would also tremendously assist architects, designers, or non-technical individuals who are revitalizing the critical connections between human behavior and the built environment. Without continuous learning, we are absolutely terminating our growth for good, aren't we?

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Entry Spaces that Create Lasting First Impressions. Photo: © @storiesoferne


#Hive, are you concerned about your front doors, entryways, and access points? What other useful methods could you add to our existing list of design processes? Feel free to share your interesting thoughts in the comments.


How to Design Experiences with Architecture: Warm Welcome



Architect | Environmentalist | Lifehacker | Adventurer
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Hello dear friend @storiesoferne. I wish you are well. I find it strange your absence on Hive, I wrote you a few days ago on twitter, well by X. Best regards!


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Hello dear friend @storiesoferne. An exciting lesson in architecture, design, symbolism and feelings, which from my humble point of view, I think can generate interesting debates. Possibly, modern architecture has evolved in a great way, gathering a series of concepts and philosophies, aimed at making life more comfortable and pleasant for future tenants. But not always, as you know, it is like that and in the past, I think that all this was applied to satisfy the relevance of the wealthy classes, the entrances of whose mansions and palaces introduced these elements, as well as the monumental staircase, which from the hall welcomed the visitors: a staircase that highlighted, due to the luxury of its design, the importance of the owner and at the same time also granted importance to the visitors. But as you know, most cities began as true beehives in which thousands of people crowded together, who in many cases could barely see the sunlight, much less aspire to a house or sometimes the simplicity of their rooms. , will have these favors of technique and design. I think the world continues to have this problem, although I admit that there are also privileged places that have everything you mention and even much more. Of course, this does not affect other types of civil buildings, both old and modern, where it is true that their façade already transmitted multiple and diverse sensations. As always, I congratulate you for such excellent work and I greet you affectionately.
Hola, estimado amigo @storiesoferne. Toda una apasionante lección de arquitectura, diseño, simbolismo y sentimientos, que bajo mi humilde punto de vista, creo que puede generar interesantes debates. Posiblemente, la Arquitectura moderna haya evolucionado de una manera grandiosa, haciéndose acopio de una serie de conceptos y filosofías, encaminadas a hacer más cómoda y placentera la vida de los futuros inquilinos. Pero no siempre, como sabes, es así y antiguamente, creo que todo esto se aplicaba para satisfacer la relevancia de las clases pudientes, las entradas de cuyas mansiones y palacetes introducían esos elementos, así como la monumental escalera, que desde el recibidor acogía a los visitantes: una escalera que resaltaba, por el lujo de su diseño, la importancia del propietario y a la vez concedía importancia también a los visitantes. Pero como sabes, la mayoría de las ciudades comenzaron siendo verdaderas colmenas en las que se apiñaban miles de personas, que en muchos casos, apenas podían ver la luz del sol y mucho menos aspirar a que casa o en ocasiones, la simpleza de sus habitaciones, contara con estos favores de la técnica y el diseño. Creo que el mundo continúa teniendo ese problema, si bien admito que también hay lugares privilegiados que cuentan con todo lo que comentas e incluso mucho más. Por supuesto, esto no afecta a otros tipos de edificios civiles, tanto antiguos como modernos, donde es cierto que ya su fachada transmitía múltiples y diversas sensaciones. Como siempre, te felicito por tan excelente trabajo y te saludo afectuosamente.

Warm greetings @juancar347. You have an important point. Architecture is definitely a broad subject and has tremendously evolved over the years. What may be the trend nowadays may not be applicable in the past. Because this creative industry is extremely subjective, we don't expect everyone to share the same opinions. Hence, what may be beautiful for one may not be appealing to another.

In the case of our human experiences with the built environment. again is not an exact science. Emotions, perceptions, and feelings vary among individuals. Thus the relationship with their physical surroundings may likewise be changeable depending on relevant factors such as the architectural character, color, lighting, texture, atmosphere, and design taste in general. The various ideas discussed in this post are based on current best practices by our professionals and serve as suggestive strategies. They are obviously not permanent. At the end of the day, as long as the homeowners, building administrators, occupants, and users are happily satisfied with their habitable spaces, that's what truly matters, isn't it? Thank you very much for expressing your valuable insights. Take care, my dear friend! 😊

The elevations are like the first impression! It truly makes or breaks the attention.
This was such thoughtfully written publication, keep sharing your wisdom and experiences dear @storiesoferne

Definitely my dear Sahiba @sahiba-rana. Facades and their entrances play an extremely vital role in exhibiting valuable first impressions to owners, guests, and the visiting public. That's why Architects and Designers are trained to fulfill such an important emotional aspect with the built environment. Thank you for your beautiful thoughts. Keep up the amazing contributions. Take care always. 😊

Oh yes, the front door is a kind of "face of the interior." I see a lot of architecture all the time, but the entrance is the face of any building. Whether it is a residential building, a monument of architecture or a religious site - the entrance is always the place where the eye is directed. Awesome architecture lesson @storiesoferne.

Thanks a lot, Everything you've said is on the spot. Certainly, the front door is the key to the heart of a home. or any building for that matter. Appreciate your beautiful remarks. Stay awesome. 😊

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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Please contribute to the community by upvoting this comment and posts made by @indiaunited.

Many thanks, @bhattg @indiaunited for the curation, and for visiting this post. Best regards. 😀

I love the foyer if I have extra money I will add an entrance like it to our house. By the way, welcome back, this has been another great publication and an interesting read where I again learned a lot about architecture. Have a nice day ahead.

Hello @afterglow. I truly appreciate your neverending support through your interesting comments. Indeed, foyers are valuable design elements in houses and similar buildings especially when you're hosting plenty of family members, friends, and other guests. These entry spaces would add more to the receptive quality and inviting ambiance of your environment, thus making them warm and approachable. It's always a pleasure to have you here. Thank you so much for welcoming me back. Cheers! 😊

Hi @storiesoferne you're always welcome. Good to have you back (^_^)

Always a delight @afterglow to serve you in our beloved community. All the best! 😊

Dear @storiesoferne , these architectural samples are spectacular in my student days, I studied them a lot in Art History, and they were always impressive. I wish you many successes.

Hello @omarrojas. I'm pleased to know that we share something in common, most especially in the field of the Arts. These fascinating subjects truly never cease to amaze us. Thank you for your sincere greetings. I wish you the best in everything as well. 😀

That's right @storiesoferne , Universal History and its topics on Art, are always in everyone's memory when we were students. You develop their painting, or you only exhibit about Art, my brother who is 80 years old is a painter and excels in art, especially in urban planning. Greetings. Always in touch dear. Out of curiosity, according to what I see, he is doing very well on Hive, I publish in general in the Fulldeportes community, especially on topics related to Yoga, which has contributed a lot to the recovery of my health, which was greatly affected. three years ago. Successes from Venezuela

Yeah, our student days make us nostalgic because art has always been dear to our hearts. I'm truly glad your brother, despite being in his senior years, still enjoys his passion for painting and urban planning. The exciting field of fine arts runs in your family. Perhaps he would love to share some ideas by publishing remarkable content in the Architecture+Design Community.

Moreover, my sincere admiration goes to you too for being a health-conscious advocate. Not only does Yoga provide physical healing, but also enhances your mental, emotional, and above all spiritual well-being. Thank you Omar @omarrojas for your beautiful message. It's a delight to meet you virtually. Take good care of yourself always. More blessings! 😊

Likewise for you @storiesoferne , I wish you much success in the community you manage. Certainly now, after I start doing yoga in the family, everyone is happy because with my 69 years of age they have seen a great improvement in my health, after being operated on in the cerebellum for a tumor 3 years ago with Gamma Rays, which I have overcome a lot, even thanks to Hive I have managed to pay all the expenses of medicines and MRIs, which in Venezuela is highly expensive. Successes.

Oh wow! Truly, your health is the real wealth. We are definitely in the right place. The Hive blockchain has surely revolutionized our lifestyles more so in the daily transactions for some distinguished Venezuelans like you. It's absolutely a tremendous blessing that this valuable platform was instrumental in assisting you with your medical expenses. Keep in touch and all the best to your healthy routines my friend. 😊

You @storiesoferne have not participated in the Fulldeportes community, it is very interesting because publications of sports, physical education and Yoga are expressed, I cordially invite you to show it in my publications on yoga and it is always good to interanalyze the opinions about what I publish, with the purpose of improving them. Greetings, you have a friend in Venezuela.

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Many thanks, @priyanarc @diyhub for your awesome curation and support. Best regards. 😊

This is an interesting read with a lot of lessons to be learned, especially about the most important phase in building architecture, @storiesoferne Keep it up sir!

Thank you very much @noble-noah for your valuable support. Happy to always serve great authors like you in our beloved tribe. Keep it up as well. 😊

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